Individualization of Human Substances

What takes place inside the human being during digestion of food and in the use of nutritional substances in the renewal of the body are not only physiological-chemical processes, because behind them human ego-organization, astral body, and etheric body are active. Through the destructive processes of breaking-down in the digestive tract these human members remove from food foreign spiritual forces, foreign astral forces and foreign etheric forces. The final outcome is a ‘dead’ mineral substance which is then absorbed into our blood and lymph and is gradually permeated with our own etheric body, own astral body and own ego-organization, before it becomes part of our organism. However, without proper activities of digestion it is not possible to perform a proper up-building of the body; this is due to the fact that we are receiving forces that enable activities of enlivening, ‘ensouling’, and individualising of substances which become part of our body from the activities of the breakdown in the digestive tract.

Introductory Reading:


Another World inside the Human Organism

In NUTRITION AS A BRIDGE TO THE WORLD there are presented three ways through which the outer world enters into the human being on the physical level: through sense impressions, breathing and nutrition. But we need to guard against the following widespread simplification: Usually "it is so easy to think that what exist in man's surroundings, what belongs to the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms and is then taken into the body, that these external material processes which are investigated by the physicist, the chemist and so on, simply continue on in the same way in man himself. However, this is not the case for one must be clear that inside the human skin and its processes everything is different from outside it, that the world inside differs entirely from the world outside. Any process that takes place outside in nature changes when it occurs in the human being; in the human being it is permeated with soul; it is spiritual." [1]

What does this really mean? "In contemplating man as a physical organism we must be aware that within this physical organism the other three members are working as formative principles and architects. But the formative principle of the physical organism works only in the physical part of man, in another part essentially the etheric body is active, yet in another part the astral body, and again in a further part man's ego is active." [2] This means that inside the human being only one part of him, his physical-mineral part is subject to the earthly laws, while other parts are subject to cosmic forces and laws. In NUTRITION AS A SUPERSENSIBLE ACTIVITY it is explained that "in the activity of nourishment the physical substances are worked upon by the astral and etheric" [3] And through the element of warmth, our ego-organization is also active in the processes of nutrition. [4]

For that reason we need to distinguish processes observed outside in nature from alchemical processes inside the human being – that is, physiological and chemical processes which are permeated with human ego-organisation, astral body and etheric body. [5] However, there is the middle ground, the place which we have inside us, but which at the same time still belongs to the outside world. This is our digestive tract, a long tube which runs through our body, but it is separated from our internal environment by the walls which we could call the 'inner skin'. [6] So when we have food in our digestive tract the food is inside our body, but it has not yet became the constituent part of it. Only after food substances pass through the walls of the small intestine into blood and lymph circulation do they really enter into our organism. This distinction we need to keep in mind when we compare the metabolic processes in the digestive tract with the metabolic processes inside our organism that is enclosed by the skin on both sides, the outer and the inner one. The skin is the border that is defining the extent of that which actually belongs to us as our physical body. All the rest belongs to the outer world.

Therefore we need to be aware that when we eat dishes of food "we receive them into our organism just as they are outside in surrounding nature – perhaps somewhat altered – prepared at most by cooking.  But our foods must undergo powerful changes within our organism so that they can satisfy our organism and become human, as it were, within it. What the foods become in us they could never become through outer processes. We can study the substances present in our food in the most different ways in chemical laboratories, but what happens to the food when we bring it into our digestive apparatus can never occur in the laboratory." [7]

What is it which enables "the foods to actually change into something entirely different from what they were at first outside?" [8] From the description of the Fourfold Nature of Real Foods it is evident that each food contains beside the physical substances known to modern science also other qualities which are a consequence of the presence of etheric, astral, and spiritual forces of the specific plant or animal species from which it originates. Now we will look at the processes in the digestive tract and inside the human organism which are contributing to the fact that there are evolving not only physical but also alchemical transformations of substances which we receive with our food.

Destructive Activities in the Digestive Tract

In WHOLEFOOD vs REFINED FOOD is available short summary of the breaking-down processes in the digestive tract from scientific perspective. Here is a spiritual-scientific explanation why all food that we eat need to go through all these destructive processes before it can be absorbed into our inner world.

1. Deforming: Destroying the Foreign (Spiritual) Forms of Food

If you compare the food in the mouth with what it was just a few minutes ago on the plate, then it is evident that we completely destroy the outward form of a dish, including the shape of food ingredients, such as shredded vegetables, pieces of fruit, and so on. Of course, this holds only if we have thoroughly chewed the food! Although in the mouth the first phase of the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates commences, it is evident that the main digestive function of the mouth is chewing, by help of which the dishes we consume are transformed into an amorphous mushy substance. We can observe how various foods lose their form to such a degree that it is very hard to recognise what has been eaten. This shows that our 'I' cannot tolerate anything which has a form that belongs to another living organism. By means of chewing the individual character of the plant or animal species from which the specific food comes is removed. This is an activity of our ordinary ego, the only conscious part of our ego-organization, in the breakdown processes of food.

2. 'Desouling': Removal of Foreign Astral Forces from the Food

In the stomach food is subjected to further destructive processes. Here the human astral body is active by the means of hydrochloric acid. The outcome of the chemical breakdown of food in the stomach is the removal of the foreign astral forces present in the food. This must be done because the human being cannot incorporate into himself astrality which belongs to other forms of life. The astral body is the carrier of soul life in human beings and animals, while in the case of plants astrality is active in the processes of blossoming and fruit and seed development – that is, in the processes which lead to the formation of plant protein. [9] For that reason the process of removal of the astral body from the food in the stomach can be also called 'desouling' – especially in the case of food of animal origin where is present much astrality. [10] This is an activity of our astral body, in cooperation with the unconscious ego-organization, in the breakdown processes of food.

3. Killing: Removal of Foreign Etheric Forces from the Food

The duodenum is another place where intensive breakdown processes occur; this time helped by digestive juices from the gall bladder and the pancreas. Science reveals to us that here the fats are broken down, while spiritual science reveals that here our own etheric body is busy with the removal of the foreign etheric substances and forces from our food. This activity is called 'killing' because the etheric body is the body which enables life, and its removal means death for any living organism, be it an elephant or a microorganism. In this case we have the transformation from a living substance to a 'dead' mineral substance. This is an activity of our etheric body, in cooperation with our astral body and unconscious ego-organization, in the breakdown processes of food.

Now we can summarize the above processes: "All outer substance which we take in has to lose its individuality. We cannot accept cabbage spin­ach, potatoes and all the rest (in the original form), for if we did, we would not be able to keep our own individuality intact. Therefore we break them down and destroy them. Both the astral and the etheric forces, both the sensitive substance of the animal kingdom and the living substance of the plant kingdom are broken down. They are destroyed so that the chyme is no longer living substance, or astral substance, but mineralised, physical substance." [11]

What happens next to this substance in "a pulpy condition, the chyme? It is conveyed forwards through the intestines. Whatever can form nutritious material for man is then passed into the body through minute organs called the intestinal villi, in order to serve as nutritive juices for renewing the body. This is one of the substances which we have in the body and which we call the chyle." [12] What is not useful for the body is excreted as faeces. Thus we can say that chyme represent the final product of breakdown processes which then separates into:

Constructive Activities inside Our Skin

One of the main results of destructive processes in the digestive tract is the transformation of the living organic molecules (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) into dead inorganic molecules (amino acids, fatty acids, etc) which can then enter our lymph and blood circulation. But our organism cannot use these substances as they are, we need to transform them again – this time in the opposite, constructive direction.

1. Enlivening: Permeation of Food Substances with the Etheric Body

In the small intestine the digested food in the form of chyme approaches the intestinal villi "which transmits the selected nutrients from the intestines into the lymph vessels and into the blood vessels. On this path a re-enlivening of the food must take place. The foods must first become dead in us and then must be enlivened again. We would not be able to tolerate in our human organism a continuation of that life which exists in the animal or plant from which we take the food. What we take in must be taken up by our own etheric body and enlivened again. Being re-enlivened means that (inorganic substances) are taken up by our own etheric body" [13] and permeated with our own etheric forces. Our body is a living organism which can use only living substances for its functions. But this time these substances are permeated with our own etheric body and not with foreign etheric bodies what was the case when food entered our mouth. This permeation is one of the key activities of our etheric body for the proper renewal of the physical body.

2. Ensouling: Permeation of Food Substances with the Astral Body

The next activity is the permeation of enlivened substances with our own astrality; in this manner the living substances are lifted into the realm of sentient substances. "Now it becomes necessary for what is taken up by our etheric body and saturated with oxygen to be inserted into the astral body. In this way you have what the human being takes in as food driven to the point where it is taken up into the astrality, the astral body of the human organism." [14] Only then can these substances be of use to us. If we had not first removed foreign astrality and now replaced it with our own, we would feel as if we had a 'foreign object' within us. This permeation is one of the key activities of our astral body for the proper renewal of the physical body.

3. Individualizing: Permeation of Food Substances with the Ego

The last activity the organism needs to do is to permeate the living and sentient substances with ego forces, to impress an individual stamp, so to speak, on each substance which is inside our body. "First we have the foods driven to the point where they are killed and then – in being pushed towards the lymph and re-enlivened – they can be taken up by the etheric body. Then all of this is driven into the astral body. Now the ego must also be engaged, however. Everything in our organism must be taken hold of by the ego." [15] This means that our ego-organisation must permeate all substances which will become an integral part of our body with its own forces. Only then our organism can use it in such manner that it can serve our individual being in the most suitable way. This permeation is one of the key activities of our ego for the proper renewal of the physical body. 

Where inside our inner world do these alchemical processes of metamorphosis of food take place and which organs participate in them? First "we must understand that man's inner organs – the liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. – represent centres which are permeated in a manifold manner by etheric and astral forces, and within which the ego-organization acts in different manners." [16] In the human body "there are certain organs which we have to recognise as being determined principally through the force-system of the ether body; and other which are determined, rather, through the currents or forces coming from the astral body; whereas yet again others are to a greater degree determined through the currents of the Ego." [17]

In occult physiology we can distinguish seven inner organs which are called the 'inner planetary system': heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, liver, gall-bladder, and spleen. These organs are participating in the alchemical processes of creation of human substances described above. "As soon as the lymph vessels have taken chyle up, it is led up­wards through the thoracic tract. The thoracic tract carries it up into the heart. From the heart it goes into our lung system, where it receives through the rhythmic system the enlivening qualities of oxygen. In this way the physical chyle is lifted into the realm of living substance. Then it is taken up by another system. At this stage, we cannot remain solely within the anatomical structure. The etheric, astral, and Ego spheres are inserted into different organs, but, as processes, do not terminate where the physi­cal organs do. [18] Everything connected with the kidneys and the cerebrospinal fluid is a kind of physical shadow of that process which now takes up the living substance and perme­ates it with the forces of nitrogen, making it into sensitive substance. Then another set of processes, which are repre­sented physically by the liver, the gall-bladder, and the spleen, raise it still further, so that, with the help of hydrogen, it becomes a substance which can carry an Ego." [19] Thus we can summarize:

Processes of Creation as a Reflection of Processes of Destruction

With the help of the above descriptions we come to know that "we take in only the actual mineral constituent from outer material substances. The human being actually must take nothing living, nothing astral, in from outside; what he takes in from outside he has to transform first within his own organ system in such way that it can be taken up into his own etheric and into his own astral and into his ego system." [21] Through these processes we are continuously renewing our physical organism, for our organs are exposed to continuous processes of destruction. For example, "such an organ as the stomach is completely destroyed in the course of seven or eight years. Its substance completely disappears and is always renewed again." [22] This activity can be recognised in the existence of catabolism and anabolism in the metabolic system. Inside our organism we are constantly exposed to the processes of breaking-down and building-up of the bodily organs and tissues.

This activity cannot be properly understood without consideration of the EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM and the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM. The knowledge of these streams enables us to see Destructive Activities in the Digestive Tract as part of the earthly nutritional stream and Constructive Activities inside Our Skin as manifestation of the cosmic nutritional stream. However, there is a very important law as to how these two groups of alchemical activities are connected through their supersensible forces. If we compare protein – one of the main food ingredients – with mineral in the form of salt we see that when "man takes salt into his body it is actually changed in no other way than that it is dissolved. In contrast, that which we have in a hen's egg and also in the plants – these proteins are immediately destroyed in the human body; they do not remain protein. Now however, man has used up the forces needed to destroy these proteins, and the consequence of this is that he again receives forces to produce his own proteins because he has destroyed proteins in food before. Thus he makes his own proteins. But he would not make it for himself if he had not before destroyed proteins" [23] he has consumed with own food.

Here we have the rule for the proper creation of our own proteins which are the main substance in our body. However, this rule is not valid only for activities on the level of the etheric body, but also for activities on the level of the astral body and the ego-organization. "Certainly, what we eat is important. But most of what we consume on a daily basis is not there to be absorbed into the body and deposited as substance. It is there in order to convey its forces to the body, to rouse the body to activity." [24] Therefore we arrive at an insight that through destructive activities in the digestive tract our organism receives appropriate supersensible forces which enable it to create substances out of cosmic ethers. Only in this manner are we capable of properly performing alchemical processes of enlivening, 'ensouling' and individualising of all substances which constitute our physical body.

For a complementary perspective see:



With the help of this nutritional principle we can understand the great importance of the activities of digestion. The materialistic approach to nutrition is focused almost exclusively on looking at the substances and their chemical breakdown. But the spiritual-scientific approach reveals the reasons why it is important to be nourished in such a way that we stimulate our innate forces which are active in the breaking-down of food in the digestive tract. Otherwise we can have all kinds of health problems and illnesses, not just in the digestive tract, but also in the working of the metabolic processes which are involved in maintenance and renewal of the body. In regard to this, especially dangerous are industrially made mixtures of basic nutrients which we only mix with water and consume. Although in this case the body gets all basic nutritive substances, it needs to be clear that the organism doesn't perform a lot of breaking-down activities on this. All that is needed is to dissolve these substances which can then be transferred to the blood and the lymph. [25]

Which foods are engaging our activities of digestion in the best way? First are wholefoods, which need a greater extent of breakdown activities than refined foods before the mineral nutrients become absorbed in the blood and the lymph. Second are natural foods which are not burdened with chemical residues and additives which interfere in the digestive tract by changing its chemical environment and thus hindering the normal breakdown activities. Besides this, natural foods contain a great deal more etheric forces which stimulate us to a greater extent in building up our own substance, as compared with conventional foods. In this regard, especially problematic are genetic modified foods and hybrid varieties of plants with low levels of life forces.

Besides refining we need to point out another aspect of modern food processing. It is fact that all modern industrial food is over-processed to such a degree that we need to employ only a small amount of our digestive forces for its breakdown. We can call such food 'pre-digested food', because it has been already 'broken-down', 'desouled' and 'killed' in the food factories to such degree that it can no longer nourish human beings properly – and all this due to the aim of making it comfortable to consume. But it is not always beneficial if we relieve human beings from their work, for what is at stake is the proper renewal of our physical body. We can renew it either in a way that serves our individual needs in the best possible manner, or in a way that hinders us from achieving what we want to become.

For the list of foods which stimulate breakdown activities at an optimal rate see HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID'.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 10.11.1923; Harmony of the Creative World,  Rudolf Steiner Press, 1945
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 13.12.1906;
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Stuttgart, 16.10.1923; Deeper Insight into Education, Anthroposophic Press, 1983
  4. Here one might object that we human beings are not aware of the activities of nourishment which are happening inside our organism, and for that reason our 'I' (ego) cannot participate in them. For an answer to this objection see the DOUBLE NATURE OF HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY. For the basic description of the link between the ego and the warmth see NUTRITION & SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.
  5. Our food is not only exposed to the chemical processes of digestion, but also to the physiological processes (i.e., physical processes inside a living being), such as chewing, moving from the mouth to the stomach, etc. When nutrients pass over through the intestinal wall we find again a combination of physiological and chemical processes that are involved in the maintenance and renewal of our body. For example, glucose in the blood travels through the body and only its arrival to the cells of a particular organ triggers the chain of chemical reactions which provide them with the energy.
  6. The structure of the skin of the digestive tract varies in different parts of it, but all kinds of skins have common features. One of the main functions of the skin is that prevents the consumed food substances from entering our blood and lymph circulation. Only in the small intestine is it possible for a part of these substances to pass over this hindrance. The same protective function is also performed by our outer skin.
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 22.10.1922; Spiritual Relations in the Human Organism, Mercury Press
  8. See above
  9. Whenever a living organism forms a protein, it can do so only with the help of nitrogen and its link to astral forces. But there is a difference between animal and plant protein due to the fact that in the animal astral body permeates its organism, while in plants the astrality works from outside. The link between nitrogen and astral forces is presented in the COSMIC ORIGIN OF LIVING SUBSTANCES.
  10. For the same reason as explained in the above note, much more astrality is present in animal food than in plant food which is in the most part composed from carbohydrates. Astrality is present to a small degree only in those plant foods which contain a lot of proteins, such as legumes, for example. In the food of animal origins, milk and eggs are exceptions because in their production the etheric forces of animals are active mainly. For an additional explanation see PLANT vs ANIMAL FOOD.
  11. Karl König, Earth and Man (chapter The Earthly & Cosmic Nutritional Streams), Bio-Dynamic Literature, USA, 1982
  12. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 6.01.1908
  13. See note 7
  14. See note 7
  15. See note 7
  16. Gerhard Schmidt, The Dynamics of Nutrition (Chapter 3), Bio-dynamic Literature, USA, 1980
  17. Rudolf Steiner, Prague, 24.03.1911;
  18. From a spiritual-scientific perspective each physical organ is a material expression of a specific combination of the etheric, astral and spiritual forces which are active inside and through it. The physical organ is as an 'anchor' for a specific supersensible field of forces, but this energy field can extend over the whole body and in this way influence events in other parts of the body.
  19. See note 11
  20. These organs are marked in the main picture by planetary symbols, because in occult physiology their supersensible links with the planets are recognised. These links are presented in BALANCING WITH SEVEN GRAINS.
  21. See note 7
  22. See note 7
  23. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 2.08.1924; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  24. Rudolf Steiner, Koberwitz, 12.06.1924; Agriculture, Bio-dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, USA, 1993
  25. Although such nutritional mixtures are not suitable for everyday nutrition of people, it doesn't mean that they cannot be used for limited time as a help for overcoming specific health problems and diseases. In the end all medicines are medicines only because the selected substances were, before that, suitably processed with the aim to help people with performing specific processes in the body which they were struggling with.