Nutrition and Self-Consciousness

Earthly nutrition provides minerals, which are essential for the existence of our physical body. Our ‘I’ has a special relationship with all minerals by the medium of warmth. Ego-organisation is engaged in all activities of minerals inside our physical organism, including activities of their transformation before they became part of our skeleton – our largest solid structure. Our bones don't serve only for obvious physical functions; they also serve as a ‘mirror’ in which our soul activity is reflected. This fact enables us to become aware of the existence of ourselves as individual beings.

Introductory Reading:



It is a historical fact that all mystery centres in the past – where the chosen individuals were subjected to the rigorous systematic training by means of which they have gained special spiritual capacities – had also special dietary rules. In the present times the question of the spiritual development became an affair in which everything depends on the interest and initiative of each individual. Now we cannot go into the reasons behind such a dramatic change, for it would demand good understanding of the occult explanation of the cosmic and human evolution. For the sake of this principle it will suffice if we focus on the question: What is the role of nutrition in the spiritual development of individuals in the modern time? Although this topic is very complex, we can gradually gain a basic understanding which will help us in the choice of suitable nutrition. For that purpose we will first look at the role of nutrition in the development and preservation of the modern human state of consciousness – that is, self-consciousness of one's own existence.

Ego Organisation – Warmth – The Mineral World

Nutrition belongs to one of the three basic relationships to the surrounding world. [1] Into our organism enters diverse substances via food and drink; one of the most important groups is the mineral substances – iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, carbon, silica, magnesium, etc. If we want to comprehend the relationship between nutrition and self-consciousness, then we need to know what kind of relationship exists between mineral substances present in our food and the 'I', the spiritual core of our being. For that purpose we need to turn to the results of spiritual-scientific investigation which reveal that "the ego-organisation stands in a special relationship with all that is mineral in man. Thus when you take in some mineral substance – for instance by putting some salt on your tongue – the ego-organisation will at once take hold of it. And even as the salt proceeds into the stomach the ego-organisation remains with it all the time. The salt goes still further as it undergoes various changes, passes through the intestines and goes on, but never will the ego-organisation leave your salt. They behave like two things which belong to one another – the ego-organisation and the salt that enters man.

It is quite different when you eat a fried egg or any other protein substance. The ego-organisation is only a very little concerned when you have a bit of fried egg on your tongue. Then the egg is broken down; it is made completely mineral within you. All life is driven out of it. It is destroyed within you. At the walls of the small intestines, the protein that you have taken in ceases to be protein and becomes entirely mineral. [2] Now it passes to the ego-organisation and from then onwards the mineralised protein is taken care of by the ego-organisation. So we can say that the ego-organisation only concerns itself with what is mineral, but everything that is mineral becomes something different in the human organism from what it was outside. Nothing must remain as it was when it was outside the human organism. It is the nature of the ego-organisation that it takes up everything that is mineral and transforms it completely. Not until we have died does the mineral again become the mineral of external nature. While we live on earth and carry mineral substances within our skin, our ego-organisation transforms them constantly. Man's ego-organisation thoroughly metamorphoses all that is mineral, not only the solid, but also the fluid, the aeriform and the mineral in the form of heat." [3]

These metamorphoses of minerals within the human organism – from the solid condition to fluid, from fluid to gaseous, from gaseous to the condition of warmth, and then in the opposite direction – are described in TRANSUBSTANTIATION OF MINERALS. Now we will focus on the question: By what means does man's ego-organisation perform these metamorphoses? For example, "what dissolves the salt on the tongue? The warmth which comes to it in the mouth. The saliva in which the salt dis­solves is almost at the temperature of blood. The Ego-organisa­tion lives in this vital warmth. The warmth is the instrument of the Ego-organisation whereby, during every moment of our lives, it holds the balance between hardening and sclerosis on the one hand and dissolution and inflammation on the other. Only in this way can we be truly human, not only in body but also in soul and spirit. And the mineral is the means whereby the Ego accomplishes this regulation." [4]

We can recognise here the spiritual task of balancing specific polarities within the human organism presented in THE ESSENCE OF HUMAN HEALTH. From the above description it is evident that this regulation is happening through the medium of warmth in cooperation with the minerals that enter with our food and drink. Thus we come to another reason which is shedding light on the huge importance of minerals in human nutrition. However, we need to put their effect in the link 'mineral – warmth/warmth ether – ego-organization' if we want to avoid the one-sided materialistic approach to the understanding of the role of minerals in the human organism. We cannot use minerals in such a manner that will serve both our physical health and our soul-spiritual development without the awareness of their link with the human 'I' through the medium of warmth.

The Solid Physical Body as a 'Mirror' for the 'I' and the Soul

The tasks and the effects of minerals in human body are multiple and multilayered. Now we will look at one of these tasks: the link between minerals inside our organism and the state of our consciousness. The spiritual development of individual human beings is intimately related to the development of the earth and the whole universe. In the various phases of earthly evolution there were considerable differences in the inner constitution of earth and man. [5] One of these differences is that "at the early stage in the development of the earth, man did not have any mineral substance in him. That which later condensed into his skeleton and that which permeates the blood and tissues as a human element were at that time filled with pure life processes. Only when the mineral kingdom was formed – when the solid, mineral earth as such came about – did man, as a physical being, incorporate mineral substance into himself. In this way, he actually became an earthly being." [6]

The main purpose behind this incorporation of minerals was the development of a new state of consciousness. "The Earth exists so that the human being could evolve as an entity aware of being an 'I'. The natural worlds evolved in the first four rounds [7] in order that in the fourth the human being would have self awareness, able to mirror himself consciously in the body." [8]

To be able to achieve this new state of consciousness, the human being needed help. And this help came, and is still coming, by means of earthly nutrition. "Food gives us something we have within us like a kind of inner chair. We feel ourselves, and in this way we become conscious of our ego in normal life because we have physical matter, physical substance in us. We feel ourselves in the same way as we do when we sit down on a chair. You feel the chair on which you sit pressing on you. And so you feel your body which continually presses on what you have made out of that which you have received from the world-all. When you are asleep you do not feel it because you are outside yourself. When you are awake you feel your body; it is a sort of couch that has been made for you, in some cases harder, if you are bony, in some cases softer. It is a kind of couch on which man lies down, and one feels difference between a soft feather bed and a wooden bench. Likewise man feels the difference between what is hard in him and what is soft. But this is not the real man, the real man is within." [9] The real man is the 'I' or ego – the spiritual core of each human being – and his soul, his astral body.

What is the role of the soul in this connection? If we look at the mineral substances in the body, we can see that "within the human organism there are warmth, gaseous and fluid elements, all of which the soul can penetrate. But there is something which the soul cannot penetrate. This is comparable to having objects on which light falls but cannot penetrate and is there­fore thrown back. Let us say we have a mirror; light cannot go through it and is therefore reflected. Similarly, the soul cannot penetrate the solid mineral [10] organism and is, therefore, continually reflected.

If this were not the case there would be no consciousness at all. Your consciousness consists of soul experiences reflected from the mineral organism. You are not aware of the soul life as it is absorbed by the warmth, gaseous and fluid organism; you experience it only because the soul life within the warmth, gaseous and fluid, is reflected everywhere by mineral, just as sunbeams are reflected by a mirror. The out­come of this reflection is our mental pictures.

When someone deposits too much mineral – mineral always takes on forms – then he produces a lot of mental pictures; he becomes rich in thoughts. If too little mineral is secreted the thoughts have vague outlines, like reflections from a faulty mirror. Or, said differently, when too much mineral is secreted, thoughts predominate and become very precise, and he who has them becomes pedantic. He is convinced of the rightness of his thoughts because they arise from so much solid, he becomes materialistic. When too little mineral is secreted, or perhaps too much in the rest of the organism but too little in the head, then the thoughts become indefinite and the per­son becomes fanciful or perhaps he becomes a mystic. Our soul life is dependent on the material processes taking place within us." [11]

Here we have an example of how the existence and the state of our solid mineral body affects our soul-spiritual state. We could not attain self-awareness if we didn't possess a physical body, which serves as a 'mirror' to our 'I' to recognise itself as a separate individual spiritual entity. If you concentrate on your own body you will notice that you feel yourself inside the borders of your physical body. Through inner perception of your own body you are aware of yourself as a separate being among other beings and things of the world. This very act enables self-consciousness. [12] Thus "it is through the physical body that the human being comes to full self-consciousness." [13]

The physical body is made solid in such degree as needed by the help of mineral substances which are provided by the EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM – not directly, but in cooperation with the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM. Thus we can understand the crucial role of dietary minerals for the proper development of the self-conscious human being. "Today, for example, by means of spectral analysis, all precious metals – i.e. not only iron but also gold, silver, etc. – have been found in grain. Thus wholegrain bread stimulates the human Ego-forces rela­tive to the highest, most noble minerals which are to be found be­tween the earth and the cosmos. Minerals thus provide the most extensive stimulation of the highest human activity – that of the Ego-organization." [14]

On the other side we need to be aware that there is a limit of how much mineral substances we can consume in the pure mineral form, such as table salt, sugar, and similar. The reason is that "the Ego – because it takes in minerals – not only has to dissolve them in the digestive tract, but also has to permeate them with warmth, even to raise them up to the level of warmth itself. This path is made easier and more accessible, however, when the plant has already taken the mineral a step further and has enlivened the mineral. If we had to take all the minerals we need directly from the inorganic world, the strength of our Ego would soon be exhausted. The edible plants help us to accomplish this important process toward becoming human because they take on part of our task." [15]

Here we have found a more hidden reason why plants are the main source of food for humanity taken as a whole. One of the main characteristics of plants is that they grow out of the mineral ground, absorbing various minerals and incorporating them into their own physical bodies. [16] However, the plants do this in such manner that minerals become part of their physical-etheric body; this means that minerals lose their inorganic nature and became permeated with the forces of the plant's etheric body – in other words, minerals become permeated with the life forces. Thus plants enable us to use minerals in such a manner which serve our proper development, including the cooperation of minerals in the establishing and maintaining of such spiritual state which enables us to be aware our own existence.

For a complementary perspective see:



This nutritional principle explains the huge importance of minerals in human nutrition. However, only a small amount should be in the solid mineral form, such as salt, sugar, baking powder, etc. The majority of minerals should come from plant food. Plants can provide a wide range of mineral nutrients under the following conditions:

That means that we need to consume a spectrum of various organic wholefoods if we want to cater for our mineral needs in the best possible way. The materialistic approach with its simplistic 'formula' that the lack of a particular mineral in the body can be solved by supplying it in its isolated mineral form doesn't take into account the fact that in this way we can very easy overburden our ego. The best way to provide minerals is to eat real food. This is the only proper way of stimulating the healthy level of activities of our ego-organisation. Minerals taken in isolated mineral form are like salt, and need therefore to be taken in very small amounts, if we want to keep our organism in the healthy state in the long run.

There is one group of foods which has been additionally 'mineralised' – that is, made more solid – through the way of preparation: bread and baked goods. Their crust and crunchiness make them especially attractive foods for modern human beings. But not all breads and baked goods are equal. The spectrum and amounts of minerals depends upon the quality of each process involved in the growing of grains and in the preparation of bread and other baked cereal products. For example, in Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal [17] cakes and pastries are considered as foods which do more harm than good. They go even so far as to claim that "generally, there are no cakes that can be considered to be good for you from a health point of view." This is no surprise, if you take into account the type and quality of standard ingredients in common products, such as white flour and white sugar. This can be compared with personal experience of more than a year long regular consumption of baked products from our bakery in Slovenia, including a lot of cakes and other sweet products, without any negative health consequences. The main difference was that we used mostly freshly ground wholemeal flours [18] and only natural sweeteners, such as barley malt extract, dry fruit, concentrated apple juice, etc. Our case proved that there can be healthy cakes, pastries and other sweet baked products.

For help to distinguish real from artificially mineralised food see HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID'.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Three basic links between the human being and the world are described in NUTRITION AS A BRIDGE TO THE WORLD.
  2. An explanation of the transition from proteins to mineral substances is given in INDIVIDUALIZATION OF HUMAN SUBSTANCES.
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 30.12. 1923; World History in the Light of Anthroposophy
  4. Gerhard Schmidt, The Essentials of Nutrition (Chapter The Mineral World in Nutrition: Spirit Activity in Earthly Matter), Bio-Dynamic Literature, USA, 1987
  5. The Earth went first through three stages which were repetitions of the previous cosmic stages of Old Saturn, Old Sun, and Old Moon. This means that in the first stage there was only the element of fire/warmth. In the second stage the gaseous substances came into existence. In the third stage the fluid substances came into existence. And only in the present stage did the solid substances came into existence.
  6. See note 4
  7. Four rounds refer to the Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and the present Earth stages of cosmic evolution.
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 9.06.1904; Awareness - Life - Form, Completion Press, Australia, 2001
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 18.07.1923; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  10. The original text used the alchemical term 'salt' which has been replaced in this quote with the modern adequate term 'mineral'.
  11. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 5.05.1922; The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution, Anthroposophic Press, no date
  12. This is, of course, the normal daily state of our consciousness. If someone is not able to distinguish himself from the beings and things around him, he is in an abnormal, atavistic state of consciousness. This state can also occur as a consequence of specific spiritual exercises which culminate in the so-called 'out-of-the-body' state of consciousness. But even in such a case the person needs to come back into his body to be capable of continuing with his earthly state of consciousness. Thus we see the importance of the physical body which enables one not to lose oneself among the myriad of other beings.
  13. Rudolf Steiner, Norrköping, 30.05.1912; The Spiritual Foundation of Morality , Anthroposophic Press, 1995
  14. See note 4
  15. See note 4
  16. The amazing ability of plants in their handlings of mineral substances is known to many members of the organic movement. For those unfamiliar with this aspect of plants, I recommend The Lost Language of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner (Chelsea Green Publishing, Vermont, 2002), especially the chapter Plants are All Chemists.
  17. Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal – An A-Z Guide to Safe and Healthy Eating, Reader's Digest, London, 1996
  18. Besides whole flour we used also 50:50 mixture of brown and wholemeal flour, with the aim to fill the needs of those consumers who had difficulty digesting wholegrain products.