Nutrition as a Supersensible Activity

The most important characteristic of a holistic approach to nutrition is that all nutritional activities and processes have both a material and a spiritual aspect. If we observe them by physical means we see physiological processes. If we observe them spiritually we see supersensible processes guided by various supersensible bodies. In the early phases of nutritional activity we are still dealing with physical processes; after that etheric (life), astral (soul) and spiritual (ego) processes play the most important roles. In the concluding phases of nutrition only supersensible bodies are active in the spiritual assimilation of nourishing substances which have been consumed.

Introductory Reading:


Physiological Processes as Supersensible Processes

In modern medical books we encounter a picture of the human being as an extremely sophisticated machine which needs to eat to provide energy and basic substances for renewal of itself. This is not so strange "when you consider the human being from a material point of view, for then you can really imagine him to be as he is pictured, namely, as nothing else than a great big apparatus of digestion, a sort of machine that eats and digests and builds up its body out of the substances it has received in eating and has elaborated in all kinds of ways. As a matter of fact you find the human being described in this way in books that are written from a materialistic perspective; the picture they give is little more than of a great digestive apparatus, that takes in food, works it up and distributes it to the muscles, bones, sinews, etc." [1]

However, "human beings are not primarily a creation of the earth. From the earth, only those forces are derived that are contained in matter itself. They are effective outside man and then continue their effects when, through eating and drinking, they have entered into the human being – but there they are received by something that is of an unearthly nature. The forces active in the foodstuffs come from the earth. Those streaming into the human being from all corners of the universe are the etheric forces. [2] Therefore, the processes that take place within the human being are by no means merely earthly ones; they are definitely something provided for out of supersensible worlds. It is this insight that human beings have to struggle to attain again." [3]

The goal of spiritual science is to provide a holistic picture of the human being and the processes of nutrition, for "whenever we consider the world from a spiritual point of view we always have to see behind every phenomenon of the senses a spiritual reality. What the senses can perceive is no more than the external appearance. And so behind all these coarser processes of the receiving and the elaboration of nourishment we have to look for spiritual forces, and these spiritual forces are to be found in the preponderance of the astral over the etheric body. This preponderance is expressed in the normal physical organic life-processes. If you consider the human being merely from the point of view of the receiving of nourishment, investigating what happens with the substances from the time they are received through the mouth until the time they are absorbed into the blood stream, then you have before you a material process which is the ultimate physical expression of the preponderance of the astral over the etheric body." [4]

For example, "if you put a piece of sugar into your mouth, it dissolves. This is a continuation of what sugar is in the outer world. Sugar is hard and white. You dissolve it, and it becomes liquid, viscous, and then undergoes further changes. The chemist speaks of chemical changes, but that is not relevant here. The sugar continually changes. It is worked upon and absorbed into the whole organism. There you have another kind of activity. This continues right into the rhythmic system, and then the rhythmic system takes over the activity of the digestive system. The activity of nourishment is quite different from the activity exercised when we move outwardly or, let us say, lift a weight. This activity of nourishment cannot proceed at all without the intervention, at every point of this activity, of the astral nature of the human being. The astral nature of the human being must permeate each indi­vidual part of this activity, of nourishment. The activity of nourishment can arise only if the astral body takes hold of processes that otherwise we have in the test tube (in the laboratory). There astral forces above all must be at work, and a fact that is usually not considered is that in this process physical forces no longer play a part. It is generally believed that in nourishment, for example, physical forces are at work. In fact, as soon as substances enter inside the human being [5], the physical forces cease to have their raison d'être; they are no longer active. In the activity of nourishment, the physical substances are worked upon by the astral and etheric. The physical effect of a piece of sulphur or salt outside the body has no significance within the body. Only the astral nature of a substance is seized hold of by the astral, and then the etheric-astral is the really active factor in nourishment." [6]

What about the role of human 'I' in processes of nutrition? Ego forces are involved in these processes by the fact that "the warmth organism is paramountly the field of the ego. The ego itself is that spirit-organization which imbues with its own forces the warmth that is within us, and governs and gives it configuration, not only externally but also inwardly. We cannot understand the life and activity of the soul unless we remember that the ego works directly upon the warmth." [7] We know that the whole human body is permeated by inner warmth which is to a great extent independent of the outer warmth and that digestive, nutritional and metabolic processes are evolving inside this inner warmth of human being. In this way, through the medium of warmth, our ego-organization has an access to processes of nutrition. [8]

Thus we can conclude that in the processes of nutrition we never deal only with physiological or chemical processes, but processes where are also active – in various degrees – etheric, astral and ego forces. This is one manifestation of the old occult principle: "Spirit is never without matter, matter is never without spirit." [9] Or, in other words: "All outwardly material phenomena have a soul-spiritual aspect, and all soul-spiritual phenomena have an outward material aspect." [10] This means that even a 'purely mineral process' is from one side physical, and from another side a spiritual process. For example, "let us suppose we have here a vessel filled with water. In the water, salt is dissolved, and the water becomes quite transparent. Because we have warmed the water, we have made a salt solution. Now let us cool the water. The salt precipitates, and we see how the salt condenses below and forms a deposit at the bottom of the vessel. That is the process for one who sees only with physical eyes. But for a person who can see with spiritual eyes, something else is happening. While the salt is condensing below, the spirit of the salt streams up through the water, filling it. The salt can condense only when the spirit of the salt has departed from it and become diffused into the water. Those who understand these things know that wherever condensation takes place, spiritualization also always occurs. What thus condenses below has its counterpart above in the spiritual, just as when the salt condenses and is precipitated below, its spirit streams upward and disseminates." [11]

If we study materialistic descriptions of processes of digestion and nutrition then we need to keep in mind that these are only one-sided truths. And if we strive to acquire knowledge of the other side – the spiritual side – of manifold nutritional processes then we can gradually gain more comprehensive understanding of nutrition. However, this cannot be achieved without effort, because the inclusion of etheric, astral and ego activities makes already complex physiological processes even more complex. But if we persist in the study of spiritual science we can gradually gain an understanding of how etheric (life), astral (soul) and ego (spiritual) activities relate to, influence, or interpenetrate the physiological ones.

The Aim of Supersensible 'Digestion' of Food Substances

If we take as a starting point the basic relationships presented in NUTRITION – HEALING – EDUCATION we can then follow the gradual metamorphosis of nutritional processes into supersensible processes of nourishment for human soul and spirit. The knowledge of this important secret of human nutrition existed already in ancient times. For example, in Upanishad we can find the following description: "Food when eaten becomes threefold: What is coarsest in it becomes faeces, what is medium becomes flesh, and what is subtlest becomes mind." [12]

This is confirmed by facts discovered by means of modern spiritual science. "The human organism is indeed such that at first in a particular location, that roughly speaking extends from the mouth to the stomach, it has somewhat modified processes than the outer world, but yet such that they can still be compared to the processes of the outer world. Then he has in all the processes that follow upon the stomach processes such processes that are indeed strongly different than the processes that take place in the outer world. And then he has processes in his head organization, which represent the exact opposite of what the nature processes are in the outer world. Thus the total organism of the human being, above all by means of the nourishment, must be stimulated in the appropriate manner." [13]

Now we can ask: What is the purpose of all this? Any attempt to find an answer to this question opens to us the most profound secrets of human existence. These cannot be understood without serious study of spiritual science. For the first obstacle is that "There are very many experiences which can be grasped in thought only with the greatest difficulty. We eat and drink every day by instinct or as the result of desire: but it takes a very long time, even for one who is undergoing spiritual development, to relate these things too to the spiritual life. In point of fact, everyday things are more difficult than any others to bring into relation with the spiritual life. In the case of eating and drinking we shall have achieved this only when we have discovered why, in order to serve the course of the world's evolution, we have to take physical substances into ourselves in a rhythmic process, and what connection these physical substances have with spiritual life. We then find that metabolism is not a physical process only, but by virtue of its rhythm also has in it something essentially spiritual." [14]

If we follow this indication we discover how important the element of time is in all processes related to nutrition. For example, we cannot eat once a week for the whole week, but we need – at least – to eat once per day. [15] "Let us say that today you have eaten your usual number of meals in the proper sequence. Your organism demands a repetition of them tomorrow. Not so the head. This acts according to another measure of time; it must wait seven days before the food taken into the rest of organism has proceeded far enough to enable the head to assimilate it. Supposing this to be Sunday, your head would have to wait until next Sunday before it would be in position to benefit from the fruit of today's Sunday dinner. In the head-organization, a repetition takes place after a period of seven days of what has been accomplished seven days before in the organism. All this the ancients knew intuitively and expressed by saying: A week is necessary to transmute what is physical and bodily into soul and spirit." [16]

For that reason nobody "expects any of you to allow your dinner to stand before you untouched, and appease your hunger merely through its attractive appearance. Life could not be sustained in this way. No! We must induce that process which runs its course in the 24-hour cycle, and which, if we consider the whole man, including the upper or head-organization, only finishes its course after seven days. But that which is assimilated spiritually – for it has really to be assimilated and not merely contemplated – also requires for this process a period seven times as long. Therefore it becomes necessary first intellectually to assimilate all we absorb. But to see it reborn again within us, we must wait seven years. Only then has it developed into what it was intended to be." [17]

We see that things are rather complicated, for there are more rhythms involved in the further supersensible 'digestion' of food substances within our organism, than we are usually aware of. For that reason "it is really extremely important that the human being arranges things so that he can really inwardly digest everything which he takes in as nourishment. It is especially important that one knows: the human being becomes strong if he properly digests what he has taken in as food." [18] The person properly digests food only when (s)he also inwardly digests what has been taken in as nourishment with his soul and spirit. Thus we can see that the aim of nutrition is not related just to the question of human health, but also to the matter of human spiritual development, and consequently to the big issues of human and cosmic evolution.

For complementary perspectives see:




With the help of this principle we can understand why scientific nutritional research cannot provide fruitful answers to the questions and problems of modern nutrition. All it can do is to provide the huge amount of detailed descriptions of digestive processes and metabolic pathways in the form of a map which looks like a map of a large city. [19] And without knowledge of spiritual purposes of all that, one can very easily get lost in the complex network of the metabolic pathways.

The main aim of this principle is to expand one-sided materialistic explanations of nutritional processes with the awareness that in these processes are active forces of etheric body, astral body, and ego organization. The specific descriptions of how these forces and bodies interact with the physical body and its processes are presented in further nutritional principles. From their content is also possible to find out what we need to do if we wish to be capable of properly digesting foods on both levels, on the physiological and the supersensible.

One needs to be aware that the existence of longer rhythms of spiritual assimilation of food substances can be perceived in two ways. One can feel powerless about what (s)he has done in the past and what will culminate in the period of seven years; or one can feel that (s)he has obtained with new knowledge an opportunity to amend the past imperfections or wrongdoings. The awareness about our very complex organisation gives us an inkling that there is never only one way to make positive changes. But for that purpose there is the following essential condition: the striving for true knowledge which inspires and enables us to improve ourselves, including our relationship to nutrition. Otherwise, things will not change in the way we would like to see them develop.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Hanover, 29.12.1911; The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit, www.rsarchive
  2. This doesn't mean that foodstuffs derived from the earth don't contain etheric forces. As you can see in the Fourfold Nature of Real Foods all food coming from plants and animals contain etheric forces. But the nature of these etheric forces working through the earth is different from the free cosmic ethers which work directly from the surrounding universe.
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 5.05.1921; Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1987
  4. See note 1
  5. 'Inside the human being' refers to the entrance of food substances into the blood and the lymph circulation. But between the outside and this inside we have the digestive tract, a tube running through the human body, where the outer world and the inner world of man meet via their substances and forces.
  6. Rudolf Steiner, Stuttgart, 16.10.1923 afternoon; Deeper Insights into Education - The Waldorf Approach, Anthroposophic Press, 1983
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 17.12.1920; Course for Young Doctors, Mercury Press, 1997
  8. If one wants to grasp the influence of ego on the unconscious metabolic processes, one needs to be familiar with the DOUBLE NATURE OF HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY.
  9. Source: meditative verse "Seek the truly practical, material life" from Finding the Greater Self by Rudolf Steiner (Sophia Books, 2002)
  10. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 30.11.1919
  11. Rudolf Steiner, Hamburg, May 1908; Isis Mary Sophia – Her Mission and Ours, SteinerBooks, 2003
  12. Quoted in Macrobiotic Cooking by Eunice Farmilant (New American Library, 1972)
  13. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 6.01.1922; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  14. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 28.02.1911; Background to the Gospel of St. Mark, Rudolf Steiner Press,  UK, 1968
  15. In Healing with Whole Foods (by Paul Pitchford) in the chapter 'The Nature of One, Two, or Three Daily Meals' is mentioned that "many Far Eastern spiritual practitioners eat one meal a day before noon." Of course, any rule in regard to the rhythm of daily meals is valid only for people who eat and not for those fasting. For more information about this topic see EATING vs FASTING.
  16. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 23.04.1920; Mystery of the Universe, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2001
  17. As above
  18. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 2.08.1924; same source as in the note 13
  19. You can visit the Kegg Pathway Database where you can look at extraordinarily complex "wiring diagrams of molecular interactions, reactions, and relations."