Plant versus Animal Food

The choice between food from the plant kingdom and food from the animal kingdom is a matter for each individual. The main factors which each individual needs to take into account are: goals in regard to their own spiritual development, moral values, inherited traits, and the quantities, quality, and supersensible effects of food of plant and animal origin. A meat diet stimulates development of our will in the direction of physical endurance, courage, and initiative for changes which make our life in the different earthly environments easier. The side-effect of this development is a high degree of specialisation in the domain of economic activities. Another side-effect is formation of prejudices based exclusively on personal sympathies and antipathies which are preventing people from expanding their spiritual horizons. A plant diet stimulates development of our thinking – our contemplative nature – and thus establishes conditions for real spiritual understanding of the world. The danger of an exclusively plant diet is that we can become extreme idealists without real connection to the earthly environment. The supersensible effects of dairy food and eggs are in between: they help us to unite with the earthly conditions and tasks, but simultaneously do not create additional obstacles in our striving for the attainment of universal view of the world.

Introductory Reading:


Supersensible Effects of Plant and Animal Food on the Human Being

The food we are consuming is coming from our environment. The original raw materials from which our foodstuffs are made are to a great extent products of nature. Even in numerous cases when we have an artificial product, the raw material is from a plant or animal source (e.g. high fructose corn syrup made from corn starch).  Therefore we need to look at what kinds and quantities of food ingredients have been usually provided from the four kingdoms of nature:

Usually plant food and animal food are compared in respect of their essential nutrients and consequently in respect of their impacts on the human health. However, there are not only physical substances affecting the human being, but also supersensible forces related with various substances, because "a mineral, a plant, or anything in our environment, is material only in regard to its one side. For spiritual science everything around us is the gesture of the spiritual, the expression of a spiritual element. Most certainly man stands in a relationship to nature through the fact that he takes into himself surrounding nature in a certain way and joins himself together with that which is in it. The question then arises: Through the fact that man thus consumes what is outside, does he not then become subject to these forces that work outside him? Is there a possibility that man can become free of this influence of his surroundings caused by foodstuffs, so that he can gain a certain power, a certain influence over the surroundings?

Man, in order to satisfy the needs of his organism in this regard, eats a so-called mixed diet. He acquires the main constituents of his nourishment partly from the animal kingdom, partly from the plant kingdom. Among our contemporaries today, many more prefer a mixed diet than a one-sided one, such as only an animal diet or only a plant diet. We must ask ourselves the question: How do the laws of the surroundings out of which man takes his food, stand in regard to the true forces and needs of the human organism?" [3] Only on the basis of knowledge of these influences can we then choose such a diet that is the most suitable to our needs. This includes also the choice between plant and animal foods.

In the introductory text FOURFOLD HUMAN BEING we can see how "man stands before us with three invisible members and one visible member, the physical body. If we look upon men in contrast to the plant, then we see the plant before us as a two-membered being. The plant has a physical body and an etheric body. We can also point to how the plant builds up its organism. It combines inorganic materials into its body. It has the power to compose its body out of single dead constituents in the most wonderful way. The light that streams to us for our delight and can also stimulate us in our soul, is at the same time the magnificent helper for the composition of the organism of the plants. Behind this process of the building up of the plant organism there lies a spiritual foundation, for spiritual science shows us increasingly that what appears for us as light is also only the external expression of a spiritual substance. Spiritual substance constantly flows into us through the light. What is concealed behind this physical light also appears in the astral body. In the sunlight it appears in its physical form, in the astral body, in an astral way. The spiritual substance contained in the light works inwardly in us in the building up of our nerve system. In such a wonderful way do plant life and human life work together.

Now let us suppose that the human being through nourishment enters into a relationship with the animal world. Then this matter is entirely different. The essence which he then takes out of his nourishment, the process, has in a certain sense already been carried out. What he otherwise takes out from the fresh and virginal plant has already been partially transformed, prepared in the animal, but in an incomplete manner. For the animal has already incorporated an astral body and a nerve system into itself. Thus man then takes up something which does not come to him virginally, but something that has already undergone a process which has already taken astral forces up into itself, and this man first has to overcome. What lives in the animal already has within itself astral forces that have undergone specific development. [4] Now one could think that through this, man would be spared some work. However, this is not quite right. Just think of the following: I make a house with various materials and implements. If I take the original materials and implements, then I can build the house entirely in accordance with my original plan. But let us now assume that three or four other persons have already worked on parts of it and now I am to make a single whole of this in accordance with my plan. Will this make my work easier? No, certainly not." [5]

If we compare the plant and human being we see that "in sunlight we have the same force which, in the nervous system, is active spiritually and manifest itself as carrier of consciousness. Thereby the plant world, which has its life by virtue of the external sun forces, and people and the animals, which build up their soul body out of inner sun forces, are lawfully related to one another." [6] By the help of this explanation we arrive to "the fundamental difference between nourishment from the plant kingdom and nourishment from the animal kingdom. Nourishment from the animal kingdom works in a very specific way upon the nerve system and therefore upon the astral body. However, with plant nourishment the nerve system remains untouched by anything external to it. Then to be sure, man has to be indebted to himself for everything in regard to his nerve system. But it is through that fact that no alien products stream through the functioning of his nerves, but only that which originates within him. Whoever knows how much is dependent upon the nerve system in the human organism, he will understand what that all means." [7]

In this case we consider the nervous system as an instrument which enables activity and development of the soul-spiritual forces of man. As the type of instrument defines the type of music, likewise we can see that we influence via EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM the composition and functions of our nervous system, the instrument for the development of our thinking. Therefore we should not be surprised that "whenever man elevates himself to the great overviews of existence, then he is not chained to common, passed-on tradition; whenever man regulates his life and existence from a freer and higher point of view, he is indebted for this flexible comprehension of the world to the nourishment from the plant kingdom. Wherever man lets his actions be guided by anger, sympathy and antipathy, or prejudices which show everything in a narrowly delimited light, he is indebted for that to the nourishment from the animal world." [8]

This doesn't mean that consumption of meat is something entirely negative. "On the contrary – animal nourishment was necessary for man and it is still often necessary today because man should stand firmly upon the earth inside the personal element. Everything that man has raised to the level of his personal interests is connected with animal nourishment. That there have been human beings who have had sympathy, antipathy, and sensual passion for one another, who have fought the battles, this originates from animal nourishment. However, that human beings have not been satisfied in narrow interests, that they can grasp more general interests, they owe to their relationships to the plant world in regard to their nourishment. The tendency is to go more toward the spiritual with certain peoples who predominantly consume plant nourishment; whereas other peoples develop more towards bravery, courage, and boldness – which are indeed also necessary for life. [9] These things cannot exist without the personal element and this element is not possible without animal nourishment." [10]

For an accurate understanding of this topic we need to be aware that both types of diet – plant diet and meat diet – have positive effects and some dangers as well. For a suitable choice one needs to take into account one's life goals and tasks and adapt one's diet accordingly. One also needs to take into account the inherited characteristics which may help or obstruct a person in the choice of whichever diet (s)he would like. However, one needs to know that human beings have inside them the potential to overcome even hereditary traits if one works consciously on the development of his individuality. [11] For that reason one should not start from the fact that "the teeth and digestive tools of the human beings are an intermediate thing between those of the ruminants and the carnivores and in this way nature itself indicates that human beings should eat mixed diet. We need to take into account also that everything in the world is in flux, in growing and becoming. Not how man looks today, but what he can become tomorrow is the real concern. If the human being will go over to plant nourishment, then the organs that correspond more to meat eating will recede, and those organs will be further developed that are necessary for plant nourishment. We have to take into consideration what things were like in the past and what might happen in the future." [12] Of course, changes of this sort cannot happen overnight. What is important is that we choose the path we really want and then start to implement gradual changes that are leading towards the set goal.

Supersensible Effect of Dairy Products and Eggs on the Human Being

Now after we have gained a basic understanding of the effects of the consumption of plant versus animal food the legitimate question arises: What are the supersensible effects of dairy products and eggs on the human being? Although milk comes from animals it does not have the same effects as animal flesh. The reason is in the fact that "milk is a product which in its production in the animal is primarily involved with the etheric body; the astral body participates only to a minimal degree. Indeed, in the first period of his life, a suckling babe can only live from milk. Everything that he needs is in it. In its preparation the milk is only in contact with the astral body to a limited extent." [13] It is similar in regard to the chicken egg because "it is excreted by the mother-being from its own organism. A similar process accompanies this 'gesture' of excretion from within, as in the formation and excretion of milk. This process includes renunciation of the animal astral forces and restoration in the realm of life forces" [14] which are active via proteins present in the egg and milk.

There is a different supersensible effect on man in the case of meat than in the case of milk and eggs due to the fact that the latter are related more with etheric than astral animal forces. Dairy food contain forces "which binds him, as it were, to the Earth, to our planet; it connects him with the human race on the Earth as a member of it, belonging to a common family. All that is carried into the human organism through milk prepares man to be an earthly human creature, it unites him with earthly conditions, but it does not really chain him to the earth. It makes him a citizen of earth, but does not hinder him from being a citizen of the whole solar system.

It is different with animal-food. Animal-food which is taken from the kingdom that is specifically earthly, and which is obtained not, like milk, directly from the life-processes of the human or animal living being, this animal-food chains man specially to the earth. It makes him into a being of earth, so that we have to say: To the extent that a human being fills his own organism with the effects of animal-food, he deprives himself of power to become free from the earth at all. Through animal-food he binds himself in the highest degree to the planet earth. Whereas milk renders him capable of belonging to the Earth as the temporary scene of his development, animal-food condemns him – unless he is uplifted by something else – to make his sojourn on Earth permanent, a residence to which he adapts himself exactly. The resolve to live on milk diet means: 'Though I will stay on the Earth, and fulfil my mission there, I will not be attached exclusively to the Earth.' The will to eat meat means: 'I so pledge myself to the Earth-existence that I renounce all spiritual world, and prefer to be wholly and solely engrossed in the conditions of earthly existence.'

It would facilitate the whole evolution of a man's life if he could refrain from eating meat. On the other hand, serious consequences might ensue if a person were to become such an extreme vegetarian that he avoided milk and all milk-products. [15] In avoiding milk and all milk-products, a person may very easily acquire a love of striving to get away from the earth and lose the threads uniting him to his human tasks upon the earth. In order that we may not become too eccentric when striving for psychic development, in order that we may not become estranged from human feeling and human effort on the earth, it is well for us to load ourselves in a certain way like travellers upon the earth, by the use of milk and milk-products. Such person will thereby relate his organism, his physical sheath, to the earth and to humanity, but not chain it to the earth, and weight it with earthly existence, as he would were he to enjoy meat." [16]

People have a choice because each "man has the potential to break out of the rigid nutritional requirements which rule in the animal world. Man can select his nutrition according to his stage of development, his race, his constitution, his country, and finally his individuality." [17] But for that purpose we need to take into account the evolution of humanity throughout various cultural epochs with various forms of nutrition. Our nutritional needs were not the same in the past and will not be the same in the future. While in the past the consumption of meat was necessary for stimulating the instinctive life of the will, in the future "progress will consist in this: the human being, in so far as the supply of protein that he needs is not prepared within him, in human nature itself – he will limit himself in regard to animal nourishment to that food not irradiated by passions, such as milk. Plant nourishment will in the future increasingly occupy a larger portion in human nourishment." [18] This means that we live now in the transition period when we are gradually passing over from the mixed diet based on plant and animal foods to the plant based diet of the future epoch that will be based exclusively on the plant food.

Now we can summarize the supersensible effects of animal and plant food on the human being. [19] First we have food of animal origin such as meat and meat products. They have the following impacts on man:

Then we have food of animal origin such as milk, dairy products, and eggs. Such foods have the following impact on man:

Finally we have food of plant origin which exerts influence on man in the following ways:

For a complementary perspective see:



Now we can return to the initial question: "How must the nourishing of man be formulated, so that he can become free of the coercion from foodstuffs so that he can consistently be lord and master over what goes on within himself?" [20] If we want to find the proper practical answers then it is not enough to focus one-sidedly on the physical aspect of food, but we need above all to take into account the supersensible effect of plant and animal foods on human body, soul and spirit. For that we need to be aware that impacts of such nature as described in this nutritional principle are general impacts which can greatly vary from person to person due to his/her level of spiritual development. Because of this it is a logical conclusion that each person must have individual choice in regard to his/her own style of nourishment, taking into account his/her specific characteristics and circumstances.

The general rule in regard to these circumstances is: If one is capable of adopting a vegetarian diet and still continues with eating meat (because of habit or pleasure), then such a person doesn't develop all his potentials and thus suppresses his development. And if one adopts a vegetarian diet without simultaneously engaging in his own spiritual development, then such a person can also harm himself. [21] This is one case when dietary choice becomes the choice between two different life-styles. There are the following choices on the ladder from mainly animal to exclusively plant nutrition which lead toward greater independence from the outer world:

In recent times we are witnessing the promotion of protein based diets, such as the Atkins diet and the Palaeolithic diet, which exclude the main sources of carbohydrates, such as grains and grain products. [22] The problem with these diets is that are based on a materialistic perspective, not taking into account the spiritual effects on the human being. Although there are still people who – because they belong to the groups with a long tradition of meat consumption – cannot completely abandon meat consumption, we need to understand that we live in the transition period from meat to plant diet. For that very reason everyone should try with all that is in their power to minimise consumption of meat as much as possible. But this also cannot be more than general advice in order to stimulate people to find out for themselves what is their own minimal amount needed.

In regard to an exclusivelyplant diet – such as in case of a vegan diet – we have the same problem: a materialistic approach with no consideration of the supersensible effects of food on the human being. Although the main reason for adopting this diet is very positive – the compassion for the suffering of animals – it will not automatically bring positive results if we don't take into account personal circumstances. For it doesn't matter only that one wishes to lessen the amount of sufferings of animals which is a consequence of mainstream food production [23], one must also have enough power to live an active life in the physical realm without the support of dairy foods and eggs. In the contrary case one can seriously endanger own health and even own spiritual progress.

Here we need to mention another issue: promotion of veganism on the basis of stories of people who have dramatically improved their health with the transition from vegetarian to a vegan diet. In such cases people don’t take into account all possible impacts – such as quality of food, quantity of specific foods, personal food biography, unique individual needs, etc. – before ascribing a healing effect solely to the exclusion of dairy products and eggs. And even when it is undoubtedly true that in the cases of some people the choice of vegan diet is the best choice, we cannot transfer such a conclusion to all people.  And last, but not the least, one needs to know that there exists an option to eat relatively small amounts of dairy products, but not consume milk. This can be the best choice for another group of people.

In this way we arrive to the middle path – to the vegetarian diet – a diet of predominantly plant foods with an addition of dairy products and/or eggs. With the help of this nutritional principle we can recognise the spiritual background for the emergence of millions of vegetarians in the last decades in predominantly meat eating societies, especially in the affluent societies of western and northern hemispheres. This is a sign of the times which shows that many people intuitively feel the right impulse is to make a step further towards the exclusively meatless diet. [24] But even this path is not without dangers. The main danger is that one-sided "vegetarian life without spiritual striving leads to illness" [25] such as harmful forms of eccentricity, dogmatism, and fanaticism. Without an active spiritual life one might be better with continuing to eat meat – of course, not in such excessive quantities as is the habit in modern societies.

Finally we need to stress the great importance of food quality which is not the same for foods coming from the conventional or natural food production. This is especially important in the case of meat, dairy and eggs that are coming from industrial animal husbandry. In such cases we are dealing not only with harmful remnants of various chemical substances used in their production, but also with the negative energetic patterns of the stress of animals that accumulate in their astral and etheric bodies. Eating such meat products on the regular basis must contribute something to the modern phenomenon of depression which is regarded as one of the ‘plagues’ of the modern time. For these animals live the most miserable lives among all sentient beings on planet Earth. For sure such food cannot contribute to the wellbeing of people who eat it.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. There is a considerable difference in the quantities of mineral substances which were in use before the emergence of chemical engineering and after the ascent of the modern industry of food additives which are often of mineral origin, or they are so mineralised that they can be counted as a food of mineral origin. In spite of this these quantities are still small in comparison with the quantities of plant and animal food.
  2. In this group there also belongs the practice of cannibalism. You might be surprised to hear that "less than two hundred years ago cannibals and cannibalism were not that hard to find" when people travelled around the globe. But the reason is not so surprising for those who are familiar with the nature of supersensible influences presented in this text. People who practised cannibalism believed that eating human flesh would transfer "the qualities which human body had only recently possessed – its power, courage, wisdom, sexual potency, youthfulness." Due to the moral progress of humanity we today regard this practice as pathological. Source of quotes: Nathan Constantine, A History of Cannibalism, Arcturus Publishing, London, 2006
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 17.12.1908; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date (modified text with the help of quotes from the same lecture found in Dynamics of Nutrition; see note 6)
  4. When we survey the animal kingdom we can notice that each animal species has specialised to such a degree that we can say that each animal is a master inside its own specific environment. This means that each animal species also has specific astral forces which suits its own nature and which are active via animal instincts. Here we have a link as to why animal food stimulates in the human being those astral forces which lead toward great specialisation of his skills. The negative side effect is narrow-mindedness in a person's thinking, if a person simultaneously doesn't nurture an active interest in the riddles of world existence; this serves as a counterbalance to the specialisation.
  5. See note 3
  6. Gerhard Schmidt, The Dynamics of Nutrition, Bio-dynamic Literature, USA, 1980
  7. See note 3
  8. See note 3
  9. In the past man needed courage to conquer and master the physical world; now we need the courage to think and start free initiatives based on real insights about the spiritual background of the world phenomena.
  10. See note 3
  11. This notion of spiritual science is confirmed by recent scientific discoveries which have found that a change of diet and other life-style changes affect our genes and even the genes of our offspring in a negative or positive direction – depending on what we consume or do.
  12. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 22.10.1906; Nutrition, Rudolf Steiner Press, Forest Row, UK, 2008
  13. See note 3
  14. Gerhard Schmidt, The Essentials of Nutrition, Bio-dynamic Literature, USA, 1987
  15. The expression ‘an extreme vegetarian’ must be comprehended in the context of the existence of two polarities or extremes: of eating only plant or only animal food. If one knows what one really wants and is able to withstand it, then even extreme choice can be the right one. Of course, one needs to know especially about the supersensible impacts of various foods – which is nowadays still a very rare phenomenon due to the dominant materialistic approach that recognises only the impact of this or that substance in a specific food.
  16. Rudolf Steiner, The Hague, 21.03.1913; The Effects of Occult Development,
  17. See note 6
  18. See note 3
  19. There are many more differences between animal and plant food from a spiritual-scientific perspective than can be dealt with in this text, for they would demand a whole book.
  20. See note 3
  21. There is one book, The Meat Fix, that is describing experiences of the author John Nicholson whose health dramatically improved when he abandoned his 20-year long practice of vegetarian diet and started to eat meat again. Of course, if he possessed the knowledge presented in this nutritional principle, he would know the real reason for his improvement of health and he would not blame vegetarianism.
  22. There is a doubt that there actually exists any exclusively meat diet, for even the Eskimos’ traditional diet included some plant foods, such as berries of specific bushes, etc. And in our time it was found that a tribe in Africa, which still lives as a pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer society, has 60% of food from starchy tubers. Besides, “microscopic images of the teeth surfaces shows that the Homo Erectus (the first human ancestor) did not eat just meat but also the most varied diet, depending from the place and food availability.” (Source: Dr. Alice Roberts, Origin of Us – Guts, BBC, October 2011). This means that promotion of an extreme meat based diet (such as the Atkins or Palaeolithic) is one of the modern dietary fads. What is not addressed is the question of the quality of the carbohydrate foods which are excluded. It is most probable that the grain products people were consuming were of very bad quality and therefore their exclusion was a good thing to do. But the promotion of the predominantly meat based diet goes in the wrong evolutionary direction – with it we move back to the past instead into the future!
  23. The amount of unnecessary suffering endured by animals is reduced in organic farming to a large extent, although not in such measures as would be necessary if organic standards were in accordance with one's own ethical values. For example, organic standards still allow the painful and unnecessary removal of cows horns (while biodynamic standards prohibit it). The reason is very prosaic: less trouble with cows hurting each other in the enclosed spaces. Because of this the supersensible effect of organic milk and dairy products is more earthly than it should be; it is evident that organic farmers are not aware that cows' horns serve as the receptors for the cosmic forces which cows need to live in accordance with their archetypal spiritual nature.
  24. Because of the 'animal spirits' ruling in the market economy we are confronted with the opposite development: expansion of the average meat consumption per person, not just in the those countries where meat is the part of traditional diets, but also in the countries where a vegetarian diet is widespread (such as India) or where meat was traditionally only occasionally on the menu (such as China).
  25. Rudolf Steiner, quoted in Dynamics of Nutrition (see note 6)