Cosmic Nutritional Stream

The cosmic nutritional stream provides substances for the metabolic-limb system. Activities of the metabolic system – growth and renewal of the body – and the movement of the limbs are the result of the cooperation of earthly forces and cosmic substances in the form of warmth ether, light ether, sound (chemical) ether, and life ether. These cosmic ethers enter through our sense organs and by the air we inhale. The endocrine glands serve as the pathways for the inflow of these ethers into the metabolic-limb system. In consequence we are built up and continually renewed from the invisible cosmic substances which are gradually condensed into substances which compose our physical body.

Introductory Reading:



Cosmic Ethers as Cosmic Substances

According to the COSMIC EVOLUTION OF SUBSTANCES there exists the crucial polarity between the development of earthly and cosmic substances. Thus we have on the earthly side four elements – fire, air, water and earth – and on the cosmic side four ethers – warmth ether, light ether, tone or chemical ether and life ether.

From this polarity it is clear that cosmic substances which enter the human being through the nerve-system and breathing must be cosmic ethers. It is also logical that cosmic ethers can be in a state of substance or they can work as an energy, as is also the case with physical substances. In the case of the cosmic nutritional stream, ethers enter the human body as substances, and contribute to the building-up of our metabolic-limb system.

To understand the nature and activities of ethers is not easy, for they are exactly opposite to physical substances. For example, physical substances are visible, ponderable, and measurable, while etheric substances are invisible, imponderable, and immeasurable. Physical substances are subject to the forces of gravity, while etheric substances are subject to the forces of levity. Also, while physical substances comprise the dead mineral kingdom, etheric substances enable life processes in all living organisms.

Recognition of the polarity of cosmic and earthly substances and forces can be found in several Eastern creation stories. For example, in a Japanese story there is a description of how out of the primeval unified universe there occurred the separation of lighter elements, which floated upwards and formed the high plain of Heaven, while the heavier elements settled and become the solid Earth.

In recent decades, science also discovered that the universe is not just an empty space with stars and planets, but that it contains so-called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy'. According to scientific calculations, they constitute the majority of the universe. It is estimated that less than five percent of the universe is ordinary matter; the rest is dark matter and energy. [1] The existence of these non-physical substances and forces is now scientific fact, but their nature is veiled in a shroud of mystery. It is evident that materialistic science is crossing the border into the etheric realm, but without proper understanding of what is being encountered there. [2]

Nourishing Through the Sense Organs and Breathing

It is a fact of life confirmed by science that we are continually replacing old substances in our body with new ones. However, "when after a definite period of life you find a different substance in any member of the human organism, then this has never been precipitated out of the ordinary digestion. The ordinary digestion in terms of substance, merely supplies the nerve system, merely the inner construction of the nerve system, merely the building blocks of the nerve system. Through the activity of the nerve-system, in connection with the breathing, the substances are then taken up out of the cosmic surroundings in extraordinarily finely distributed conditions, which are then fitted into the organism by the nerve-sense organization and, in terms of substance, replace that which is eliminated.

That through which man is again newly built up after a certain period of life, that comes with the breathing, and even with a fine absorption of the outer world through the senses, into the human organism. Thus, if one considers the human being properly, one will have to say from the beginning: the exchange of substance is the most intimate inner work of the human organism itself. Participating in the building up of the human being are both, the rhythmic organism and also the nerve-sense organism." [3]

Accordingly "we do not merely take up substances through the mouth, but we also take up materials from the air through the breathing process. In what we inhale there are contained very finely distributed nourishing substances. And we live not only from what we eat, but also from the finely distributed nourishing substances that are in the air and which we inhale." [4]

Thus "all substances that the human being has within him are generated by him. That which the human being takes in (in the form of food) is merely for supporting him, for igniting him. In truth, the human being generates the substances that he needs from out of the universe. All substances are in the universe in a very delicate distribution. Everything is in the universe; iron for instance is in the universe. Man not only breathes it in, he also gets it into his body through his eyes and ears. And the iron that man eats is only there for supporting; he excretes the larger part of it. If man, namely, were not dependent between birth and death to live upon earth and therewith to also carry out earthly manipulations, then he would not have to eat at all, because he could attract all he needs from out of the universe." [5]

The substances that are distributed in the universe in a very delicate condition are, of course, the substances in the etheric condition. As is explained in the COSMIC EVOLUTION OF SUBSTANCES any substance found on the Earth or in the surrounding universe can exist in the seven conditions: in solid, fluid and gaseous state, and in the state of warmth ether, light ether, sound or chemical ether, and life ether. This enables us to understand why we feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after spending a whole day on the coast at the sea or in some other pristine natural environment, where the quality of the air and the quality of sense impressions is outstanding. For in the natural environment cosmic ethers are present in greater measure and these nourish us on the supersensible level via senses and breathing.

Inflow of Cosmic Ethers through the Endocrine Glands

According to scientific evidence the endocrine glands, with their hormones, are extremely important for the overall state of the human organism. One of the common characteristics of these glands is that they are relatively small, and also that the quantity of hormones which they excrete is minute; in spite of this they have tremendous effects on metabolic processes in the body. For example, the pituitary gland, in cooperation with the hypothalamus, regulates the activity of most of the other endocrine glands. It also excretes growth hormone, which has multiple effects; e.g. it stimulates growth, regulates aspects of metabolism in many organs, and stimulates protein synthesis. The absence or improper quantity of any hormone produced by the endocrine glands can cause either death or serious malfunction of the physical organism.

The sexual glands as the final endocrine glands have the special task of enabling reproduction of human species. When an egg (provided by the ovaries) and a sperm (provided by the testes) combine we get the very beginning of a new physical body.

According to the spiritual-scientific approach, we regard endocrine glands, with their hormones, as evidence for the existence of the cosmic nutritional stream. They regulate the activities related to the inflow of cosmic ethers into our metabolic-limb system. This is the reason why hormones have such impressive effects on the state of the human body.

"The primary receptive organs of cosmic nutritional stream are the skin, the sense organs, and the respiratory organs. The ether, streaming in through our senses, carries light, sound, and life. In the sphere of our senses we actually inhale warmth; and in this inhaled warmth, light, sound, and life are contained. Two streams, the warmth which carries light, sound, and life, and the inhaled air, meet and finally settle in what science describes as lymph. This cosmic stream carries light, sound, and life as it descends, and in descending it leaves the light behind in our head where it becomes our inner light. The sound is left behind to change into the inner activity of our rhythmic system. The life goes right down into physical substance, and this is what really fills and nourishes us.

Where in our body do all these processes take place? The keys to understanding the deeds of substance – the flow of the cosmic nutritional stream, and the rising up of the earthly nutritional stream – are the so-called endocrine glands. The hormones which they produce are very im­portant elements in the household of the human organization." [6]

The Human Body Renewed out of the Universal Ether

"As human beings we eat. In this process, we bring substances from the outside world into our own organism. However, we also transform these substances. We start transforming them in our mouths, and continue to do so as they move through our whole organism. In the process, what we take in passes over into our whole organism. Furthermore, science tells us that, just as we take matter in, we are also continuously losing matter to the outside. Just think for instance of your nails and your hair. Starting from this shedding you can easily observe how the human body constantly loses matter. In fact, it is well known nowadays that the human being loses matter in this way all the time, and in fact is completely rebuilt in the span of about seven years.

For instance, each one of you has a heart. Science tells us that the physical material of this heart renews itself every seven or eight years. For all practical purposes, every nine years you get a new heart. You might think that all the matter that went to build up your heart was gathered bit by bit from the cabbages, potatoes, and other vegetables, the cherries and plums and so on that you enjoyed eating over the years. But this is not what happened. Essentially the heart that you carry in your body has very little to do with any matter you ate. The heart that you carry today arose, in fact, in a most mysterious way out of the ether that, over the past seven or eight years, you have drawn in from the cosmos. Your heart has not been renewed during this period by physical matter. Your heart renewed itself out of the cosmos. Your heart and other organs are renewed out of the ether. You did not remake yourself from the earth at all, but from the cosmos.

Here materialistic conscience – which each of us has to have – will protest: 'But nevertheless we all ate! We all took in external matter, as a result of which inner processes took place.' Yes, but these deeper processes are not as closely related to your deeper human essence as you believe. The substances that you ate have already been disposed of in the various ways in which human beings dispose of matter. They have passed through your organism, but without uniting in any essential way with what you are. They constituted only a stimulus. We must eat for processes to take place within us that stimulate us. And insofar as they stimulate or goad us, our etheric body becomes active – the etheric body that is connected with the cosmos, not with the earth. What happens to the consumed, digested, metabolized foods are processes that create a stimulus so that a counterforce – the etheric process – can arise in you. The matter that enters into me and is physically transformed stimulates my old heart. But I myself make my new heart out of the world-ether.

In essence we human beings regenerate ourselves out of the cosmos. Of course, we do not find the physical materials that we can then find in the heart in the cosmos. This is because they are so diluted, so subtle that they are not detectable by physical means. They are etheric. The dense matter of the heart that appears at a certain age has condensed from the universal ether." [7]

In another description of the same process there is the explanation of how the invisible etheric substances condense into visible tissues of our body. "The substance of the metabolic-limb system – the system which brings together the processes of digestion and nourishment, and the inner combustion which enables a man to move – is not derived from the Earth. Improbable as it may sound, you bear within your metabolic-limb man something which is not of earthly origin but consists wholly of substance from the world of the spirit. You may say: 'But I can see my legs; they are physically perceptible, which they would not be if they consisted of spiritual substance.' This objection is quite justified, but there is something more to be considered.

Your real legs are indeed spiritual throughout; your real arms too; but the material for them is provided by your head. The head is the organ which fills spirit arms, spirit hands, spirit legs, spirit feet, with substance; and this substance penetrates into the spirituality of the limbs and of the digestive organs. So that something which in reality belongs entirely to the spiritual world is permeated, flooded, with physical matter by the head. For in reality we go about under the imprint of higher worlds, with spirit legs, spirit arms, and it is only the head that fills them with physical matter. [8]

On the other hand the forces, the activity, for all that makes up the metabolic-limb man are drawn from the physical world. If you make a step forward or lift an arm, the mechanism involved, and even the chemical processes that take place in moving an arm or leg, or the chemical processes in the digestive organs – all this activity is earthly. So that in your limbs you bear invisible substance, but forces drawn from earthly life. In our limbs we are built up entirely from heavenly substance; but the forces playing into this heavenly substance during our life on Earth are earthly forces – gravitation and other physical and chemical forces all belonging to the Earth." [9]

We need to keep in mind that in the whole visible human organism we have everywhere the interplay of the physical and the etheric body – as is the case with plants. If we focus on these two bodies of the FOURFOLD HUMAN BEING we will find that in the nerve-sense system (in the head), the physical body is stronger than the etheric, and in the metabolic-limb system (abdomen and limbs) the etheric body is stronger than the physical. If it were not the case there would be no growth and regeneration of the body as we can witness in the case of plants. And as plants take in mineral substances from the earth, we also receive them from the outer world. However, these substances are dominant in our head, while in the lower part are dominant invisible etheric substances which build the organs of metabolic system and limbs. [10] These organs and tissues are visible to us only due to the ‘mineral pigments’ that permeate our etheric body.

For a complementary perspective see:



With the help of this nutritional principle we can understand the great importance of sense impressions involved in the act of eating. The most important are:

The essential aspect of all these sense impressions is that their quality can be quite different: real, natural food will produce quite another quality of sense impressions from that of modern adulterated food. The fact that many modern human beings can like such food is one additional piece of evidence for the loss of eating instincts which is quite a widespread phenomenon in modern societies. [11]

Besides the quality of food, also important are all other sense impressions created by the environment which surrounds us at meals. Good quality natural materials and a beautiful eating space are much better for good cosmic nutrition than plastic materials and an ugly eating space. One could say that in many modern situations people suffer not just form junk earthly food, but also from junk cosmic food. This is evidently the case when people eat in front of the TV, which has become a widespread habit of the modern life-style.

Last, but not least, of importance is our personal attitude towards food and eating. If someone regards food as fuel then he will deprive himself of some of the more subtle aspects of cosmic nourishment. But if someone else really understands the significance of nutrition in relation to cosmic development of humanity, then the person will have an utterly different attitude. The atmosphere at the table can be further enhanced by a table verse – especially when we eat in the company of other human beings who share in our deeper and more respective attitude towards food. [12]

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. According to scientific calculations "dark matter accounts for 23% of the mass-energy content of the observable universe; in comparison ordinary matter accounts for only 4.6% of the mass-energy content of the observable universe, with the remainder being attributable to dark energy." Source: Wikipedia/Dark Matter, March 2012
  2. Materialistic scientists are constantly trying to explain everything they encounter with the concepts which are taken from the physically perceptible world. This goes to such extremes that they have, for example, already calculated the most likely mass of single particles of black matter, in spite of the fact that it is not physical!? This means that they simply lack proper ideas and concepts to understand that they encounter something completely opposite to physical matter and energy – the world of etheric substances and forces.
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 31.12.1923; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  4. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 24.09.1924; same source as above
  5. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 19.01.1924; same source as in the note 3
  6. Karl König, Earth and Man (chapter The Earthly & Cosmic Nutritional Streams), Bio-dynamic Literature, USA, 1982
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 20.07.1923; What is Anthroposophy?, Anthroposophic Press, 2002
  8. The statement that the head fills the lower body with physical matter is an obvious contradiction to the core message of this nutritional principle – that we build up our entire organism from the cosmic ethers. This contradiction is resolved when we become familiar with the processes of the TRANSUBSTANTIATION OF MINERALS. With the knowledge of the inner alchemical transformations undergone by all substances that are incorporated into our organism we can see that both statements are correct!
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Penmaenmawr, 23.08.1923; The Evolution of Consciousness, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1991
  10. The situation in the chest is more complex for in the rhythmic system everything flows together: cosmic forces, cosmic substances, earthly forces, and earthly substances – alone and in a variety of combinations. This is to a certain degree explained in the texts Metamorphosis of Food into Inner Rhythms of Man and Psychological Development: From 21 to 42 years.
  11. There is plenty of evidence about this phenomenon in books such as In Defence of Food by Michael Pollan and End of Overeating by David A. Kessler. For a better understanding of the underlying reasons for the loss of eating instincts in the present time see LOSS OF HEALTHY EATING INSTINCTS.
  12. There exist several table verses given by Steiner and other anthroposophical authors as modern substitutes for traditional religious graces before the meals. For some of them see TABLE VERSES.