Food as Source of Energy

Food does not only contain nourishing substances but also vital forces which stimulate activities of our metabolic system. Food’s vital energy stimulates seven life processes which are in their essence etheric activities that maintain all life functions inside our body. This stimulation is happening through the activity of ‘killing’ – that is, removal of the etheric forces contained in food which afterwards enables ‘enlivening’ – that is, stimulation of activities of our own etheric body. Only in this indirect way can outer life forces promote inner life forces.

Introductory Reading:


The Nature of Life Energy in Our Food

The main source of food for animals and humans is plants. Plants have a physical and an etheric body. The etheric body is also called the life body, because it is the source of all life functions. One can see the innate nature of the life body if one observes the plant world. Plants can grow, reproduce, and they have an amazing capability to regenerate themselves.[1] Plants also "remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, using carbon for their bodies and eliminating as waste oxygen of fresh air," [2] thus maintaining the life supporting atmosphere of the Earth.

Plants grow out of mineral earth; although they thrive best in the living soil, they can grow also high up in mountains and in deserts where is very little organic matter present in the ground. Even the fertile soil contains only a few percent of humus; the majority is mineral substances such as clay, sand, silt, etc. [3] Thus we can say that dead mineral substances are the basis for growth of plants; in this process they integrate into themselves minerals and with the help of sun create carbohydrates, fats and proteins which serve the nutritional needs of animals and humans alike. Plants thrive in diverse natural and climatic conditions; they never become ill because of inner causes – as is the case with animals and human beings. They can become ill only because of improper outer causes, often by the help of human beings who breed them contrary to natural laws and force them to grow in unnatural, artificially created environments. [4] Wherever we have so-called 'wild nature' we encounter vibrant, abundant plant life which provides the ground for a thriving life of extraordinarily diverse animal forms. Therefore we can say that the plant kingdom is the 'tree of life' of the natural world!

The quality and strength of the etheric forces in plants are dependent on the quality of seeds and soil, climatic conditions, and upon the various methods of growing. The quality and strength of the life forces in our food can be observed indirectly from the following characteristics:

Seven Life Processes of the Human Organism

What we have in common with plants is our etheric body. This body is constantly active in us, keeping us alive throughout various periods of our existence. "If we look more closely at this life, it also proves to be differentiated. There is not just one life process. First of all there is breathing, a manifestation of life necessary to all living things. Every living organism must enter into a breathing relationship with the external world. The second process we can distinguish is warming. This occurs along with breathing, but it is a separate process. Warming, the inner process of warming something through, is the second of the life-sustaining processes. The third process that sustains life is nourishing. So here we have three ways in which life comes to us from without: breathing, warming, nourishing. The outer world is part of each of these. As long as we are considering the life processes in their earthly aspects, something must be there to be breathed – in the case of humans, and also animals, that substance is air. Similarly, we need food to nourish us.

At this stage, the life processes take us deeper into the internal world. We now find processes that reform what has been taken in from outside – processes that transform and internalise it. The purely inner process that is the basis of the reforming of what we take in from outside us can be seen to be fourfold. Following the process of nourishing, the first internal process is the process of secretion, of elimination. When the nourishment we have taken in is distributed to our body, this is already the process of secretion; through the process of secretion it becomes part of our organism. The process of elimination does not just work outward (when we excrete urine, sweat, etc, out of the body); it also separates out that part of our nourishment that is to be absorbed into us. Excretion and absorption are two sides of the processes by which organs of secretion deal with our nourishment. One part of the secretion performed by organs of digestion separates out nutriments by sending them into the organism. Whatever is thus secreted into the organism must remain connected with the life processes, and this involves a further process which we will call maintaining. But for there to be life, it is not enough for what is taken in to be maintained, there also must be growth. Every living thing depends on a process of inner growth: a process of growth, taken in the widest sense. Growth processes are part of life; both nourishing and growth are part of life.

And, finally, life on earth includes reproducing the whole being; the process of growth only requires that one part produce another part. Reproduction produces the whole individual being and is a higher process than mere growth. There are no further life processes beyond these seven. Life divides into seven definite processes." [7]

In the first three life processes we are dealing with an inflow of outer life into our body. The first two processes – warming and breathing – belong to the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM. The process of warming refers to the entrance of warmth ether through our sense organs and associated nerves. The next life process, nourishing, belongs to the EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM. As you can see in the CREATION OF HUMAN PROTEIN, these two nutritional streams work together with the aim of enabling the formation of proteins inside our body.

The main organs which are active in the life process of secretion are the endocrine glands (which serve as the doors for the entrance of the cosmic nutritional stream into the metabolic system) and the liver (with its multiple secretory functions which play very significant roles in metabolic processes). The last three life processes – maintaining, growing, and reproducing – encompass metabolic activities on the level of cells, thus providing and sustaining a suitable physical vehicle for the human being to live an active life on Earth.

All these life processes belong to the anabolic, building-up processes [8] of our organism which enable our body to grow from a fertilized egg into an adult human being and later on to constantly regenerate. These life processes are stimulated to a great extent by the intake of food into our organism.

Vital Forces in Food Stimulate Life Processes of Our Body

Life processes are stimulated by the amount of life energy in our food. Although the amount of vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals are a good indication of the vitality of the plants, life energy should not be confused with these material substances discovered by science. These substances namely have chemical formulas and therefore belong to the mineral kingdom. But behind these chemical structures are active etheric substances and forces. These are the true source of the great impacts of vitamins, enzymes, etc. [9]

If one constantly eats food with weak life forces, one becomes progressively weaker. If one eats food with strong life forces, one develops more energy, under the condition that one can receive them in suitable manner. We should not forget that one needs to be capable of properly managing all substances and forces which enter through eating, otherwise one can get sick. [10] This means that either too little or too much life force can lead to health problems. As the serious lack of life forces leads to illness, so too "the surplus of life forces leads to illness." [11] Health is the question of balance between outer influences and our inner power of transformation and establishment of suitable balance.

We also need to know that the life energy which is present in our food is not taken directly into our own etheric body, because "in the whole intestines a very important thing takes place for the human organism, an extraordinarily important thing. This extraordinarily important thing is this, that everything which passes through the stomach into the intestines must be killed, and when it then comes into the lymph glands and the blood it must be enlivened again. That is the very most important thing that one must understand that the human being at first must kill, and then again re-enliven, the nourishment he takes up into himself. The life from outside, taken up directly into the human being, is not of any use within the human being. Everything that man takes in, he must kill through his own activity and then again re-enliven. This one has to know. Ordinary science does not know this and therefore it does not know that the human being has the power of life within himself. Just as he has muscles, bones, and nerves within himself, thus he also has an enlivening power, a body of life-forces within himself." [12] In other words, the human being has an etheric body within himself.

The process of 'killing' means the separation of etheric and physical parts of food substances. "When we eat plants we absorb not only their chemical constituents, not only the actual substances of the plant, but also the etheric life forces; but we must destroy them completely during the process of nutrition. When feeding on a living substance it is necessary for man to kill it completely within himself. He must therefore extract the etheric from the plant substance." [13] The outcome of this activity is that we obtain pure mineral substance – that is, dead mineral substance that we absorb into the organism.

The process of 'enlivening' means the permeation of the mineral substance which has entered into blood and lymph circulation with our own etheric forces. In this way we get living substances which are capable of serving life processes in our body. [14]

It is crucial to overcome the widespread materialistic notion of how we get energy – either as 'fuel', or through 'charging our batteries'. Here we see that we do not get energy directly from the life energy of plants or animals, but through our activity of overcoming the vital energy of a plant or an animal. As our muscles can be strengthened by overcoming the resistance offered by the world – either by fighting an opponent, or by overcoming of gravity, or by any other physical activity – so our digestive 'muscles' can be strengthened by overcoming the resistance of the etheric forces present in our food. For "the organism is a relationship of activities. The essence of the organism lies in action, not in substance. The organization is not a relationship of substance, it is an activity." [15]

For complementary perspectives see:




This fundamental nutritional law explains the reason why natural food with stronger etheric forces is promoting our vitality and why junk food with very low etheric forces is weakening people and making them sick. In fact, people in affluent societies have lost their healthy eating instincts to such an extreme degree that they can eat food which is almost dead in regard to the amount of life forces. However, because it still retains strong stimulating effects they still enjoy it.

See FOOD vs STIMULANTS for the explanation of the essential differences between nourishing and stimulating effect of the food.

In DEVELOPMENT OF NEW EATING 'INSTINCTS' you can find the description of how we can enhance our sensitivity to the existence of life forces in food we consume. However, if we want to develop such a skill, we need to eat living food. This we cannot do if we accept the one-sided approach of modern science which provides nutritional information in the form of the list of ingredients, for there is no entry for the amount of life forces in the food!? This is not something the modern nutritional science has yet recognised as real; the dominant approach today is talking about this or that material substance in food which is causing this or that to the human organism. [16] If we want to provide ourselves with vital food before we develop our own ability to perceive it, we need to know which methods of food production contribute to the strengthening or to the weakening of the life forces in the food and then on this basis choose the food.

Methods which contribute to the weakening of life forces (in various degrees):

Methods which contribute to the strengthening or preserving of life forces (in various degrees):

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Only plants and some simple animals, like starfish, are capable of growing back the lost parts of themselves. An example of this regenerative capability is demonstrated by those plants which can grow back to their whole form from a piece of their trunk 'planted'  into the soil.
  2. Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, What is Life?, University of California Press, 2000
  3. We cannot go into exploration of the very complex and fascinating relationship of plants and microorganisms. The fact is that in the case of microorganisms we are encountering the manifestation of life forces on the level of single cells, while in the case of plants and animals we have organisms composed of millions of cells. For that reason it is no surprise to discover the extraordinary importance of microorganisms for the life of soil, the plants, animals, and human beings
  4. We can trace the origin of many illnesses in the plant world back to consequences of human interventions or pollutions. But even when we look at such an extreme disaster as occurred in Chernobyl, we can see the power of plants to overcome the consequences of human destruction after a few decades: in the area which is still closed for people because of too high levels of radioactivity in the soil plants are thriving and creating wild landscapes reminiscent of the protected natural parks.
  5. For more information about the importance of good seeds see Open Pollinated Seeds Website.
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 12.08.1916; The Riddle of Humanity,
  8. Metabolic processes are divided into two groups: anabolic (building-up) processes, and catabolic (breaking-down) processes.
  9. For an explanation of the relationship between material and supersensible see Spiritual Forces Active behind All Nutritive Substances.
  10. For better understanding of the reasons behind this condition see FOOD AS 'POISON'.
  11. Rudolf Steiner, Prague, 17.04.1914
  12. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.09.1922; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  13. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 22.03.1923; Nutrition and Stimulants, Bio-Dynamic Farming & Gardening Association, USA, 1991
  14. The wider context of this process is presented in INDIVIDUALIZATION OF HUMAN SUBSTANCES.
  15. Rudolf Steiner, source unknown
  16. One-sided focus on material substances is prevalent also in many modern ‘holistic’ schools, especially in those from the United States. This approach which relies on scientific discoveries of specific substances in particular foods and their effects on the human organism can be called a 'materialistic-holistic' approach to nutrition in comparison to the truly holistic approach which investigates the inter-relationships between physical and soul-spiritual aspects of nutrition in a similar manner to that done on this website.
  17. For more information about the negative impacts of hybrids see Open Pollinated Seeds Website.
  18. For the explanation of the immense importance of good quality seeds see Open Pollinated Seeds Website
  19. This recommendation should not be taken as a recommendation for exclusively or predominantly raw food. For more about this topic see RAW vs COOKED FOOD.