The True Nature of Nutritive Substances

The real essence of nutritive substances – proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals – is not in their chemical structures, but in the nature of spiritual forces active behind them. These substances have an effect because spiritual forces enter our organism after we have eaten them. These supersensible forces are providing our organism with life by the medium of proteins, are bringing the supersensible form of the human being by the medium of carbohydrates, are filling us with material substances via the cosmic nutritional stream by the medium of fats, and are enabling the activity of thinking by the medium of minerals.

Introductory Reading:


Spiritual Forces Active behind All Nutritive Substances

The science which investigates human anatomy and physiology has revealed that the structure of the human body has several layers, of which we see just the outer one, the human body itself. But inside the body we can find five additional layers of structure:  [1]

Natural science has succeeded in discovering an enormous amount of knowledge about these physical structures of our organism, and about the metabolic-chemical pathways which are happening all the time inside the human body. Besides this there is available a great amount of data about the chemical composition of foods and how their ingredients influence the development and activity of various cells in our organism. However, all this knowledge does not enable us to understand the riddles of human nutrition. This is possible only when we start to comprehend the spiritual forces working behind all nutritive substances. For "we must, of course, be quite clear that the spirit is a reality; but if spirit is to be an active power on the earth, it must work in the earth's substances. In spiritual science, therefore, we must be able to perceive how the spirit works in the various substances. Otherwise it would be like saying: Oh, but we are spiritual people and machines are entirely material; we do not want anything material, therefore we shall not buy iron or steel but make machines entirely out of spirit. That, of course, is sheer nonsense! Substance is absolutely essential. The spirit working as the creative power in nature needs substance." [2]

The modern tendency is that food is investigated from the perspective of its material composition only, while much less attention is given to the ratio of quantities of nutritive substances and their effects on the human being. For example, science lists vitamins among physical substances, although their main characteristic is that, in spite of being present in very small amounts, they have extremely powerful effects on the life functions. In spiritual science vitamins are not regarded as physical substances, although they have links with mineral substances which science calls vitamins. [3] Vitamins are etheric substances, as they are  enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, etc. These etheric substances are working inside the living organism – composed from the physical and the etheric body – in such a manner that they create links to specific physical substances. But it must be clear to us that we are in the etheric sphere whenever we deal with extremely small quantities of substances with powerful physiological effects.

Therefore spiritual science distinguishes in our food only four groups of nutritive substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals. However, "the essential point is not whether a potato, or cabbage, or corn is composed of such and such percentage of carbohydrates. For a true physiology of nutrition all that is irrelevant. What we really need to know is how these things actually work within the human being. Behind everything material there is the spiritual, also behind nutriments. With them we do not only take up what is materially spread out before our eyes, but with them we also eat what is spiritual behind it. Through the nourishment process we enter beyond this or that material substance into connection with this or that spiritual substance that stands behind it." [4] Although the nature and relationships of spiritual substances and forces are not simple, for they are mirroring the great complexity of the structures and substances working in the human physical organism, we can get first glimpses of their true character through the knowledge of what is their main task in the relationship to the body.

When we investigate proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and mineral substances we need to keep in mind that they belong to the lowest layer of the internal structure of human being – that is, at the chemical layer where we find numerous molecules made from the elements from the periodic table. As is explained in INORGANIC vs ORGANIC SUBSTANCES science doesn't make a distinction between inorganic and organic molecules, except in regard to their size. But when we observe proteins, carbohydrates and fats we have already passed the threshold between the dead inorganic realm and the realm of life. Although also these molecules contain chemical structure composed by atoms of various elements, this structure is permeated by an etheric body which is composed of etheric substances of four ethers. This enables them to participate in the life functions of all cells in the living organism.

The Nature of Spiritual Forces behind the Living Molecules and Minerals

Now we will look at the nature of spiritual forces working behind the living molecules – proteins, carbohydrates and fats [5] – and behind the mineral molecules and elements that enter the human being by means of nutrition.

Proteins as Substances that Enable Life

We will start our survey with proteins. "The presence of protein is essential from the very outset. It is present in the egg before a human being or an animal comes into existence. We can therefore say that protein is the substance which really builds up the human body and is the basis upon which it develops; it is the primary and fundamental substance out of which everything else in the body must unfold. Protein is present in the mother's womb as a tiny egg; the fertilisation of the egg enables the protein to become the basis of the human body. But man needs protein all the time; it must be a constituent of his regular food. If his organism contains too little protein, or he cannot thoroughly digest it, he will gradually waste away; but if at any moment of his life he were without protein he would immediately die. Protein is essential both for the beginning of existence and for man's very life. Absence of protein means death." [6]

Thus we can regard proteins as substances which carry forces of life. This is not hard to see if we look at the presence and function of proteins in the living organisms, especially in the animal and human realms – life is not possible without their presence. However, the statement that we are threatened by death if we are any moment without proteins, makes sense only if we set it in the context of the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM by help of which we create all substances needed by our body out of cosmic ethers that are continually entering us via sense organs and breathing. In the process of the CREATION OF HUMAN PROTEINS our organism therefore doesn't use nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur from the food, but it obtains them from the air we breathe in. [7] And we all know that man can stand several weeks without food, several days without water, and only limited amount of minutes without air before he dies. This means that we can be without proteins in our food for much longer than without proteins which we ourselves need to constantly recreate out of cosmic ethers.

Carbohydrates as Mediators of Human Form

The spiritual nature of carbohydrates is more challenging to comprehend, because "the carbohydrates have a great deal to do with shaping the human form. If our food contained no carbohydrates, all kinds of distortions would appear: malformations of the nose or the ears, for example. It is due to the carbohydrates that we bear the outward stamp of man. If a person's constitution is such that the carbohydrates are not carried into the brain but deposited in the intestines and stomach, we shall see him becoming shrivelled and feeble, as though incapable of holding himself erect. The carbohydrates help to give our human form its proper shape." [8]

The above explanation does not mean that carbohydrates do not play an important role in providing energy for our cells – as is explained in LIVING PROCESS OF INNER 'COMBUSTION' – but it directs our attention to the role of carbon, the key element of carbohydrates. "The scaffold-like structure of carbon comes to light whenever organic substance is carbonized. Carbon is indeed the form-giving element throughout organic nature. Carbon, which combines only with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen in addition to combining with itself, is a component of several million known compounds, while the whole realm of inorganic chemical elements – the mineral world – accounts for only a few tens of thousands." [9] For that reason we could designate the carbon as the master builder in the realm of plants.

The link between carbohydrates and activities of forming inside the living organisms is confirmed also by the new scientific discovery of the glyconutrients – the special class of sugars which "affect how our cells form the structure of the body." [10] These carbohydrates work on the cellular level, which is the level of the etheric body. But behind all carbohydrates there are working those spiritual forces which shape the form of human beings. This is not valid only for this special group of carbohydrates, because with the help of spiritual science we can see behind all carbohydrates those spiritual forces which participate in the forming of the human figure. [11]

Fats as Etheric Mediators of Material Substances

In the above description we have seen that carbohydrates provide the plan of the human structure, but "carbohydrates do not fill out this form – that is done by the fats. The carbohydrates have, so to speak, merely outlined the form and the fats provide the filling material. That is their function – to provide us with material substance. In fat itself, of course, this material has a definite character. Fat, needless to say, accumulates and is deposited in the physical body. But the all-important function of enabling the fat to be deposited and at the same time to remain living fat, is performed by the etheric body." [12]

This role of fats can be understood only if we take into account the EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM and the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM. If we observe carefully the participation of these two streams – the first from the physical conditions into the etheric, the second from the etheric conditions into the physical – then we can grasp that the most important task of fats is to stimulate the inflow of cosmic ethers and their materialization into the physical substances of our body. In general, we are familiar with the role of the fats in warming and insulating the body by means of fat layers; but much more important is the activity of the dissolution and condensation of material substances that is performed by the fats on the level of the etheric body. This is the SECRET LIFE OF FATS which is essential for our existence and survival in the physical world.

Minerals as Mediators of Cosmic Thoughts

So far we have looked at the nature of spiritual forces working behind the living substances. Now we will shortly look at the nature of spiritual forces working behind mineral substances. We will start with the observation that "outside in nature we see the circulation of fluids and in ourselves we also see a kind of circulation of fluids. All that transpires in us in that way, has nothing to do with our intellectual thinking. But when we look out into the cosmos and see how water condenses to ice, how certain mineral substances deposited as sediments, form stones and crystals, in short when we consider the processes of the mineral sphere and their corresponding processes in our own organism, we find that what transpires as mineral processes has to do with all that finally culminates in our intellectual thinking. That which underlies our organism of thought consists in purely mineral processes occurring within us. If we were not involved to a special degree with the mineral kingdom, with those forces which appear in crystallisation, and in the deposits of (mineral) salts in the external world, we should never have become the thinking beings we are" [13] in modern times.

As we know the mineral kingdom forms the basis for the development of plant life, and the plant kingdom forms the basis for the development of animal and human life. Therefore it is no surprise that we can find minerals in all food we consume. From the content of EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM we can see that we obtain the minerals from our food in the form of mineral salts. These "salts in food must find their way up to the brain if we are capable of thinking." [14]

Thus we can conclude: "Out there are the cosmic thoughts which enshrine themselves in the crystals; man takes into himself these cosmic thoughts when, knowingly and deliberately, he dissolves the (mineral) salts and gives them new form in his etheric body. Cosmic thoughts repeat themselves in the thoughts of men. From the concrete thoughts of the world of myriad forms, from the innermost thoughts of man, there arises an etheric world as rich in its varied forms as the world outside us." [15] This etheric world inside us is the world of our thoughts and ideas.

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From the above descriptions we can see that the essence of all living organisms is in the fact that they are capable of performing specific activities which are typical for them – they can perform living functions, they have elaborate forms which enable their innate activities, and they are taking in the substances and transform them in accordance with their inner nature. All this is possible because via proteins, carbohydrates and fats there enters into the organism spiritual forces that are active on the etheric-physical level – that is, on the level between organic and inorganic life. These forces must work in a harmonious cooperation with the aim to keep the organism strong and healthy.

This is valid for all living organisms. But in regard to the effects of mineral substances the human being has a special position. The reason for this lies in the fact that only a human being is capable of transforming the mineral substances to such a degree that spiritual forces behind them became the source of his own thoughts. This is the reason why the human being is called the 'crown of creation'. For only inside us resides the power which can transform cosmic thoughts into human thoughts.

Thus we can summarize the effects of four types of nutritive substances in the following way: "The (mineral) salts have a special connection with the front part of the head (the seat of intellectual thinking); that is where they are chiefly deposited. The carbohydrates are deposited a little farther back. Upon the carbohydrates depends the proper shaping of the human form. The fats are deposited still farther back and from there they begin to fill out the body (with the substance). The fats do not enter directly into the body but pass from the blood into the head and are distributed to the body from there. All the substances, including protein (carrying life), pass through the head." [16] This means that every substance we consume serves only as a stimulus for the adequate assimilation of cosmic ethers entering via cosmic nutrition which are the true source of substances inside our physical organism. [17]


The above short descriptions of the essential nature of the spiritual forces working through proteins, carbohydrates, and fats add another good argument for the extreme importance of the quality of the food we eat. For it is not just a question of how much particular food substances we consume, but even more important is the quality of spiritual forces which are active through them and in them. The situation in this regard is nowadays especially problematic because:

Awareness of the cosmic origins of substances offers additional perspective on the great importance of organic versus conventional food. The modern method of food production is the outcome of a one-sided materialistic focus on the physical substances. Our food is thus becoming more and more earthly, filling human stomachs with earthly matter, but not providing enough cosmic forces which enable us to be alive and active. Natural-Wild-Organic crops which are produced 'as nature intended' contain more cosmic forces which are essential for human wellbeing. This cannot be said for organic food products, mainly because of the existence of organic refined ingredients. This is due to the fact that IFOAM standards cover very well the area of farming, but the extensive area of food processing has still many weaknesses waiting to be properly addressed. [21]

This is also the case with the Demeter standards. But in regard to cosmic forces Demeter crops are generally of better quality than organic ones because the biodynamic farming system is based on conscious use of cosmic influences. For example, with the use of biodynamic preparations various cosmic forces are stimulated with the aim of benefiting the growth and vitality of plants. There are people who are capable of sensing the difference in the quality of food produced in an organic or biodynamic way. But it takes a long time and plenty of practice in eating biodynamic produce and the best organic and natural produce to develop such sensitivity.

For basic guidelines for the development of a better capacity for sensing food quality see DEVELOPMENT OF NEW EATING 'INSTINCTS''

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Sources: A. Waugh, A. Grant, Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, Elsevier Limited, 2004; Wikipedia/Cell type, October 2012
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 22.09.1923; Cosmic Workings in Earth and Man – On Nutrition,
  3. For another explanation of the true nature of vitamins see FOOD AS SOURCE OF ENERGY.
  4. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 17.12.1908; Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  5. As can be seen from the content of other nutritional principles in the chapter MYSTERIES OF INNER ALCHEMY, the food substances – proteins, carbohydrates and fats – do not have only one single function, but they can perform more tasks. This is evident even from a scientific perspective. For example, carbohydrates are considered as the body's main 'fuel', but fats and proteins can also serve as sources of energy in special circumstances, although this is not their primary tasks.
  6. See note 2
  7. In the CREATION OF HUMAN PROTEINS it is also explained how our body obtains hydrogen through sense organs; there is also an explanation of how it obtains carbon and the role of carbon derived from our food in this process. .
  8. See note 2
  9. Rudolf Hauschka, The Nature of Substance – Spirit and Matter, Sophia Books
  10. Emil I. Mondoa, M.D., Mindy Kitei, Sugars that Heal – The New Healing Science of Glyconutrients, Balantine Books, New York, 2002
  11. One might object that animals also consume carbohydrates and therefore they cannot be carriers of human form. But one needs to know that we are here talking about the spiritual archetype of human form, while in the case of animals, carbohydrates carry the spiritual archetypes of specific species.
  12. See note 2
  13. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.03.1921, The Real Being of Man
  14. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 22.09.1923; Nutrition and Stimulants, Bio-Dynamic Farming & Gardening Association, USA, 1991
  15. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.01.1923
  16. See note 2
  17. The exceptions are substances which come into our body via surgery, including dental surgery. The other exception is when we are not capable of properly transforming substances from cosmic ethers, but this is a pathological case.
  18. For an explanation of the link between protein quality and farming methods see ORGANIC vs CONVENTIONAL FOOD.
  19. For an additional perspective on the issue of carbohydrate quality see WHOLEFOOD vs REFINED FOOD.
  20. In TRADITIONAL vs MODERN FOOD PROCESSING there is available also a comparison between traditional and modern high-technological methods of oil production.
  21. For an extended knowledge of these problems see report Is Refined Food Really Organic?