Raw versus Cooked Food

Consumption of raw and cooked food stimulates different parts of the human organism and consequently different soul-spiritual characteristics. Raw food stimulates activities of the ‘outer man’ – the activities of sense organs and associated nervous system – which enable us to be in touch with that which is entering us from the outer world. Cooked food stimulates the ‘inner man’– that is, the warmth organism which is permeated with the ego forces. Through appropriate choice of cooked and raw foods each person has to find their own individual healthy balance between these two opposite characters of the human personality – between the one that connects us to the world, and the other that separates us from it and stimulates the development of our own individuality.

Introductory Reading:



Polarity between Outer and Inner Man

If we observe the nature of our activities presented in TWOFOLD HUMAN BEING we can notice how our life is stretched between two ways of comprehending the world: on one side we have a constant inflow of information from the outside world through our sense organs and on the other side we have our inner world of thoughts and feelings, and impulses of will. This world also enters our consciousness by means of perceptions, although this time turned inside. In this way our life is unrolling between the outer world with its multiplicity of various sense impressions and our inner world where our true home is – where we can find our spiritual core, our 'I'.

One of the main differences between human beings and animals is that the life of animals is much more integrated into their environment than in the case of human beings. We could even say that wild animals belong to their specific environments to such an extent that their environment dictates their basic characteristics and their manner of life. In comparison to ours, animal sense organs are highly specialised and more developed; therefore we can imagine that the animal experience of natural environment is much more intensive than is ours. [1] On the other hand, one of the main characteristics of modern man is a certain degree of autism. As humans we have the capability of creating and nurturing our inner worlds of ideas, sympathies or antipathies, and strivings to reach personal goals. This attribute is an inevitable part of modern development which enables us to separate from the influences of our environment and develop our own personalities. This would not be possible if we had retained such links to the natural world as still exists in the animal world.

Polarity between the outer and inner world is manifested in the polarity of summer and winter. In the summer we like to move in nature or work outside; in us there exists a tendency to expand outwards. Sometimes we almost merge with nature and enjoy her gifts of warmth, sun, abundant foliage, flower scents and colourful displays. Sometimes we can even expose our whole skin – which can be counted as a sense organ [2] – to the influences of sun, air, water and earth. This expansion is not just physical and psychological; it also has a spiritual aspect as well in the fact that people find it harder to do intellectual work such as study in the summer when our souls strive to connect more intensely with nature by means of practical activities in which our senses play a great role, enabling us to perceive light, colours, shapes, tones, smells, various intensities and qualities of warmth, and the manifold types of touches. The organs which enable these perceptions are our sense organs – including skin – and the associated nervous system. For that reason we can designate this part of human organism as the 'outer man'.

Contrary to this, in the winter we cannot expand in the same way outward, for in the winter nature is cold and unpleasant; for that reason we prefer to protect ourselves from its physical influences with clothes and house walls. At the same time we tend to have more physical rest and we prefer to engage more in mental activities, such as study. In this time of the year we can more easily live in our inner worlds and focus on thinking about the riddles of life.

This inner life is closely related to our body temperature. In general, when "studying the human being, only those elements which can be pictured as solid, or solid-fluidic, are regarded as be­longing to his organism. It is, of course, acknowledged that the fluid and the airy elements pass into and out of the human being, but these are not in themselves considered to be integral members of the organism. The warmth of the organism which is greater than that of the environment is regarded as a state or condition of the organism, but not as an actual component... However, if we disregard the physical organization within the space bounded by the human skin, if we disregard also the fluid organism, and the airy organism, then the space that remains is filled with nothing but warmth which is, of course, in communication with the warmth outside." [3] It is a fact of life that for healthy homeostasis we need to keep our body temperature within a narrow range of around 37°C irrespective of the temperature of the outer environmental which can vary in the range of 40°C or more, depending on where we live. [4] This means that we are carrying around a body of warmth which has to keep its innate temperature independent from the outer, if we want to stay alive and healthy. Here we see the great importance of our inner warmth and of the fact, that "no real knowledge of the human organism can be acquired unless we are willing to acknowledge this membering into a warmth organism, an airy organism, a fluid organism, and a solid organism." [5]

Why is it necessary that we recognise the warmth organism as a separate part of the human organism? Because "we cannot understand the life and activity of the soul unless we remember that the Ego works directly upon the warmth. The warmth organism is paramountly the field of the Ego. The Ego itself is that spirit-organization which imbues with its own forces the warmth that is within us, and governs and gives it configuration, not only externally but also inwardly. What is active in this warmth, what stirs it into movement, makes it into an organism – is the Ego." [6] This warmth organism permeated by Ego can be designated as the 'inner man'.

As in the course of the year our life unfolds through seasons, we can feel "that spring is fair, and that it is a fine quality of the soul to feel the beauty of the spring, the growing, springing, sprouting life. But man should also be able to feel intensely when the leaves grow pale or take on their autumn colouring, when the animals creep away; then he should feel in the dying life of the senses the birth of a radiant, glittering life of soul and spirit. He should come to feel with the yellowing of the leaves the decline of springing, sprouting life, but that with the very yellowing and fading in outer nature the spiritual may come to life. He should come to feel in the falling of the leaves the rising of the spirit; to feel the manifestation of the spiritual as the counterpart of the dying and fading outer life of nature. Such is the feeling for the spirit which should ensoul man in the autumn. Then he would rightly prepare himself for winter time." [7]

Thus we can see that the seasonal changes have great impacts not only on the plant and animal world, but also on our soul-spiritual life which is moving in a rhythmical way – including transitional periods of autumn and spring – between two periods:

If we want to really understand such connections "we must penetrate into deep mysteries of human existence. Of outer nature, we believe, because we see it with our eyes, that what the rays of the sun charm forth from the depths of the earth, unfolding into beauty through the spring and summer, withdraws into those same depths at the time when the outer sun is weakest; and that what will spring forth again the following year is being prepared in the seeds within the depths of the earth. Because our eyes bear witness, we believe that the seed of the plant passes through a yearly cycle, that it must go down into the earth's depths in order to unfold again under the warmth and light of the sun in spring. But we do not so readily understand that the human soul, too, passes through such a cycle. Just as the force contained in the seed of every plant is bound up with the physical forces of the earth, so is the inmost being of the human soul bound up with the spiritual forces of the earth." [8] "Only those who have no inkling of the fact that as well as chemical and physical forces, spiritual forces are also at work and that the workings of both kinds of forces take effect at definite times and seasons in cosmic life," [9] can't imagine that the cycle of the year with its seasonal changes has influence on our soul-spiritual experience of the world.

Effect of Raw versus Cooked Food

The most common argument in favour of raw food consumption is that cooking destroys enzymes and vitamins and that in this way we lose the essential nutrients necessary for proper nutrition. This is true, although it is very one-sided truth. It is never mentioned what we gain through THE NEW ALCHEMY OF COOKING. If we want to get a more holistic view we need to compare the effect of raw food and cooked food on the whole human organism – not just on the physical and etheric body, but on the astral body and Ego, as well.

The use of fire for food preparation meant a great step in the evolutionary development of humanity. Transition from raw to cooked food is related to the evolutionary task of the present earth – the task of the development of human individuality. For that aim we need to separate from the bonds of old groups, such as tribe, clan, nation, etc. We need to develop our own 'I' as an independent, separate being from the rest of the people. There are many things which are supporting this development; among them is also the introduction of cooked food. "With cooked and warm foods we namely stimulate the inner forces of our organization; we enhance the forces of the individuality which incarnate warmth. Thus in adding a warmth process to plant foods we favour the enhancement of our Ego organization, which separates itself from the cosmic influences and is the polar opposite of the human periphery. Cooked food strengthens earthly man. Cooked foods are actually appropriate to man; they go in hand with the processes of the human individuality." [10] Of course, these effects are understandable only if we take into account the fact, that we nourish ourselves not only with the physical substances, but also with supersensible forces that enter into us through what we consume. In other words, we need to consider very complex influences on the etheric, astral, and spiritual level which have the consequence that nutrition is not only an activity by help of which we provide building materials and fuel for the maintenance and restoration of the body, but that we can on the basis of these influences regard NUTRITION AS A SUPERSENSIBLE ACTIVITY.

With such an approach we arrive at the most important difference between the effects of cooked versus raw food on the human being. "In our periphery, the skin, the sense organs and the associated nervous system, we are oriented outward, into the outer world. We border to and are bounded by nature surrounding us; nature penetrates into us, we perceive it, and we are thereby connected to the cosmos. This pole of our organism is therefore, in a sense, related to the raw, unmodified nature products, i.e., raw plant nutrition. If we want to integrate our organism into its periphery, we can do it with raw plant foods. We thus strengthen our peripheral organization," [11] our outer man.

Here we have an example of the link between physiological processes and soul-spiritual activities of man. If we haven't lost our instincts completely then we still have a tendency to eat more fruit and freshly made salads in the summer, while in the winter we prefer warm dishes. The reason is not just in the fact that our body becomes warm after eating warm soup, or that it cools down after eating fresh carrot salad, but also in the more hidden effects presented in this nutritional principle.

However, there exists one additional important difference between raw and cooked food which we need to know if we wish to grasp this polarity of human nutrition. This difference is evident in the following fact: "The consumption of raw plant foods is a healing process in a much stronger sense than the consumption of cooked foods.[12] First we need to call to the attention that in the above statement it is not said that the consumption of cooked foods doesn't have any healing effect. This is also evident from the content of all nutritional principles presented in the chapter NUTRITION & HEALTH. This means that we can have cooked food which promotes diseases and we can have cooked food which promotes healing. And even eating exclusively raw food can have negative health effect, if one doesn't take into account that "for a while one can do it; one can (as it were) whip the body, because the body must apply strong digestive forces if one uses raw foods. But all the greater can be then the collapse" [13] if one is forcing himself above his inner capacity to properly digest and metamorphose whatever one consumes. [14] In fact, one of the essential insights of a holistic approach to the questions of nutrition is that any food can have harmful or healing effects. The difference depends on quality, quantity, individual needs, and all other factors presented in NINE ASPECTS OF A HEALTHY MEAL.

The reason why raw food has a stronger healing effect is connected with the evolution of human intellect. As one of the conditions for its development we had to separate from nature and the natural cycles to a much greater extent than in the case of domestic animals. But nowadays this separation from nature can go to the extreme as it is demonstrated by those children in affluent societies who think their food is coming from supermarkets, not from animals and plants. But "man needs the plants not only for food but also for his inner life, in order to nourish within himself the feelings and experiences necessary for his life of soul. He needs the impressions from the plant-world on the physical plane if his life of soul is to be fresh and healthy. That is something which cannot be over-emphasised. The deficiency in the human soul soon becomes apparent if it is shut off from the fresh, vitalising influence of the plants. This loss is one of the shadow-sides of modern civilisation to be found chiefly in great cities." [15] Thus we can understand the strong healing effect of eating raw food, for it stimulates our connection to nature indirectly through it with cosmic influences, from which people in modern cities have separated to such an extent that this has negative consequences on their health.

To this we can add the insight from PHYSICAL vs MENTAL ILLNESSES that reveals to us that we need to search for the origins of physical illnesses in our soul-spiritual weaknesses. If we take into account that development of our individuality is not without any dangers – on the contrary, there are manifold possibilities of erring in one or another direction – then we can grasp that eating exclusively processed, cooked food has an over-stimulating effect on the isolation of Ego from its environment. Because our Ego is the youngest and the least matured member of the FOURFOLD HUMAN BEING its imperfections – or, better said, our imperfections – makes us more prone to various forms of health problems, than in the case if we consume cooked food and raw food as well. [16]

Thus we can summarize that consumption of cooked food:

And consumption of raw food serves in such manner that it:

For a complementary perspective see:



From the content of this nutritional principle it is evident that we need both raw and cooked foods if we don't want to become one-sidedly developed beings. We need to stay in contact with the outer world as much as we need to develop ourselves in our inner world. But the appropriate proportion of cooked versus raw food that suits us depends on our specific constitution and needs dictated by the specific circumstances in which we find ourselves. The most important difference is that there are people who have a more developed outer pole, and another people with a more developed inner pole of their being. In accordance with this, the first people will benefit from eating more cooked food, the second ones will need more raw food.

One needs to take into consideration also the element of time manifesting in seasonal changes and the person's age. Not so long ago people were still harmonising their diets with the cycle of the year in many parts of the world. Today – with few exceptions – this is no longer the case due to the existence of the global food market. Although the evolutionary goal of humanity is not to return 'back to nature' and establish with her such connection as we had in the past, we also cannot just shut ourselves completely from the outer conditions and ignore the rhythms of nature. In the same manner as we dress more in the winter and less in the summer, it makes sense that we eat more fresh food in the summer and more cooked food in the winter.

There is more to this – we can find the changing seasons also inside our organism. We can find spring and summer in the first half of human life, and autumn and winter in the second part. This can serve as a general indication for eating more raw food in the youth and more cooked food in the old age. With such an approach we strive to find the proper balance between inner and outer man in different periods of our life.

Eating exclusively raw food can be used as dietary therapy for a limited period until we achieve the improvement we aimed for. [17] Then a convalescent should again include cooked food in his or her regular diet – of course, in such extent that it will help in maintaining his/her health. We need to know that there are individuals with a very strong earthly constitution whose physical health and energy level can radically improve by transition to eating predominantly raw food. However, we need to be aware that recovery of the body – although indisputably a great achievement – is not enough for the attainment of all-encompassing health, because this includes also the psychological and spiritual domains. The essence of an holistic approach to health and nutrition is in the maintenance of a healthy balance and the avoidance of extremes in all spheres of our life – and not stimulating them as is the case with the promotion of an exclusively raw diet.

See THE ESSENCE OF HUMAN HEALTH where there is given a short description of the importance of maintaining equilibrium among opposite extremes on the spiritual, psychological and bodily domains.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. It is hard to explain this difference with words, except if you can still remember how alive your sense perceptions were when you were still a child. In adult life it is normal that this intensity diminishes, mainly as the result of the development of our intellect. For comparison see LOSS OF HEALTHY EATING INSTINCTS.
  2. The human skin has several functions, including the function of perception. The skin is densely populated with sensory preceptors of touch, warmth, and pain. Beside this skin is the outermost part of our being; it is the border between our own being and outer world in the same manner as other sense organs.
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 17.12.1920; Course for Young Doctors, Mercury Press
  4. The importance of relative constant body temperature is evident from the fact that the state of hyperthermia (when the body temperature is at or above 40°C) is life-threatening. And so is the state of hypothermia when our core temperature drops below 35°C.
  5. See note 3
  6. See note 3
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Quarterly, Autumn 1964
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Hanover, 26.12.1911; The Festivals and Their Meaning
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 17.12.1906; The Festivals and Their Meaning
  10. Gerhard Schmidt, The Dynamics of Nutrition, Bio-dynamic Literature, USA, 1980
  11. As above
  12. Rudolf Steiner, quotation from The Dynamics of Nutrition (see note 10)
  13. Drugs, Poisons, Suicide, Alcohol & Stimulants, Digestion & Foods in the Light of Spiritual Science - Excerpts from the work of Rudolf Steiner, selected, translated and published by Richard Lewis, USA, no date
  14. This explanation is in complete opposition to the statement that "live food is at optimal peak, requiring minimal energy from the body to give the maximum energy to the body." (Renée Loux Underkoffler, Living Cuisine, The Art and Spirit of Raw Foods, Avery, New York, 2003)
  15. Rudolf Steiner, Vienna, 31.03.1910; Macrocosm and Microcosm, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985
  16. Once I came across information that the great majority of students in American university campuses do not consume a single fresh food in the whole period of their study. If such a person changes to raw diet because of health problems (which is the most common reasons for adopting raw diet), then there are often understandable dramatic positive health effects (under the condition that person has enough of a strong constitution to cope with the greater efforts of digestion demanded by uncooked food).
  17. The risks of eating exclusively raw food are evident from the study surveying people practising raw vegan diets of varying intensities which found that 30% of the women under age 45 had partial to complete amenorrhoea (i.e., the absence of a menstrual period and that subjects eating high amounts of raw food (more than 90%) were affected more frequently than moderate raw food dieters. The study concluded that since many raw food dieters were underweight and exhibited amenorrhoea a very strict raw vegan diet cannot be recommended on a long-term basis. Source: Wikipedia/Raw foodism, December 2012