Food versus Stimulants

Food intake stimulates processes of bodily regeneration which are happening below the level of our conscious life, especially in the period of sleep. Stimulants enhance various nuances of our consciousness which are all necessary for the full spectrum of soul-spiritual activities performed throughout the day – but at the same time cause partial destruction of the physical organism. Thus two polar streams of life are continually flowing inside us – spiritual life and organic life – which are affecting our physical body in opposite directions. Our task is to achieve a healthy balance between the destructive and rejuvenating processes with the help of proper nutrition, wise use of stimulants and the right amount of good sleep.

Introductory Reading:



One of the most important polarities in the human being is the polarity between the organic processes of growth, maintenance and regeneration of his physical body, and his inner life of consciousness, that is his activities of perception, sensation and reason.

There are two organs which manifest this polarity: liver and brain. The liver is the organ which of all human organs has the greatest power of regeneration: it can grow back to its normal size even if three quarters of its mass is destroyed. Other organs and body tissues can only be regenerated by slow ongoing replacement of old cells with new ones. We can designate these unconscious processes of renewal as human organic life.

On the other side we have the brain. Here we find nerve cells which have lost the ability to regenerate. [1] The brain with its associated sense organs is the seat of mental activity and sensory perception. In spiritual science these activities are characterised as human 'spiritual life' or as conscious activities.

If we look at a newborn baby, we can see that these two organs are the most dominant. [2] The liver is the largest organ in the trunk. This is not surprising because the child's main activity is to sleep and grow. It can be also seen that the head of a baby is very large in relation to the rest of the body. This makes sense if we know that a child has very important tasks in his waking life: he needs to get to know the world around him, and he needs to learn to speak and think. For this purpose he uses his sense organs of vision, hearing, taste and smell, as well as his brain – all of them found in the head.

The polarity between organic and spiritual life is expressed in the following manner: By day we are awake in our head and our conscious life is very active. Even if we don't move a lot, we feel tired in the evening. Then we go to sleep and lose our consciousness. However, in the morning we feel rested and refreshed. This is the effect of organic processes of regeneration in the body active while we sleep. [3]

We become tired because our conscious activities of perception, sensation, and reason cause destructive processes in our body – they stimulate breaking-down processes. These processes are an integral part of our organism, but they need to be kept in balance with up-building, regenerative processes. This balance is achieved by means of rhythmical exchange of waking and sleeping, by breathing and by rhythmical intake of food.

"The chief characteristic of ordinary thinking is that it injures the nervous system, and above all, the brain; it destroys something in the brain. Every thought means that a minute process of destruction takes place in the cells of the brain (neurons). For this reason sleep is necessary for us, in order that this process of destruction may be made good; during sleep we restore what during the day was destroyed in our nervous system by thinking." [4]


Food enters into the digestive tract where it is gradually broken down before being absorbed. [5] Already these activities of food decomposition set into motion numerous metabolic activities associated with the digestive system. After food substances enter the blood and lymph circulation this stirs up an even larger number of metabolic processes which are essential for the maintenance and functions of our whole body. In all this the liver is having an indispensable role.

We already mentioned the exceptional capacity of regeneration that the liver possesses. We can see this ability in the kingdom of plants and some lower animals which can grow a lost limb or tail. This ability of the liver becomes more understandable when we find out that the liver is the ‘seat’ of the life forces in the human body, the forces which enable growth, renewal, and maintenance of the cells and tissues in the living organism. And the intake of food has the major impact on the functions of the liver – that is, on its role to maintain life processes in the human organism.

In comparison with this, stimulants can be absorbed directly through the skin, sense organs and breath, or even injected into the blood. If taken through the mouth, they are not broken down in the way food is; all they need is to be dissolved in bodily fluids. Then they are absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract into the bloodstream. Stimulants work through changing our brain chemistry; they have a stimulating effect on our state of consciousness. [6] This is evident in the case of drugs like heroin, cocaine, etc., which change human consciousness to a dramatic degree. But there are numerous more or less subtle types of stimulants, all of them capable of affecting our brain chemistry. This is the reason why they are so attractive and why people become easily addicted to them. But the price of addiction is that it causes our physical body to become too exhausted. If stimulants are used to an excessive degree then we need a lot of life forces to repair the damage done to the physical body.

Substances with a stimulating effect on our nervous system are minerals. Often these are in the form of white powder or in the form of pills or tablets. There are a few exceptions, like alcohol [7], coffee, and tobacco, which we consume as liquids or smoke. However, scientists have also found in these substances specific chemical compounds with proven stimulating effects on the brain (e.g. caffeine in coffee, etc.).

We have various groups of stimulants with various degrees of stimulating effect – from more to less strong: [8]

The presence of medicines on the list might surprise some people, but the fact is that they are mineral compounds which change the brain chemistry as other forms of stimulants do. We can easily see the effect they have on our consciousness in the case of antidepressants or anti-psychotics, but not so easily with other medical drugs. [11]

Besides, their presence in the list demonstrates that stimulants are not always just negative. Medical drugs can be beneficial if they are used when real need exists, if they are used in the smallest doses as possible, and if people do not get dependent on them. Some stimulants, such as herbs and spices, are even part of our daily diet. For sure, it would be senseless to avoid them just because they have stimulating effect on our brain. Sometimes we need stimulants to be able to do what life circumstances demand from us – for example, coffee to keep us alert in the night shift. In the end it is a question of having the right balance between the conscious activities which are causing partial exploitation of our physical organism and our individual power of regeneration.

Two Streams of Life inside the Human Being

The polarity between food which stimulates organic life – that is, the life processes that maintain and renew the physical organism – and stimulants which stimulate the processes of destruction of the physical organism can be also seen from another perspective. "Life consists of two tendencies or streams. People speak in a general way today about development, they say the child is small, he develops – he grows, he is full of energy, strong – he blossoms with life. They say that a lower form of life has evolved to a higher, quickening, sprouting life growing ever more and more complicated. And that is right. This stream of life is, however, in opposition to another stream, which is present in every sentient living being, namely, a destructive tendency. Just as we have a budding, sprouting and integrating life in us, so do we also have the life of disintegration. Through knowledge such as this we perceive that we cannot merely say that our life streams up into the brain and nervous system, and that there matter organizes itself so that the nervous system can become the bearer of the life of the soul. It is not like that. Life is germinating and sprouting, but simultaneously there is continual destruction incorporated into it. Our life is incessantly going to pieces; the decaying life is always making room for the blossoming life. We are actually dying by degrees. At every moment something falls apart in us, and each time we build it up again. As matter is being destroyed, space is created for soul and spirit to enter and become active in us.

Here we touch upon the great error made by materialism. Materialism believes that the sprouting and budding life evolves up to the nervous system in man so that the nerves are built up in the same way as the muscles are built up out of the blood. It is true they are, but no thinking is developed by means of building up the nerves; neither is feeling. On the contrary, only because of a certain disintegration of substance within the nerves can the soul-spiritual incorporate itself. We must first break matter down in order that the soul-spiritual can appear in us, so that we can experience for ourselves" [12] its activity.

This means that soul-spiritual life of man is possible only because on the physical level the processes of destruction are occurring in us. For "as we continue along the path of soul research we find that the processes in the brain and nervous system corresponding with the life of the soul are, in fact, not constructive processes; they do not arise on account of there being constructive, thriving, flourishing processes in the nervous system such as those present in the rest of the organism. No, indeed. What the soul carries out in the nervous system is a destructive activity; while we are awake and conscious, and not asleep, it is a destructive activity. Only because our nervous system is embedded in us in such a way that it is constantly refreshed by the rest of our organism can the destructive, decomposing and demolishing activity which thinking lets loose on our nervous system be ever and again counteracted. It is a destructive activity of a quality exactly equivalent to that experienced all in one go when the human being dies, whereupon the whole of the organism disintegrates. Death lives in us constantly so long as we use our powers of thinking. In tiny amounts it is constantly within us, and the one-off event that is death is merely a summation of what is constantly at work in us. Although the dying is continuously being balanced out (with forces of life), this balancing is such that when the time comes death can take place as a matter of course. We must conceive of death as a force at work in our organism just as we conceive the forces of life" [13] that enable our existence in the physical world.

Here we encounter one of the most important manifestations of the polarity between physical and spiritual realms of existence. Thinking, which is in its very essence spiritual activity that enables us to evolve our consciousness – that is, the spiritual life itself – is in its physical aspect, the force that leads to the destruction of physical life. "Throughout the development of the physical body there is a budding and sprouting caused by the working of the etheric body. The astral body and the ego-organization cause disintegration. In the physical body there is a continual budding and sprouting life caused by the etheric body. If this process alone were to take place in the human being, he would never be able to unfold self-consciousness; for the more the growth-forces are stimulated, the more this budding and sprouting takes place, the more we lack self-possession. And when the astral organism and ego-organization separate from the other two members in sleep, we are unconscious. [14] The forces which build man up, which cause growth and give rise to the process of nutrition do not bring him to the condition where he can feel and think. On the contrary, to be able to feel and think, something in the organism must be destroyed. This is the work of the astral body and the ego-organization. They effect a continual autumn in man. The physical organization and etheric body effect a continual spring – a budding and sprouting life – but no self-consciousness, nothing of the nature of soul and spirit. The astral and ego organization destroy; they darn up the forces of the etheric body, they cause the physical body to dry up and harden. But this has to be. The physical body has continually to oscillate between anabolism and catabolism. In external nature we find the forces alternating between spring and autumn; nature separates them in time in the seasons. In man too, there is a rhythm. When he falls asleep, it becomes spring for him – the physical and etheric life bud and sprout; as he awakes the physical and etheric life is thrust back, hemmed in, and conscious self-possession asserts itself – autumn and winter are arriving." [15]

With the help of the above explanation we can understand better why strong stimulants are so addictive. This is due to the fact that they have very powerful effect on our soul-spiritual life, on the state of our consciousness. Therefore the main motive for their intake is the experience of their stimulating effects on the state of human consciousness. We could even say that in the background of drug abuse is the subconscious longing for reconnection with the spiritual world. This is especially evident in the case of psychoactive drugs, such as LSD, heroin, cocaine, etc. From another perspective, craving for a stimulant is a manifestation of the longing of the astral body and ego for a pleasurable feeling caused by the altered consciousness which results from the impact of a stimulant on the nerve system.

However, there is a high price to pay for this pleasure: the increase of destructive effects on the etheric-physical organism. Consequently regular consumption of stimulants becomes a great burden for the human organism, especially if the body doesn't have enough time for regeneration from the last intake, or if the etheric body is in one way or other already pretty much weakened because of the unhealthy life style. Regular intake of stimulants brings about intensive processes of destruction of the physical body – actually it leads towards premature processes of aging. In extreme cases the regular consumption of heavy drugs will exhaust the life forces of a human being to such an extent that it will cause premature death – that is, the final victory of the forces of destruction that are continually active within the human physical organism. [16]

We need to stress once more that controlled intake of lighter forms of stimulants can have a healing effect, if it is performed with a therapeutic aim. For example, stimulation of catabolic processes by means of stimulants can help to heal in the case when an "illness is caused by the presence within us of physical matter that is too old – when the matter remain stuck, instead of being expelled, as it should have been. Any substance we absorb as physical matter is meant to be eliminated again. If it remains in the organism, it becomes a cause of illness." [17] Our health is namely dependent on the balance between physical-etheric and soul-spiritual processes that are constantly happening within us – that is, between two streams of life that are present in our being. Or in other words, the processes of up-building and decomposition of the human organism must be in a balance if we want to preserve our health. And as the dominance of catabolic processes can lead to an illness, in the same manner the dominance of anabolic processes can cause an illness.

For complementary perspectives see:




In the Western world there is a trend towards excessive mineralisation of food. This is evident in conventional food production with use of food additives: artificial preservatives, flavourings and colourings. In most cases they are either mineral compounds extracted from various organic sources, or made artificially by means of chemical engineering. Usually they are sold in the form of powder. Whenever we use such food additives we add more mineral compounds to the food.

This is also the case with food supplements in the form of white tablets. It makes no difference if they are made from organic sources or not, in each case we have mineral crystalline substance acting as stimulants. [18] However, there are available natural food supplements such as plant elixirs, herb mixtures, seaweeds, fish oil, etc. Also dried herbs, spices, and herb teas are all traditional forms of natural 'food supplements'. If there is a need for additional essential minerals and vitamins, then the best way is to obtain them in natural form – as much as possible.

In the developed countries there exists a new trend called functional foods. These are foods which have been 'enriched' with a particular substance regarded as beneficial for human health (for example, orange juice with added calcium). This is just another attempt to change food into medicine – but not in the right way, for the outcome is less food and more minerals on our menus.

The final outcome of this trend is that people in affluent societies are eating an ever increasing amount of stimulants – that is, mineral substances – either in their food, or in addition to it. The way out is the consumption of organic-natural-wholefoods. Organic food has more naturally occurring trace minerals, but much less added minerals in the form of food additives. Natural food – such as vegetables, fruit, grains and legumes – are more authentic food than food which has been highly processed, adulterated, 'enriched' by chemical additives, etc. The former we can still call food, but for the latter one the term junk food is really a very appropriate expression, for it is food of very low quality and full of stimulative substances with an addictive character. [19] Wholefoods have more essential trace minerals than refined foods. In the case of highly refined sugars such as white sugar, we indeed get only sugar crystals, while all other essential trace minerals and vitamins are lost.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. New research in neuroscience has discovered that brains can generate new neurons well into old age, and not just when we grow up. This is something which had previously been thought impossible. But it is still true that existing neurons do not regenerate themselves as is the case with all other cells in the body and to the greatest extent in the liver. For more information about recent advances in neuroscience see The Plastic Mind by Sharon Begley (London, 2009).
  2. Sources: Atlas of Human Anatomy, Cobham, UK, Taj Books, 2005; Anatomski atlas (Atlas of Anatomy), Ljubljana, Tehniška Založba Slovenije, 2006
  3. Organic processes are also active in our body during the day, but we are not conscious of them. However it is only when we sleep that they get fully active, for then they are not hindered by our conscious activities.
  4. Rudolf Steiner, source unknown
  5. For a description of the complex processes of breakdown in the digestive tract see Activities of Refining in the Digestive Tract.
  6. Stimulants can have various effects: sometimes they stimulate, sometimes they relax; sometimes they uplift, sometimes they depress, etc. Their effect depends on which part of the nervous system they stimulate.
  7. The stimulative effect of alcohol is not surprising when we know that it come from the fermentation of the sugar which we know the best in the form of the white crystals used as sweetener.
  8. This list of stimulants arranged by the power of their effect is made only for the purpose of recognising the existence of various types of stimulants. The effect of any stimulant is dependent also on the individual person (as it is generally known in the case of alcohol) and for that reason this list cannot be regarded as absolute one.
  9. Nowadays there is considerable scientific evidence on the stimulating properties of sugar and salt, as well as their strong addictive nature. You can find very good summary of this evidence in The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler (Penguin Books, 2009).
  10. Mineral food supplements have crystalline substances as their key ingredient. Usually they are available in the form of pills or tablets. Whenever we have crystalline substances, we are dealing with minerals, regardless of whether the substance is called 'magnesium' or 'C-vitamin', and regardless of whether the substance originated from the mineral, plant, or animal kingdom. One can find a proof for the addictive nature of food supplements in the book by Elizabeth Wurtzel, More, Now, Again (Virago Press, 2003), when she describes her addiction with snorting powdered Ritalin, a psychostimulant drug. On one occasion, after running out of Ritalin, she tries to get high on Fen-Phen, a food supplement for losing weight. Her comment is: "It's no substitute for Ritalin, but it's a little speedy, like all diet aids."
  11. A more detailed explanation of how medicines influence our consciousness is given in article The Spiritual Impacts of Vaccines and Mineral Drugs on the Future Evolution of Humanity.
  12. Rudolf Steiner, Arnheim, 17.07.1924; What can the Art of Healing learn through Spiritual Science?, Mercury Press
  13. Rudolf Steiner, St Gallen, 15.11.1917; Secret Brotherhoods, Rudolf Steiner Press
  14. Spiritual science reveals that in sleep the astral body and ego leave the physical-etheric organism which thus becomes similar to the plant in two attributes: the first is that it has no more conscious perception of its environment; another is that processes of growth and renewal take the leading role in the body. This means that healthy sleep restores us to such a degree that we can overcome the negative consequences of the destruction of the physical organism caused by our conscious life in the previous day.
  15. Rudolf Steiner, Arnheim, 24.07.1924
  16. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 20.07.1923; What is Anthroposophy?, Anthroposophic Press, 2002
  17. Although it is a fact of life that we can regenerate our life forces with the help of sleep, it is also true that each human being has a particular amount of life forces which can be used either wisely in the span of one's life, or can be used too quickly with the help of drugs. One proof of this is the known fact that heavy drug addicts do not reach old age – and when they die they look much older than is their age.
  18. The question of food supplements needs more detailed explanation. For now it is sufficient to be aware that mineral food supplements work in the same way as all stimulants: they produce changes in the chemistry of our nervous system. For that reason we should use them with caution, as is the norm with medical drugs.
  19. For the evidence of the addictive nature of junk food see note 9. In last years they were also published many articles on this topic. For example, see the article Junk food 'is as addictive as heroin and cigarettes' (Daily Mail, 29.03.2010)