Nutrition versus Movement

Two types of movement occur in our body. There are moving liquids, cells, and nutrients that provide our organism with necessary substances. This involuntary movement is an activity of the ‘inner Will’ which is taking place under the influence of cosmic forces and cosmic lawfulness. Beside this, we are using our ‘outer Will’ in accordance with the earthly forces and earthly lawfulness when we perform voluntary movement with the help of our limbs – which enables us to change things in the outside world. As this outer movement stimulates the breaking-down processes of our physical body, causing tiredness and exhaustion, we need to renew our body through the intake of food which stimulates the building-up processes of our metabolic system.

Introductory Reading:


Activities of Nutrition as Inner Manifestation of Will

If we look at THREEFOLD HUMAN BEING we see that the activities of nutrition belong to the metabolic-limb system, and that these activities are in its primary nature an expression of the activity of our Will. But we need to bear in mind that this system is composed of two subsystems – the metabolic system and the limb system. It is quite obvious that the processes of nutrition are most intimately linked with the metabolic system which provides all cells of our organism with needed nutrients. This is achieved by means of the following activities:

Therefore we have to distinguish the activities of digestion from metabolic activities. In the first case food itself is subjected to the catabolic processes in the digestive tract. Although these processes are performed with the help of the organs of the metabolic system, these are not yet the catabolic processes of human organism itself. Beside this, in the digestive tract food is not yet integrated into our body. Only after nutrients pass through the porous wall of the intestines do they really enter into blood and lymph circulation and thus become directly involved in the activities of the metabolic system.

The next thing to pay heed to is the division of the processes of the metabolic system into two groups:

Both of these types of processes are necessary for ongoing renewal of our bodily organs and tissues. Both also involve transportation of substances – that is, movement of fluids and substances inside our body. But the movements inside the human organism are not the same as movements outside, because "the outwardly moved human being is included in the earthly lawfulness, but when you look upon your digestion, upon the movement of the nourishing substances in the digestive organs, when you look to the actual movement of the blood through the blood vessel – and there are many other things that move inwardly in man – you have a picture of what moves inside of the human being regardless of whether he is standing or walking about. This cannot be integrated in the earthly lawfulness without further consideration but rather must be integrated into the cosmic lawfulness. We therefore can say that all that pertains to the inner movement of man – that is definitely physical movement, but within man – is included in the cosmic lawfulness." [2]

Thus we see that the processes of nutrition also include the movement of substances inside the body which is only to a small degree under the influence of physical laws that prevail on the Earth; the decisive impacts on this movement are caused by etheric, astral and spiritual forces – in other words, inner movement is predominately under the influence of the cosmic lawfulness. This link is more understandable if we take into consideration that physiological processes in our organism are not only physical processes, but that we can regard them as supersensible processes that are reflected on the physical level (see Physiological Processes as Supersensible Processes.

With this in mind we can grasp the following idea: If we really want "to understand human nature it is necessary to fix our attention upon the fact that our limb nature extends inwards. All the processes that are ultimately connected with assimilation, digestion, as also with the secretion of milk in females, and so forth, all these processes are a continuation of limb nature, but directed inwards. So that in speaking of the Will-nature or metabolic-nature, we do not mean only the outer limbs, but also the continuation of this limb activity inwards," [3] into the human organism.

Thus we have arrived at the true reason why the metabolic system and the limbs are counted as one system, the metabolic-limb system. Both are expressions of human Will activities. In the first case our Will works inwardly, and in the second case it works outwardly. But there is also an essential difference: in the first case we have the involuntary inner movement performed in accordance with cosmic laws; in the second case the voluntary movement of our limbs which we perform in accordance with earthly laws. Because of this we differentiate between outer voluntary and inner involuntary movement.

In this way we arrive at one of the archetypal attributes of our Will which can be recognised also in activities of nutrition. Yet this is not the only one. Even more important are its capacities for transformation and metamorphosis. Therefore we can say: As we move, transform and metamorphose the physical substances in the outer world by means of our limbs, so we move, transform and metamorphose the substances in our body by means of nutritional activities. That is why 'our limb nature' – that is, the capacity for change – can extend inwards, and 'the nature of our nutrition' can extend outwards with the help of processes that are supplying the cells of our whole organism with necessary substances. Thus we can see that the archetype of nutrition is in reality the archetype of our Will – that is, capacity for moving, transforming and metamorphosing of physical substances. [4]

Outer Movement as Conscious Manifestation of Will

The metabolic-limb system is the seat of human Will. Will is the most active pole of the human being which enables us to work on the world around us and change it by means of our arms and legs. All physical achievements in all existing cultures of humanity were created with the help of our limbs – more precisely, by their capacity to move. Therefore we are entitled to ask: How do our ideas direct the working of our limbs?

First we need to take a look at the widespread mechanistic notion of human movement. "When the materialistic physiologist speaks of the Will he has in mind that some kind of telephonic signal is sent from the central organ, the brain, proceeds through the so-called motor nerves, and thus moves the leg, for instance. This however is quite erroneous hypothesis." [5] With the help of the description of THREEFOLD HUMAN BEING we can grasp why the common scientific explanation of human movement is incorrect. First we need "to give up the prejudice that our whole soul element is connected merely with the nerve-sense apparatus. Only the world of mental images is connected with the nerve-sense apparatus, while the world of feeling no longer is. The world of feeling is connected directly with the rhythmic organism, and the world of Will is connected with the metabolic-limb organism. If I will something, something must take place in my metabolic-limb organism. The nervous system is there only in order that one can have mental images of what actually takes place in the Will. There are no ‘nerves of Will’; the division of nerves into sensory nerves and motor nerves is nonsense. The nerves are all of one kind, and so called nerves of Will or motor nerves exist for no other purpose than to perceive inwardly the processes of the Will; they too are sensory nerves." [6]

Because the above materialistic explanation is a very widespread error it must be stressed "that the nervous system of the physical organism is a unified organization, and it is really sheer nonsense, impossible to prove anatomically, to classify the nerves as sensory and motor. They are organized as a unity and all have one function. The so-called motor nerves are distinguished from the so-called sensory only to the extent that the sensory nerves are arranged to serve our perception of the outer world whereas the motor nerves serve for the perception of our organism. [7] It is not the function of a motor nerve to cause my hand to move, for example; this is sheer nonsense. It exists for the purpose of perceiving my hand's movement from within. The sensory nerves, however, serve in the perception of the outer world. This is their sole distinction." [8]

After this introduction we can look at the spiritual scientific explanation of the movement of our limbs. It starts with the fact that each human body contains "an enclosed heat-space which is at a higher temperature than its environment. In this increased temperature lives our soul and spirit element, and the soul and spirit in us are indirectly conveyed, by means of the heat, to our other organs. In this way to, our Will comes into being. The Will comes into being through the fact that in the first instance an influence is exerted upon the warmth or heat within us, then in turn on our lung-organization, from there on our fluid-organization, and only then on what is mineral or solid in our organism. Thus the human-organization must be represented as follows: the first part to be acted upon is the heat, then through heat air is affected; from there influence acts upon the water – the-fluid organism – and thence upon solid-organization." [9]

One important question is still left: Who is influencing the warmth in the first stage? "What force is at work when a man walks or does something with his arms? If we ask who is the actual subject, who is moving the arm or the leg, then we arrive at something spiritual, certainly not material. We are forced to say to ourselves that it is the spiritual itself that must bring physical forces into action. Our human movement is really a magical effect, because in it something is set in motion by the spirit. The Will – that is to say, something purely spiritual – must intervene in physical activity; these are in truth magical effects. When you walk, an inner magician, something essential, is working within you. The fact that we are physical human beings, made up of bones, blood, and so forth, does not make us into moving human beings; at best it is able to make us inert beings, beings who lie permanently in the bed. If we are to be able to move, the Will must be directly active." [10] This Will is the manifestation of our spiritual essence, our ego-organization.

The Task of Harmonising between Activities of Nutrition and Movement

It is a common human experience that after hard work we become hungry and that after eating food – under the condition that we eat real food of good quality and the appropriate quantity suitable to our individual needs [11] – we feel refreshed and regain our strength to carry on the work. Because grains are the staple food of humanity, we will look at how their consumption influences the human being.

"All the grains are good foodstuffs. The grains contain carbohydrates, and of such a nature that the human being forms starch and sugar in the healthiest possible way. The important fact about carbohydrates is that when we eat them, they are slowly turned into starch by the saliva in our mouth and the secretions in our stomach. There the body has to exert strength to derive starch from them. Then the digestive process goes further in the intestines. In order that something can go into the blood and also reach the head, there must be more exertion still, because sugar has to be derived from the starch. Only then can it go to the head. So one has to use still greater forces. Now think of this, when I exert my strength upon some external thing, I become weak. This is really a secret of human physiology: if I chop wood, if I use my external bodily strength, I become weak; but if I exert an inner strength, transforming carbohydrates into starch and starch into sugar, I become strong. [12] When I use my strength externally, I become weak; if I use it internally, I become strong. So it is not a matter of simply filling oneself up with food, but of the food generating strength in our body." [13]

The statement that after outer work we 'become weak' means that we become tired after prolonged work or any other kind of physical activity. If we take into account the existence of the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM then we can add another perspective on the link between nutrition and movement: "Man himself produces the substances he needs, drawing them from the cosmos into his organism… If as human beings we were not obliged to live on the earth between birth and death and to cope with earthly affairs, it would be unnecessary for us to eat at all, for we could draw our sustenance from the universe. But when we have manual work to do, when we have to move about, then we need the support of foods, for the body itself does not produce a sufficient quantity" [14] of substances.

What is important for the understanding of this nutritional principle is awareness that activities of nutrition stimulate anabolic, building-up processes of the human organism, and that voluntary movements of our limbs stimulate catabolic, breaking-down processes of the human organism. [15] In the case of nutrition we are dealing with "the relationship of an enjoyable taste on the tongue to the hidden, complex proceedings in the rest of the body, where the food takes up its task of nourishing the organism. What lies in that further process, after our pleasure in the taste of food, is not at all evident to our observation or understanding. Although our body has to have nutritive substances circulating through the organism, no one is able to say, from savouring a food, what its particular use will be in the life processes of the body." [16] However, something needs to be utterly clear: nutrition stimulates life processes that are engaged in ongoing regeneration of our body on the ground of the fact that "basically, everything absorbed by our life processes to build up and maintain our organism originates in external nature." [17] This includes also food.

On the other hand we all have experiences which confirm that "fatigue is connected with the execution of exterior work." [18] In this case we are dealing with voluntary movement that is directed by our conscious life. When a human being carries out work by means of his consciousness, the organs concerned becomes fatigued." [19] In the case of work or movement these are above all the muscles of our arms and legs. Tiredness is a sign that the breaking-down processes of our organism reached the point in which processes of regeneration needs to intervene with the aim to refresh us with the inflow of life energy that enables our existence and activity on the physical plane. All these processes are continually happening inside our body – inside our metabolic system – but they need to be kept in dynamic balance if we want to stay strong and healthy.

For complementary perspectives see:




In the LIVING PROCESS OF INNER 'COMBUSTION' you can find the dietary conclusions regarding the best sources of carbohydrate foods. For this reason we will here focus on the question of sports nutrition.

This fundamental nutritional principle reveals the great advantage of eating proper wholesome food for increasing bodily energy and endurance. This is acknowledged by sports nutritionists when they promote "eating slow-burning or low-GI meals" before training with the aim to "avoid problems of low blood sugar levels during long training sessions." However then they contradict themselves by promotion of sports energy drinks to "help maintain blood sugar levels, fuel muscles, and slow down the rate of glycogen depletion" when training for longer than one hour. [20]

An example of an energy drink is Lucozade Energy which contains 26% Glucose Syrup. On the bottle is the following claim: "Lucozade Energy provides Glucose, the brain and body's naturally preferred energy source." When one understands, that the only naturally preferred energy source is that produced by the body itself, then one can avoid the false conclusion that consumption of glucose is good for the body, just because the body needs it. The essential point is how we get glucose into our body. This is of tremendous importance, for the human body is not just a vehicle which needs fuel in the most refined form.

The fact is that energy drinks and other sports supplements do work, but they mainly work as stimulants. [21] This means that in the long term the regular consumption of sports supplements does not make the human being stronger, for they are suppressing the capacity of the body to produce its own energy. Of course, when people are still full of youthful forces it is hard to detect this effects of sports supplements, because what one experiences is their short-term stimulating effect. We also need to be aware that there are some individuals with more life forces than others, who can use sport supplements for an extended period of time without any evident harm. Yet we need to consider all possible effects – the physical ones and supersensible as well – before we can decide for or against the use of sports supplements. One needs to understand how things work inside the human body and to know all positive impacts and risks in relation to the intake of a specific food or stimulant. [22]

Besides, even in the case of the sportsman who is physically very strong, we cannot be sure that he has developed all his potentials, for the human being is more than just a moving being who can run ever faster, jump ever longer and higher, and so on. One of the main abilities which distinguish human beings from animals is the ability of thinking. And by the development of his thinking – which also needs suitable and regular exercise – we can give deeper meaning to our life by permeating our work with moral ideals and our personal goals with wisdom. This is the path that is leading us towards becoming truly human.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. The main organ of the digestive system is the digestive tract (also called: intestinal tract, gastrointestinal tract, alimentary tract/canal) and accessory organs (salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gall bladder) which secrete digestive juices.
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 24.06.1921; Therapeutic Insights – Earthly and Cosmic Laws, Mercury Press, 1984
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 25.04.1920; Mystery of the Universe, Rudolf Steiner Press
  4. For comparison see the description of the nature of nutrition in Three Bridges between Man and the Outside World.
  5. See note3
  6. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 2.07.1921; same source as in the note 2
  7. Among the main arguments in favour of the existence of motor nerves is the fact that a person becomes paralysed if these nerves are cut. However, there is the possibility of another explanation if we take into account that these nerves enable us to perceive the movement of our body from within. Consequently the reason for paralysis is the lack of inner perception of muscles affected by cut nerves. We cannot move them because we are no longer aware of their existence.
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 6.11.1916; The Karma of Vocation
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 16.05.1920; same source as in the note 3
  10. Rudolf Steiner, Stuttgart, 16.10.1923; Deeper Insights into Education - The Waldorf Approach, Anthroposophic Press, 1983
  11. In our time it is of utmost importance to distinguish between Real versus Fake Food. For an additional perspective see FOOD vs STIMULANTS.
  12. The reason why some people can get strength with mainly meat diet is described in PLANT vs ANIMAL FOOD.
  13. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 31.07.1924; From Sunspots to Strawberries
  14. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 19.01.1924; Cosmic Workings in Earth and Man
  15. For the needs of this nutritional principle we focused on comparison of nutrition and movement, but these are not the only influences that stimulate anabolic or catabolic processes.
  16. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 6.02.1913 ,
  17. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 13.12.1916;
  18. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 27.10.1910; Golden Blade 2003
  19. As above
  20. Source of all quotes in the paragraph: Anita Bean, Sports Supplements which nutritional supplements really work, A & C Black Publishers, London, 2011
  21. Sport supplements which have stimulating effect are those which use specific isolated substances (e.g. glucose, etc.) in the concentrated form (e.g. energy drinks, etc.) The exception are those supplements containing natural plant ingredients which have not been isolated to the extreme. For more clarification see FOOD vs STIMULANTS.
  22. There are, of course, also non-physical effects of diet which are not taken into account by those who promote sport supplements, because their nutritional approach is completely materialistic. Some supersensible effects of nutrition are presented in the principles NUTRITION & SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT.