Transubstantiation of Minerals

All mineral substances that are present in our food go through manifold transformations before they can become part of the human organism. First the solid mineral substances dissolve in our fluids where dominate the forces of our etheric body. Then the fluid mineral changes into a gaseous state in ‘gaseous man’ where dominate the forces of the astral body. The last process of metamorphosis which belongs to the earthly nutritional stream is the change of the gaseous mineral into the state of the warmth ether inside the ‘warmth man’ where dominate the forces of ego organization. In this condition each mineral substance is imbued with spiritual forces which enable it to again condense by the help of the cosmic nutritional stream all the way to the solid condition. This central process of transubstantiation is that which, as it were, humanizes all substances that comprise our physical body.

Introductory Reading:


Four 'Conditions' of the Human Organism

The modern scientific picture of the human being which is based on very detailed anatomical-physiological descriptions of his systems, organs, tissues, cells, and 'chemistry of life' – that is, the atoms, molecules and compounds which compose everything perceptible in the human body – is actually very materialistic. With its help we cannot arrive at any other finding than that the human body is a very complex physical organization. In contrast to this the spiritual science reveals that the FOURFOLD HUMAN BEING is composed of the physical body, etheric body, astral body, and human ego. These four members can be looked at from various perspectives in regard to their connections to the various realms of existence. Now we will look at the links of these members of the human constitution to the four conditions of matter – solid, fluid, gaseous, and warmth condition – which came into existence during the COSMIC EVOLUTION OF SUBSTANCES.

What is the common understanding of the constitution of the human being in regard to these four conditions of matter? "The human being is usually regarded as if he were simply a physical organism, a body built up of solid matter. That is just not true. The least part of the human body is solid, less than ten percent. For the rest it is a water organism, an organism of liquid, so that in reality we must think of this organism built up in such a way that one tenth is solid and the rest saturated with water. You only represent the human organism truly when you see it as a column of liquid in which the solid is deposited." [1]

Although this fact is more or less known its significance is not yet properly understood. "Physiology does, of course, also speak of what is in flow, but the flowing fluids in the human organism are only investigated from the point of view of the laws of dynamics or mechanics. The truth is that the moment the fluid man comes into consid­eration; we must realize that the so-called etheric body is working in this fluid man. This streaming of fluids within the organism is not dependent upon earthly forces, fundamentally speaking. It is depend­ent upon planetary forces. Therefore, we must realize that as long as we are concerned with rigidly outlined organs and systems of organs, earthly forces, pure and simple, come into consideration. The moment we are concerned with what is in circulation – whether it be the circulation of the digestive juice or the digestive juice that has already been transformed in the blood – the ruling forces are not earthly but planetary." [2]

However, besides the fluids and solid substances inside the human body "we must also picture it as an organism of air. The air is outside, we breathe it in; a part of the outside air is now within us and we breathe it out again. So we are also an air organism. It is just this air organism which is taken hold of by the astral body as we wake up. [3] We breathe in the air, it goes through transformations the effect of which pours through the whole organism. The oxygen takes up the carbon and transforms it into carbonic acid. Thus, an air process continually takes place within us.

As we wake up the air process is permeated by the astral body. The movement of the astral body follows the same path as the air through the organism. The air process consists solely of air when we sleep; when we are awake then the movements of the astral body, as it were, swim along within what lives in us as air processes. But now depict to yourselves the following: the astral body draws into air organism and carries out its movements, in fact, carries out its general activity, within the air organism. This all takes place within the watery organism. When we are awake, these air processes are in reality processes of the astral body and they continually push against the watery organism. Man's etheric body is within the watery organism both night and day. So you have simultaneously a reciprocal effect between the etheric body and the astral body, as well as between their physical counterparts – the air processes and the water processes. Thus, you can visualize these processes running their course within man between his breathing and the movements of all the bodily fluids. Yet that is again merely a copy of what takes place between the astral and etheric bodies." [4]

Thus, "the physical laws of the physical body apply to the solid man; while the laws of the etheric body rule the fluid man. But the aeriform, the gaseous, also plays a part in the human organism, a greater part, indeed, than is conjectured. Insofar as the gaseous works within and enlivens the human organism, it is entirely dependent upon the astral body. Human breathing, for instance, in its physical manifesta­tion, is a function of the astral body." [5]

However, there is more to it. "The whole organism consisting of solid, fluid and air is also permeated with warmth. The whole organism has its own warmth – i.e., its own warmth ether. So far as the fourth man, the warmth man, is concerned, there is not the slightest doubt that differentiated warmth is present in the space physically occupied by the human being, and even beyond this. If you put a thermometer behind the ear or under the armpit you will find evidence of differentiation in the warmth organism; the degrees of warmth are everywhere different. On the gaseous waves moves astrality and in the warmth flowing through the body moves the actual I or ego of man. This warmth organization is subject to the ego organization." [6]

So we have "the physical body as such, then the fluid body, which is also physical but differentiated from the solid physical body. The fluid physical body has an intimate connection with the etheric body. Then we have the gaseous organism which has an intimate connection with the astral body, and finally all the warmth processes – that is, the warmth ether in man, which has an intimate connection with the human I. Thus, one can say that in the various physical constituents of man we have a picture of the whole man." [7]

Or we can express this in the following manner:

The above division of the human being on the basis of the four conditions of matter provides a background for the description of changes which minerals undergo inside the human being. The important thing is to understand that inside the human being physical laws apply only to solid bodies, while fluid, gaseous, and warmth bodies are subject to supersensible laws. Only in this manner can we comprehend the transformations of minerals which are evolving inside the human organism. Or in other words, in the metamorphoses of minerals described below we are dealing with physical processes permeated by soul and spirit – that is, with the true alchemical metamorphosis of substance.

Metamorphoses of Minerals in the Interior of Man

If we want to grasp the nature of the changes all mineral substances undergo inside the human organism we need to clarify first which substances in our food belongs to this group. Here is the short summary of the facts in relation to this issue:

In accordance with all this we can conclude that all we get from our food is, in its essence, mineral substance – that is, inorganic compound or element which has specific form. After all, every food has specific form as a consequence of the fact that it contains specific substances which belong to the mineral kingdom. This conclusion is important for the proper understanding of the further description of transformations of minerals.

If we consume some mineral in solid form – alone, such as sugar or salt, or as constituent part of our food – this mineral first dissolves in our bodily fluids. This is the first transformation occurring in our fluid organism. The second transformation occurs in our air organism when the fluid mineral changes into the gaseous condition. And finally "everything of a mineral nature which enters into the human organism must be so far metamorphosed, so far changed that, at least for a certain period of time, it becomes pure warmth, becomes one with the warmth which man develops as his own individual temperature independent of the temperature of his environment. No matter whether it is salt or some other mineral that we absorb, in one way or another it must assume the form of warmth ether [9], and it must do this before it is used to build the living organism. It is utter nonsense to imagine that some mineral from the outside world would simply transfer itself into the human body and make up some part of the skeletal system, the teeth, etc. Before anything can be part of the human form it must have gone through the completely volatile warmth ether stage and then have been transformed again into a part of the living form of the human organism." [10]

This is in accordance with the COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM which is, in a healthy human being, the source of all substances our body needs. This is happening by means of the gradual condensation of the cosmic ethers. But this influx of cosmic ethers into the human body can happen in a proper manner only if something else happens before this. "Solid substance loses its solid form when it is changed in the mouth into fluid and is then further transformed into the condition of warmth ether. It also gradually loses weight as it passes over into the fluid form and becomes more and more estranged from the earthly; but only when it has ascended to the warmth etheric form is it fully prepared to absorb into itself the spiritual which comes from above, which comes from cosmic breadths.

Thus, if you want to gain an idea of how a mineral substance is utilized in man, you must see the following: There is the mineral substance; this mineral substance enters into man. Within man, passing through the fluid and gaseous state, it is transformed into warmth ether. Now it is warmth ether. This warmth ether has a strong disposition to absorb into itself what radiates inwards, streams inwards, as forces from world spaces, from the breadths of the cosmos. Thus it takes into itself the forces of the universe. And these forces of the universe now become the spiritual forces which here imbue warmth-etherized earthly matter with spirit. And only then, with the help of this warmth-etherized earthly substance, does there enter into the body what the body needs to take shape and form.

If in the old sense, we designate heat or warmth as fire we can say: What man absorbs in the way of mineral substance is taken up to the level where it becomes of the nature of fire in him. And what is of the nature of fire has the disposition to take up into itself the forces of cosmic evolution; and then this fire streams back again into all man's internal regions, and resolidifies to provide the material basis for the individual organs. Nothing that human beings take into themselves remains as it is; nothing remains earthly. Everything, and specifically everything that comes from the mineral kingdom, is so far transformed that it can take into itself the spiritual and cosmic; it then resolidifies into the earthly condition with the help of this.

Take a fragment of calcium phosphate from a bone, for instance. This is in no way the calcium phosphate which you find outside in nature, or which, let us say, you produce in the laboratory. It is the calcium phosphate which, while it arose from what was absorbed from food, could only take part in creating the human physical form with the help of the forces which penetrated it during the time when it was changed into the warmth ether condition.

One only gains insight into the nature of man when one knows that everything which is taken in from outside must be worked on and thoroughly transformed. Thus, if you take some external substance and wish to test its value for human life you simply cannot do this by means of ordinary chemistry. You must know how much force the human organism has to exert in order to bring an external mineral substance to the fleeting condition of warmth ether. If it is unable to do this, the external mineral substance is deposited and becomes heavy earth matter before it has passed over into warmth; it remains foreign inorganic matter and is deposited in the tissues. In the case of every substance one must therefore consider to what degree the human organism can transmute lifeless substance into warmth substance, whether the nature of that substance is already lifeless, as when we eat common salt, or whether it becomes so, as with sugar.

In warmth substance, the organism, which is rooted in the earth, finds its connection with the spiritual cosmos. Every deposit in man which remains untransmuted signifies that the human being does not find the connection with the spiritual of the cosmos for the substances present within him. This is only a special application of the general axiom that whatever approaches man from outside must be entirely worked over and transformed within him. And if we wish to look after a person's health it is of paramount importance to see to it that nothing enters into him that will remain as it was, nothing that cannot be dealt with by the human organism and transformed even if it is only quite minor in degree. This is not only the case in regard to substances; it is also the case, for instance, in regard to forces. Everything in the external world is poison for man, actual poison, and it only becomes of service to him when, through his individual forces, he lays hold of it and makes it his own." [11]

Thus we can see how the human organism performs true alchemical transformations of minerals. The most outstanding among them is the transubstantiation – that is, the permeation of minerals in the state of warmth ether with spiritual forces which change the basic nature of minerals which go through this process. In this phase of metamorphosis our ego organization is directly involved, because "the warmth is ruled from the ego organization. What the ego organization does in the human organism is done by way of the warmth organization." [12] The final outcome is not only that 'nothing remains earthly', but also that all mineral substances are transformed in such a way that they can serve the human being – they are, so to speak, humanised by the spiritual forces which permeate them. These forces are called 'forces of cosmic evolution' because they are forces which guide the evolution of cosmos, earth and humanity in accordance with the wise plan of the cosmic evolution. [13]

Part of this development is in the task "that the human being in the present age unites with the higher ego. For this men had to have help in their evolution. When something is to be accomplished, there must be a preparation. If a child is to develop into something special at fifteen years of age, something must be done to that end as early as his sixth or seventh year. Everywhere, evolution must prepare its impulses. What is to happen to mankind in the next epoch must be slowly and gradually prepared." [14] Among the most important preparations is the "central impulse of the growing freedom to be allotted to human beings." [15] This at any rate would not be possible if there did not exist the possibility of metamorphosis of mineral substances that we receive from the outside world and with which we create our inner world – that is, the microcosm of our individual being. [16]


If we take a look on our food from the perspective of this nutritional principle, then we can notice that the majority of foods is made from a mixture of solid and fluid ingredients with a specific amount of warmth, and sometimes also a little amount of air.

If we now focus on that mineral content of food which is usually considered as 'minerals and trace elements', we can imagine that the presence of artificial mineral substances in conventionally produced food – such as residues of agrochemicals and artificial food additive – must be a cause of considerable disruption in the processes of transformation of minerals described in this nutritional principle because these substances naturally do not occur in the food and are consequently alien to our organism.

With the help of this nutritional principle we can get an additional perspective on the issue of refined foods. The absence or great loss of naturally occurring (trace) minerals is a cause of serious disorders, because we need to be aware that the processes of transformation of mineral substances described above are part of very complex metabolic processes which maintain the life functions of our organism.

A special case is the refining of natural sea salt, which results in the removal of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine and other trace minerals. The outcome is pure sodium chloride which is then enriched with iodine and fluoride. On top of this is added an anti-caking agent (calcium or magnesium carbonate, or aluminium hydroxide). In this way natural, mineral-rich sea salt, is transformed into an impoverished, human-made mineral compound. Our blood is regarded as the 'inner sea' because of the similarity of its composition to the sea water. It should then be no surprise that the daily consumption of inferior refined table salt has repeated negative impacts on the overall state of the human organism, which paves the way to more serious troubles in the form of a disease.

This nutritional principle also reveals the great danger of a materialistic focus on providing beneficial nutrients in the form of nutraceuticals – that is, the mineral extracts derived from various food sources – without taking into consideration the individual capabilities of performing all processes of transformation described above. Since the regular use of supplements as general preventive therapy has become fashionable, their regular consumption has most likely burdened many people with untransformed minerals – for in spite of the best of intentions these extracts cannot help if people are not capable of performing transubstantiation which enables proper humanization of these substances.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 5.05.1922, The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 2.01.1924; Course for Young Doctors, Mercury Press
  3. According to spiritual science in sleep our ego and astral body separate from the physical and the etheric body and reunite with them when we awake. This also explains why we lose our ordinary consciousness during the sleep.
  4. See note 1
  5. See note 2
  6. Combined quote from the sources in note 1 and 2
  7. See note 1
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.01.1923
  9. Warmth ether and warmth are two terms which describe two sides of the same condition of matter. For an explanation see Seven Conditions of Matter.
  10. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 10.11.1923; Harmony of the Creative Word, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2001
  11. As above
  12. See note 2. For an additional explanation of the working of the ego through the element of warmth see description of Outer Movement as Conscious Manifestation of Will.
  13. The spiritual forces of cosmic evolution are not possible to understand without knowledge of the esoteric background of the evolution of the world and man which is presented in the book Occult Science and many other works of spiritual science. But we should know that even modern science has recognized that physical forces are not alone in guiding the evolution of our universe; the vast majority of the universe is under the influence of so-called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' – that is, the spiritual substances and forces (this phenomenon is briefly addressed in an explanation of the Objective Existence of Non-Physical Realities.
  14. Rudolf Steiner, Hamburg, 30.05.1908; The Gospel of St. John, Anthroposophic Press, 1973
  15. Rudolf Steiner, Arnhem, 20.07.1924; A talk to Young People, Mercury Press, 1992
  16. The question of freedom is addressed in the book The Philosophy of Freedom and in other Steiner works. But it must be clear that we would not possess real freedom if there were not in place the physical-etheric 'mechanism' by means of which we can influence the development of our own body which is the 'house' where our soul and spirit dwells.