Nutrition and Faculty of Memory

All members of the human organism – ego, astral body, etheric body, and physical body – are involved in the activities that enable the faculty of memory. However, the main seat of our memory is the etheric body. Our immediate soul impressions and our ideas are imprinted in different degrees into the etheric body and in this way transformed into more or less lasting memories. The intensity of this imprinting depends on the balance of two etheric streams originating in the body which culminate in the two glands in the brain – the pineal and the pituitary gland – which are simultaneously important stations for cosmic and earthly nutritional streams. The pituitary gland serves as the door for an inflow of living cosmic ethers into the human body. The pineal body is the final destination of mineral substances provided by earthly nutrition. For that reason diet has one of the crucial impacts on our faculty of memory.

Introductory Reading:


Phenomenon of Memory in the Cooperation of Soul and Body

The faculty of memory has a very important role in our life. It enables us to perform our everyday duties and it is an indispensable part of the process of learning and developing new skills. However, "as earthly men we live always in the present moment. When we see, hear, or otherwise perceive through our senses, it is the actual moment that is all-important for us. Whatever has to do with the past or the future can make no impression on our ears, our eyes, or on any other sense. We are given up to the moment, and thereby to space. But what would a man become were he entirely given up to the present moment and to space? By observing ordinary life around us we have ample proof that, if a man is thus completely engrossed, he is no longer man in the full sense. Records of illness give evidence of this. Well-authenticated cases can be quoted of persons who, at a certain time in their lives, become unable to remember any of their former experiences, and are conscious only of the imme­diate present. Their life of soul, the whole of their life as human beings on Earth, becomes chaotic. They no longer feel themselves to be a unified person. They have lost their memory.

When a man loses his inner feeling for time – his really intimate connection with the past – then his life becomes a chaos. Experience of space alone can do nothing to help towards the health of his whole being. To put this in other words: A man in his sense-life is always given up to the moment, and in some cases of illness it is possible for him to detach his immediate existence in space from his existence as a whole – but he is then no longer man in the full sense. For him to remain man in the full sense, memory must make the past present in him. Being present in time is something indispensable for a man. Past time, however, is never there in the present moment; to experience it we must always carry it over into the present. Therefore in a human being there must be forces for conserving the past." [1]

In the processes of the preservation of memory, which is so essential for our individual existence, our whole human organization is involved with all four bodies: the physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego (organization). The key question for proper understanding of memory is: In which of these bodies are our memories stored? "When we are at work in our soul what at first happens is that we receive external impressions. The outside world acts upon our senses, and we then work over the external impressions in our soul. But we do more than that, we store up, so to speak, these impressions which we have received. Just think for a moment about the simple phenomenon of memory, when you recall something that you experienced, perhaps years ago. At that time, on the basis of external perceptions, certain impressions took form, which you then worked over, and which you draw up today out of the depths of your soul, and today there comes to you the memory, it may be something quite simple: the memory of a tree, let us say, or an odour. Here you have stored up something in your soul which could remain yours from the external impression and the elaboration of it in your soul, something that can form in you the recollection.

We first confront the outside world with our ego, take impressions from it into our ego, and work these over in our astral body. But, were we to work them over only in the astral body, we should straight away forget them. When we draw conclusions we are at work in our astral bodies; but when we fix impressions within us so firmly that, after some time has passed, or indeed after only a few minutes, we can again recall them, we have stamped upon our ether-body these impressions received through our ego and worked over in our astral body. In these memory-pictures, accordingly, we have drawn out of our ego down into our ether-body that which we have lived over inwardly as activity of soul in our contact with the outer world." [2] In all this the physical body is also involved as it provides our personal 'house' with various 'windows' and 'doors' – that is, the sense organs – through which the outer world enters into us. However, the memories are not stored in some sort of 'drawers' or 'hard drives', but in the supersensible body nearest to the physical body – that is, in the etheric body.

What is the process of remembering in such a case? In its essence is an unconscious process of inner perception. "The mental pictures come and go; they are quite evanescent. As to what really remains, we do not conceive it at all in this moment, but it goes down into our organisation, and when we remember, we look within; down there the impression remains permanent. The first time, when you saw something from without, you were stimulated from outside by this. The second time – namely now, when you remember it – you are stimulated from within, because in effect the impression has reproduced itself within you. In both cases it is the same process, namely a process of perception. Memory too is perception. In effect, our day-waking consciousness consists in ideation, in the forming of ideas; but there – beneath the ideation – certain processes are going on. They too, rise into our consciousness by an act of ideation, namely by our forming of ideas in the act of memory. Underneath this activity of ideation is the per­ceiving, the pure process of perception." [3]

Now when we know the answer of the question which still puzzles the scientists [4], we can follow up with the question: "How does the 'inscription' of memories in the ether body come about? This transfer takes place in a very remarkable way. If we observe the blood – let us now imagine ourselves within the human ether-body – quite schematically as it courses through the heart, and think of it as the external physical expression of the human ego, we thereby see how this ego works, how it receives impressions corresponding with the outer world and condenses these to memory-pictures. We see, furthermore, not only that our blood is active in this process, but also that, throughout its course, especially in the upward direction, somewhat less in the downward, it stirs up the ether-body, so that we see currents developing everywhere in the ether-body, taking a very definite course, as if they would join the blood flowing upward from the heart and go up to the head. And in the head these currents come together, in about the same way – to use a comparison belonging to the external world – as do currents of electricity when they rush toward a point which is opposed by another point, so as to neutralise the positive and the negative. When we observe with a soul trained in occult methods, we see at this point ether-forces compressed as if under a very powerful tension, those ether-forces which are called forth through the impressions that now desire to become definite concepts, memory-pictures, and to stamp themselves upon the ether-body.

We then see how, in opposition to these, other currents flow from that portion of the ether-body which belongs to the rest of the bodily organisation. These currents go out for the most part from the lower part of the breast, but also from the lymph vessels and other organs, and come together in such a way that they oppose currents described above. Thus we have in the brain, whenever a memory-picture wishes to form itself, two ether-currents, one coming from below and one from above, which oppose each other under the greatest possible tension, just as two electric currents oppose each other. If a balance is brought about between these two currents, then a concept has become a memory-picture and has incorporated itself in the ether-body.

Such supersensible currents in the human organism always express themselves by creating for themselves also a physical sense-organ. Thus we have within us an organ, situated in the centre of the brain, which is the physical sense-expression for that which wishes to take the form of a memory-picture; and opposite to this is situated still another organ in the brain. These two organs in the human brain are the physical-sensible expression of the two currents in the human ether-body. These currents condense themselves with such force that they seize the human bodily substance and consolidate it into these organs. We thus actually get an impression of bright etheric light-currents streaming across from the one to the other of these organs, and pouring themselves out over the human ether-body. These organs are actually present in the human organism. One of them is the pineal body; the other the pituitary gland: the epiphysis and the hypophysis respectively. We have here, at a definite point in the human physical organism, the external physical expression of the cooperation of soul and body." [5]

From this description we see how complicated are the underlying processes which enable our function of memory. For the sake of this nutritional principle we do not need to understand all ramifications and details of this remarkable process; what is important, is that we comprehend that the faculty of memory depends on the balance of two etheric currents originating in our own organism, one culminating in the pineal body and another in the pituitary gland. [6]

How Dietary Minerals Affect the Faculty of Memory

When we realize that the seat of memory is in the etheric body, we can rightly assume that there must be a link between memory and nutrition, because of the fact that "all the organs connected with growth, propagation, digestion and so on, are not built simply in accordance with the physical principle, but with that of the etheric or life body, which permeates physical organs as well. Only the structure built-up in accordance with the physical law is in the care of the physical principle; the processes of digestion, propagation and growth, however, being an affair of the etheric principle." [7] With the aim to better understand the nature of the link between nutrition and memory we need to include in our considerations two basic laws of nutrition – EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM and COSMIC NUTRITIONAL STREAM.

In the cosmic nutritional stream we have dealings with etheric currents entering through our sense organs, gathering at the pituitary gland, and afterwards transferring into the physical organism via the remaining glands of the endocrine system. This means "that whenever we perceive in ordinary consciousness, another process (cosmic etheric current) takes place beyond waking consciousness. This means that when we have a physical perception and form a mental picture then another process (which runs parallel to that of perception) takes place through which something real comes about – that is, a reality, not just a picture. If today you have physically before you a human being and you see him again after eight or ten years then nothing of what you see today will be present. You cut your nails, your skin flakes off, externally the physical body continually falls away; it becomes dust. After seven to ten years that which today is the physical substance most deeply embedded in you will have come so far to the surface that it flakes off, or is cut off as long nails. You can be certain that what is today at the centre of your physical body gradually comes to the surface and falls away. But then what remains? What re­mains of man's whole being is solely the reality developed in­wardly through the process taking place parallel to that of forming mental pictures. In ten years' time nothing of what you are today will ex­ist except the memories of your experiences. Today nothing exists of what you were ten years ago except what your memories have made of you. You are woven out of your memories; all that is physical flakes off and disappears." [8]

If we now look at the earthly nutritional stream we can see that its main role is to provide minerals for our nerve-sense system. But – as is described in TRANSUBSTANTIATION OF MINERALS – the movement of minerals towards the brain is accompanied by their gradual rarefaction until they are in the state of warmth ether when they reach the brain. Although minerals play a crucial role in the functions of all neurons, they have a special relationship to the pineal body, because "all the substances that the human being absorbs as food press upward toward the brain. The brain also has less noble parts that are nourished by everything that is carried up to the brain and that also provides sustenance for the whole organism. It is only the noblest part of the brain that must be nourished by the most perfect union of sensory perceptions and the finest mineral extract. In this vital part of the brain, this mineral extract is united with the purest and noblest radiance entering through the sense organs. Here, the purest, noblest element in light, sound, and warmth encounters the most refined products of the mineral kingdom. The noblest part of the brain (the pineal body) is nourished by this union between the most delicate sense impressions and the most refined mineral products." [9]

We can therefore distinguish four etheric streams which enable the 'inscription' of impressions that are received and worked upon by our soul – such as sense perceptions, feelings, ideas, etc. – into our etheric body in the form of memories: [10]

Thus we can see that all these etheric streams affect the state of balance between pineal and pituitary glands. In other words, all described etheric streams have special relationships to both glands which play indispensable roles in the process of imprinting our short-term and long-term memories into the etheric body. For that reason we can conclude: "One of the tasks of earthly life is to unfold the faculty of memory. During our long evolution in the previous stage of the Earth, we did not possess memory in the form in which we know it today. Memory has only been able to develop since the earth organism with its mineral forces has been incorporated in our being. Memory is essentially an outcome of the interaction between the human soul and the physical body." [11]

From the content of EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM and NUTRITION AND CAPACITY OF THINKING it is evident that minerals have also an impact on our thinking and process of cognition, and consequently on our levels of intelligence. The faculty of memory is an integral part of any learning and thus necessary for the well-being of our whole soul life. And as is evident from the content of this nutritional principle, one of the key factors which influence our capacity of memory is the quantity and quality of the mineral substances in our food.

For a complementary perspective see:



When we gain an insight about the way our impressions are stored into the etheric body in the form of memory pictures, then it becomes clear to us that the problems with everyday forgetting and other more serious forms of loss of memory [12] cannot be addressed only with medicines, or only with a diet, or only with psychological therapies alone; what we need is to restore the balance between body and soul and this can be done only when we address all factors which influence the etheric balancing between the pituitary and pineal gland. This is feasible only with the help of a holistic approach to healing which takes into account all aspects of the quality of life of the person in question. For the sake of this nutritional principle it is enough if we remember that nutrition belongs to those factors which influence our capacity for remembering to a high degree. Of course, we need to be aware that these influences work in the long term, and sometimes the consequences of nutrition are recognisable only after few decades.

From the dietary perspective alone we can say that the best source of dietary minerals which will nourish our pineal gland in the proper manner is organic wholefood. The reason is not just because it contains more minerals in their natural forms, but also because these minerals are accompanied by stronger etheric forces because organically grown food contains more power of life. This combination is what will have a real positive effect – under the condition that we are not 'asleep' but active also on the soul-spiritual level. The worst food in this regard is conventional refined food, because it is the opposite in both aspects, in respect to the content of natural minerals and in respect to the degree of vitality. [13] Maybe it is not just coincidence that the problems with the big increase of dementia in affluent societies has been occurring in the present times – that is, after several decades of widespread consumption of fast food. [14]

In between these two extremes are various types of food with various grades of mineral content and vital forces. Let's look at the case of organic refined food. In the last decade or so we can witness the silent spread of an increasing number of organic food products which contains white flour and/or refined (or even white) sugar, in spite of the mounting evidence about a multitude of detrimental effects of refined foods (especially sugar) upon human health. It is logical that in the case of highly refined sugars it doesn't make a big difference if sugar cane or sugar beet is grown organically or not, for in the refining process the great majority of so-called 'impurities' are removed. In the case of white sugar all trace minerals and vitamins are removed; what is left are pure crystals. Such food cannot support our faculty of memory in the same beneficial way as the organic wholefood. [15]

See the report Is Refined Food Really Organic? for in-depth discussion of the issue of organic refined foods.

Furthermore we need to know that stimulants, including refined sugar – in spite of the fact that they are minerals – don't work in such a balanced manner as is necessary for the good faculty of memory, because their very nature is a very focused, one-sided effect on a specific function of the human organism. Besides we need to take into account that all kind of minerals in crystallised form, including medical drugs, have an effect on human consciousness. Therefore the safest way is to consume wholefood and thus provide our body with a good source of natural minerals – that is, the best quality minerals – in such balanced quantities and ratios as created by wisdom of nature itself.

See HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID' for the list of foods which works preventively against gradual weakening of forces of memory.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Penmaenmawr, 19.08.1923; The Evolution of Consciousness, Rudolf Steiner Press, UK, 1991
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Prague, 23.03.1911; An Occult Physiology (old photocopy) also available on
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 2.03.1924
  4. It is obvious that scientists must be puzzled with the search for the seat of memory in the physical body without awareness of the existence of the etheric body, especially because the forces of the etheric body are behind all activities in the physical body. Materialistic attitudes therefore oscillate from comparisons with a computer – "Some basic facts about memory are clear. Your short-term memory is like the RAM on a computer: it records the information in front of you right now. Some of what you experience seems to evaporate. But other short-term memories go through a molecular process called consolidation: they're downloaded onto the hard drive." – to the acknowledgement that "our understanding of human memory, as baffling as the universe, is still emerging. Our recollections are molecular enigmas, vast and elusive." Source: Claudia Kalb, To Pluck a Rooted Sorrow, Newsweek, 4.05.2009
  5. See note 2
  6. We need to be aware that the human etheric body is extremely complex and that inside it is present a multitude of etheric streams. This means that in the body there exists other factors which influence our mental functions, including the faculty of memory, but for the sake of this principle we need to focus on the link between nutrition and memory.
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 13.12.1906; The Origin of Suffering – The Origin of Evil – Illness & Death, Steiner Book Centre, Canada, 1980
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 30.04.1922; The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution, Anthroposophic Press, USA, 1984
  9. Rudolf Steiner, The Hague, 25.03.1913; The Effects of Esoteric Development, Anthroposophic Press, 1997
  10. The conclusion about the existence of four etheric streams may not be quite correct because there exists a possibility that Steiner's descriptions (from two sources) relate to various aspects of two same etheric streams. One source is the book Occult Science (see note 2) where one can find description of two etheric streams that culminate in the two glands in the brain. Another source is the book The Evolution of Consciousness where there are descriptions of the two (etheric) nutritional streams. As is evident there exist similarities and differences in these descriptions. However, this uncertainty doesn't change the most important conclusion of this nutritional principle – that nutrition influences the faculty of memory via the earthly nutritional stream.
  11. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach 26.08.1916; Metamorphoses of Memory and Habit (old print)
  12. Forgetting is not exclusively negative, for we need to forget things when we don't need them anymore. This is evident from those extreme cases when people suffer with so-called 'post-traumatic-stress-disorder' – that is, from traumatic memories which they cannot forget. The problems related to memory are thus of two sorts: when we cannot remember a thing we want to remember, and when we cannot forget things we want to forget.
  13. The conventional food has less naturally occurring minerals and more added minerals, such as sugar, food additives, and specific minerals (calcium, iron, etc).
  14. There is some scientific evidence for the link between consumption of refined foods and development of dementia. For example, "people who eat a Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and it may improve outcomes in those with the disease. Those who eat a diet high in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates have a higher risk." (Wikipedia, Alzheimer's Disease, January 2014). The conclusion of other scientific research is that "(white) sugar can contribute to Alzheimer's disease." (
  15. In the case of sugar we can recognise its effect on our faculty of memory by its 'relative' alcohol which is derived from fermentation of sugar. Everyone who has drunk too much knows from their own experience about the partial loss of memory around the period when the person has been drinking.