Nutrition and Human Will

The substances that carry with them nourishing forces are minerals which have undergone the cosmic ‘salt process’ – that is, the permeation by the cosmic life ether which is happening in the middle of the winter in the mineral layers of the Earth. By the means of this renewal of minerals we are provided by a sufficient amount of nourishing forces when we eat. These forces are then metamorphosed in the rhythmic system into forces of healing, in the sense-nerve system into forces of thinking, and in the limb system into forces of voluntary movement. In this manner good nutrition stimulates the strengthening of our forces of Will which we need if we wish to bring about any positive change, in accordance with our moral values, in any area of personal or communal life that is not satisfactory to us.

Introductory Reading:


The Nature of the Human Will: The Force of Change

In the THREEFOLD HUMAN BEING there are presented the basic relationships between three bodily systems – nerve-sense system, rhythmic system, metabolic-limb system – and three kinds of soul-spiritual activities: thinking/perceiving, feeling, and willing. "The majority of people when they speak of thinking, feeling and willing, consider them at most mirror-pictures of external nature which appear in man. These abstract ideas which have been adopted by modern science did not exist for the thinkers of olden times. For the thinkers of old never spoke of a purely abstract Will-process, of a purely abstract thought-process, but of a 'salt-process', of a 'sulphur-process', and they meant thereby, something that on the one hand is of the nature of soul-and-spirit and on the other of a material-etheric nature. To them, this was a unity that enabled them to perceive how the soul works everywhere in the bodily organism.

In olden times men did not use the abstract word 'think' to express something that arose in the mind as a picture. When a real knower spoke about thinking he spoke of the 'salt-process'. Nor did he speak in an abstract way of the Will [1] but of the astral forces laying hold of the airy element in man, of the 'sulphur-process' from which the Will is born. Willing was a process of concrete reality and it was said that the adjustment between the two – for they are opposite processes – was brought about by the 'mercury-process', by that which is fluid and yet has form, which swings to and fro from the etheric nature to the astral nature, from the fluidic to the aeriform." [2]

Let's take a closer look at these processes. "In ancient times man knew that within him the universe is reborn in varied forms; he experienced an inner world. Out of his inner vital fluids the whole universe arose as an etheric structure. Man experienced a real process, an actual happening. And in modern man the process is there just the same, only he cannot inwardly experience it." [3] This activity in the human being is a 'salt-process' [4] that set the stage for the next inner activity.

"What man has formed in his etheric body – by virtue of which he is inwardly another cosmos, a microcosm, an etheric rebirth of the macrocosm – what he thus possesses as an inner cosmos, he can in the element of air, by the process of breathing, again gradually obliterate. The life-giving air which man takes in with his breath and which then spreads through his whole organism, over the whole of the microcosm, renders the shapes therein indistinct. The wonderful etheric universe in miniature begins, directly the breath contacts it, to become indefinite. That which formerly consisted of a myriad forms, is unified, because the 'astral man' lives in the airy element, just as the 'etheric man' lives in the fluids. The astral being of man lives in this airy element and by the breaking up of the etheric thoughts, by the metamorphosis of etheric thoughts into a force, the Will is born from the working of the 'astral man' in the 'air man'. And together with the Will, there arise the forces of growth which are connected with the Will.

This knowledge expressed a great deal more than is suggested nowadays by the abstract word 'Will'. It is a concrete process. The astral lays hold of the airy element and spreads over that which is etheric and fluidic. And thereby a real process is set up which appears in outer nature in a different form, when something is burning. This process was conceived by the ancients as the 'sulphur-process'. And from the 'sulphur-process' there unfolds that which is then experienced in the soul as Will." [5]

In its essence the 'sulphur-process' is related to the element of fire, by help of which things in the outside world are radically transformed. However in our organism this process becomes the spiritual-soul process which – through the medium of human warmth – enables us to become active participants in the world events. In this way we can change things, and this ability of transformation is the true nature of the human Will.

The Source of Nourishing Forces in Our Food

The nature of the forces of nourishment in our food is complex and multilayered. Now we will look at one of the most important aspects of food quality. Among the key tenets of the biodynamic approach to plant cultivation is the awareness of the process of rejuvenation in the middle of the winter. While nature is, from a physical perspective, in deep slumber, on the spiritual level there is happening the most important activity for the new growth of the plants – the cosmic 'salt process'. "If we turn our eyes downward to the earthly soil, which in spring-time sends forth all the shooting, sprout­ing life, we are looking at the salt process. This salt process is indeed most important for the springing and sprouting life. For the roots of the plants, in that they form themselves out of the seeds, are dependent for their whole growth on the relation in which they stand to the salts [6] – the salt-formation in the ground of the Earth. What the ground of the Earth contains of salts – the deposits within the Earth's surface – all this gives substance to the roots. It is this which actually makes the root into a root, the earthly foundation of plant life.

Thus when we approach the Earth we come to the 'salt process'. This is what the Earth makes of itself in the depth of winter. And then the plants, unfolding and growing, carry the salts through their leaves and blossoms into the seeds. We find them of course in the most varied parts, these salts; they are carried upward through the plants; the salts etherise themselves, they enter into the ethereal, essential oils. All that is salt-formation in the widest sense – salt-formation in the sense that it forms itself as a physical deposit as the dissolved salt is deposited in a glass of water – all this has the peculiarity of being transparent or porous, as it were, to the spiritual. Where there is salt, there the spiritual has, in a sense, a clear field. The spiritual can enter wherever there is salt. In winter-time the inner Earth becomes truly spiritual through the salt-content which specially consolidates there. But by means of water the Earth is enabled in midwinter not merely to grow rigid in the salts and permeate these stiffened salts with spirit, but to vivify the spiritualised substances and to lead them over into life. The surface of the Earth as a whole is alive in mid-winter. There is a tremendous intensifying of the power of the Earth under the surface during winter to develop life, to produce life." [7]

Here we have one example of how the outer view can be deceiving. While the nature outwardly shows the death-like sleep, in their depths is happening the process which enables the new yearly cycle of its growth. But what is the nature of these spiritual forces that enables the rebirth of nature through its entrance into the mineral layers of our planet – that is, into the salts of the Earth from the viewpoint of alchemy? "Midwinter is the time when the strongest formative forces, the strongest crystallizing forces can develop in the mineral substances within the Earth. This is happening when the inner nature of the Earth has the characteristic of being least reliant on itself, on its mineral masses, and most under the influence of the crystal-forming forces from the widths of the universe. Thus we can say: During the months of November and December, there is a time when what is beneath the surface of the Earth has a particularly strong effect on plant growth. This force of crystallization, which is already apparent in the crystallizing snow, reaches its peak intensity in January or February and gets stronger and more intense the further down into the Earth one goes." [8]

What is the essential character of these crystallising forces that are coming from the universe? From the description of COSMIC EVOLUTION OF SUBSTANCES it is evident that the solid mineral substances came into existence together with the life ether. This happened through the parallel process of gradual crystallisation of minerals from the fluid condition of matter, and the gradual ‘rarefaction’ of etheric substances into its finest form – into life ether. For that reason there is a strong affinity between minerals and life ether. This explains why minerals in the middle of the winter can open themselves to the inflow of spiritual forces that enable the renewal of the life of the plants. In other words, here we have the process of renewal of plant life by the entry of cosmic ether of life, and then – as the plants are consumed by animals and humans – also the renewal of life in higher kingdoms. This presence of cosmic forces of life in our food is what really nourishes us.

Metamorphosis of Nourishing Forces into the Power of Will

After we have gained a basic understanding of the nature of the human Will and of the forces of nourishment we can look at the processes in the human organism which enable the metamorphosis of the nourishing forces into the power of Will. In EARTHLY NUTRITIONAL STREAM it is explained how the earthly substances from our food is carried from the metabolic-limb system through the rhythmic system to the nerve-sense system. But in food which we eat there are not just substances, food contains also forces. These are "the plastic, formative forces of nourishment. These nutritive forces are active in the human metabolic system. But those forces which are otherwise active in human nutrition are passed up into the breathing system and there they become healing forces. And in working on further there they turn into forces for the inward correction of illness. The healing forces within us are metamorphoses of the nutritive forces. The forces that prevail in our breathing system are healing forces; they are healing us continually." [9] This is the short summary of NUTRITION AND 'INNER HEALER'.

The next phase of transformation happens "when these breathing forces rise into the head, the healing forces become spiritual forces active in sense-perception and in thinking. Thought, perception, the inner spiritual life of man, are a higher metamorphosis of therapy, the healing process." [10] Through this metamorphosis the healing forces "as it were, become the material foundation for the spiritual life of man." [11] Here we have an additional perspective on the link between nutrition and capacity of learning.

And this is not yet the end of metamorphoses, for we have yet the third transformation of the original forces of nourishment, when "the thought-forces transform into forces of Will, so that in man they become the forces of movement – forces that come to expression in man as movement and the power of Will, enabling him to walk and work and take hold of things." [12] Here we have an additional perspective on the topic treated in the nutritional principle FOOD AS SOURCE OF ENERGY.

What is the link between spiritual development of and forces of Will? We can say that spiritual development which focuses solely on acquiring new knowledge is not yet an end in itself. Although the new ideas and better understanding of the world around us is essential for any growth, it cannot become fertile without permeation of ideas and ideals with the feelings of enthusiasm and the forces of the Will. In this manner the question of spiritual development becomes simultaneously the question of moral development, because without the ability to change things we cannot improve the world we live in. People are immoral when they do things which are harmful for others. But this is not the only case which demonstrates the lack of morality. We are immoral also when we don't do things we know are good for others, for in this case we are not transforming our moral values into the deeds. In all such cases we are not capable – for whatever reason – to make our ideals and visions of the better world come true.

There are many reasons for lack of Will, and, as we have seen above, the food we eat has an important role in this. The link between the food we eat and the amount of life energy one possesses is recognised inside mainstream science and in public. But this relationship is much more complex from the simplified formula: food = calories = energy. It is obvious that we need energy – that is, forces of Will – if we want to be active and change things in the world around us, but "nutrition as it is today does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to Will and action. Food plants no longer contain enough forces people need for this." [13]

This observation was expressed in 1924, in the time when the use of artificial fertilisers was not as widespread as it is now. The big increase of the use of artificial fertilisers has really happened only after World War II. Nowadays, when we are confronted with the emergence of multiple previously unknown problems and illnesses in relation to the human ability to move – such as chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, etc. – we are witnessing the consequences of intensive use of agrochemicals in the last decades. The use of artificial fertilisers is one of the main reasons for the loss of vital forces in plants, because the proper renewal of life forces via the 'salt-process' can happen only in nature in a natural way and not in the fields which have been deprived of humus and microorganisms. The great paradox of modern farming is the fact that the use of artificially-made mineral fertilisers hinders or even obstructs the cosmic 'salt process'. For only when we work in harmony with all natural elements, and when we stimulate all living processes in the earth, can we enable such inflow of cosmic forces which provide the maximum amount of nourishing forces that are capable to stimulate the whole human being, including his Will.

For complementary perspectives see:




The first obvious question is: What kind of the food can provide enough nourishing forces which will enable their proper metamorphoses all the way to the forces of Will? The simple answer is: Natural food contained inside the HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID'. A more specific answer: Food which has been grown biodynamically or organically or food which has been gathered from nature. In this regard – if we want to seriously work on the improvement of our Will forces – we have to avoid food grown by the use of artificial fertilisers. In this case we should not make any compromise in what we eat on a regular basis. We need to take into account that the loss of mineral content in our food [14] is due to extensive use of the modern farming methods and that good organically grown food contains more minerals than non-organic. There is even evidence that we can, with the biodynamic method, increase the amount of minerals in the food to the levels which were common before the widespread use of artificial fertilisers. [15]

We must be aware that we don't need just nourishing forces contained in minerals in plants, but also the vital forces of plant saps which enable the movements of minerals inside the plant organism. We need to have enough strength to perform all metamorphoses of nourishing forces into the forces of voluntary movement, and the source of this energy is the plant's etheric body. In a living organism everything works in unison, and we cannot just feed people with 'stones' and expect they will be able to live and be active. Although minerals in our food are extremely important we should not isolate them and add them to food, or even eat them in the form of supplements, and similar things. What we need is really good, vital food, and not the clever inventions of human beings which are created on the basis of simplified materialistic approach to food and nutrition, without proper awareness of what is at stake. [16]

This nutritional principle also offers an insight as to why we need the collaboration between various areas – collaboration among farmers and cooks and doctors/healers and teachers – if we want to achieve the best educational results in schools and other educational institutions. The amount of problems in the modern world is rapidly increasing and we will need people who are capable of making positive changes. Although it is necessary to have positive ideas it is not of any help if people don't have the power to implement them. If we don't succeed to establish such collaboration, there will be ever more future generations of young people turning into dreamers without real power for the transformation of the society which is so urgently needed nowadays.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. The word Will is written with a capital letter whenever it refers to human volition, to avoid confusion with the word 'will' as part of the verb structures. Will-activity is divided into two groups: in one are unconscious metabolic activities; in the other is voluntary movement which is enabling us to perform various activities in the outer world.
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13. 01. 1923
  3. As above
  4. See Alchemical Salt Process in Human Being for more detailed description of it.
  5. See note 2
  6. The use of the word 'salt' instead of minerals originates from alchemical traditions on the basis of the knowledge of the evolutionary stage where the present solid earth has gradually condensed from the previous fluid condition in a similar manner as salt crystallizes out of sea water in the saltpans.
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 6.10.1923;
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Koberwitz, 10.06.1924; Agriculture, Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, USA, 1993
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.10.1923;
  10. As above
  11. As above
  12. As above
  13. Steiner's description given verbally to E. Pfeiffer, reported in Appendix C of the book Agriculture (see note 8)
  14. This refers to the average loss of over 40% of food's key minerals between 1940 and 1990 based on investigations of nutritive values of vegetables and fruits made every ten years from 1940 onwards.
  15. In the article GREEN – Garden for Research, Experiential Education and Nutrition (Star & Furrow, Summer 2012) authors Mike Atherton and Matt Adams report about the experiment where the 40% loss in the mineral content of vegetables (see the previous note) – in this experiment potatoes and leeks – was recovered in the first two years of using the biodynamic method (in the experiment they were growing potatoes and leeks).
  16. See FOOD vs STIMULANTS for an additional perspective on the dominance of mineral substances in modern food.