Four Seasons in Nutrition

During the various seasons of the year different cosmic forces are active in the surrounding kingdoms of nature: in winter cosmic forces of nourishment, in spring cosmic forces of healing, in summer cosmic forces of thinking, in autumn cosmic forces of will. On one side these forces affect our soul-life through the changing seasons in nature. On the other side they are also active in the human organism. However, in this case they do not come directly from our surroundings, but from the opposite side of the Earth. These forces penetrate through the interior of the Earth and work alternatively – in the rhythm of seasons – upon our metabolic system (abdomen), upon our rhythmic system (chest), upon our system of nerves (head), and upon our system of voluntary movement (limbs).

Introductory Reading:


The Four Seasons in the Rhythmical Cycle of the Year

In the greatest part of the populated world we are exposed to the rhythmical changes of the seasons in the yearly path of the Earth around the Sun. [1] We experience the seasons through the changes in weather and also through the changes in nature [2] – if we are not completely enclosed by a human-made environment, as is the case in many modern cities. Direct contact with the plant world causes that "our feelings in spring are different from those we have in autumn. When buds are bursting in spring and giving promise of the beauty and splendour of summer, the feelings of a healthy soul will not be the same as they are in autumn; with the approach of spring we feel the awakening of hope. The feeling is only slightly developed in an ordinary, normal man, but it is present, nevertheless. Towards autumn, the mood of hope and awakening connected with spring will be transformed into one of sadness, of melancholy; when we see the leaves falling, when we see bare, skeleton-like branches instead of the bright flowering shrubs of summer, our souls are steeped in melancholy; there is sadness in our hearts. In the course of the year, if we move in step with the phenomena of outer nature, we can experience a cycle in our life of soul." [3]

Those people who still cultivate the land can also experience the seasons through the change of gardening or farming activities throughout the course of the year. For example, various plants are sown and harvested at different seasons. In the past it was very common for people to live in close relationship to nature and this is still the case in many parts of the world. People "in the country lead a simpler, more rhyth­mical life, in greater tranquillity. Whereas in the towns man is filled with thoughts of thousands of things which flood through his life unrhythmically, in the country man is accustomed to fit his life into the rhythmical course of nature, into the rhythms of growth and withering, into the rhythm of the seasons of the year. Every year, in rhythmic harmony with nature, he sets about definite tasks at different times, and thereby places himself in a far more intimate connection with the great cosmic laws than does the town-dweller, who pays no heed whatever to these laws." [4]

In the present more people are living in towns and cities than in rural environments. One typical characteristic of modern life-styles is that we spend more time indoors than outdoors. If we add to this the continuous supply of food products by supermarkets throughout the whole year, then we can see that modern people are separated to a large degree from the natural rhythm of the four seasons. Although this separation from nature is a necessity for the proper future development of humanity, it also has negative impacts, for "everything which takes place with regularity in the universe, for instance, day and night, the course of the sun or the sequence of the seasons – all this is con­nected with what is necessary in human life. The regular intake of food is necessary within the rhythm of sleeping and waking; the regular rhythm of breathing, circulation of the blood, and so on, is necessary." [5] However, the solution to these modern difficulties is not in turning back to natural rhythms, but in the development of new insights, forces, and skills which will enable us to overcome these disparities of modern life and create new rhythms.

If we want to achieve this aim we need to become familiar amongst all other cosmic influences also with the hidden forces coming to the Earth from the cosmos during the various seasons. [6] We can understand these influences only when we are aware that "we cannot conceive the Earth as a mere conglomeration of minerals and rocks, as is done by modern mineralogy and geology, but we must rather regard it as a living, ensouled organism, which brings forth the plants, the animals and the physical being of man out of its own inner forces." [7]

The Rhythm of Four Seasons as the 'Breathing' of the Earth

We will now look at "the seasonal cycle of the Earth, a kind of mighty breathing which the Earth carries out in relation to the surrounding cosmos.  In this case of course it is not air that is breathed in and out,  but rather those forces which are at work for example in vegetation, those forces which push the plants out of the Earth in spring, and which withdraw again into the Earth in fall, letting the green plants fade and finally paralyzing plant growth." [8] It must be clear to us that "it is not a breathing of air of which we speak, but the in-and-out-breathing of forces, of which we can get a partial idea if we observe the plant-growth during the course of the year." [9]

We will start our survey with "the time of the winter solstice, in the last third of December. [10] At this time we may compare the Earth's breathing with the lung-breathing of a man when he has inhaled a breath of air and is working on it in himself, that is, when he is holding his breath within him. In the same way, the Earth has within it those forces which are inhaled and exhaled in the cycle of the year. At the end of December it is holding these forces.

We can of course only consider one part of the Earth in connection with this breathing; the conditions are of course reversed on the opposite side of the Earth. We must picture the breathing of the Earth in such a way that in one region there is out-breathing, and in the opposite region in-breathing. At the end of December the Earth has fully in-breathed and is holding in herself these forces. She has entirely sucked in her soul element, for these forces are the soul element of the Earth. She has drawn it completely in, just as human beings who have inhaled hold the air entirely in themselves.

Now let us follow the Earth further in its yearly course. Let us follow it up to the time of the spring equinox, the end of March. Then we shall have to picture the situation in this way: The Earth is in the process of outbreathing; the soul is still half within the Earth, but the Earth is breathing it out; the streaming soul-forces are pouring out into the cosmos. Whereas since December these forces have been intimately bound up with the Earth, the outward-streaming soul element is beginning now to be met by the force of the sunlight itself. While in December the Earth-soul element withdrew into the interior of the Earth, in order to be insulated from these cosmic influences, now the out-breathing force of the Earth-soul streams out into cosmic spaces and receives the Sun force.

If we carry further our review of the Earth's breathing process during the course of the year, we find the Earth in yet a third condition in June. At this time the Earth has completely exhaled. The entire soul-element of the Earth has been poured forth into cosmic space; it is yielded up to cosmic space and is saturating itself with the forces of the Sun and the stars – the Earth-soul is at midsummer given over to the cosmic All. The Earth has fully out-breathed. In her outer physiognomy, with which she looks out into the universe, she reveals not her own inherent force, as she did at the time of the winter solstice; instead, the Earth reveals on her surface the reflected forces of the stars, of the Sun, of all that is in the cosmos outside her.

If we follow this breathing-process still further we come finally to the stage that makes its entry at the end of September, the time of the autumn equinox. The out-breathed forces begin their return movement; the Earth begins once more to inhale. The soul of the Earth which was poured out into the cosmos now draws back into the interior of the Earth again. Human souls perceive this in-breathing of the Earth-soul element, either in their subconscious or in their clairvoyant impressions, as processes of their own souls. Those men who were inspired by initiation knowledge of these things could say to themselves at the end of September: What the cosmos has given us and what has united itself with our soul force – this we now allow to flow back into the earthly realm, into that earthly sphere which throughout the summer has served only as a reflection, as a kind of mirror in relation to the extraterrestrial cosmos." [11]

With the help of this brief description of the mighty process of the yearly out-breathing and in-breathing of the Earth, we can grasp that in different seasons different cosmic forces are active  in the surroundings of the Earth. These forces are working on the kingdoms of nature and on human beings in different ways. To properly understand the nature of these cosmic forces and all interrelationships demands long study. For the sake of this nutritional principle it will suffice if we are aware that they are of astral nature and etheric nature as well. For that reason these forces have impact on our soul life and on life processes in nature, to which belongs also our body – that is, our etheric-physical organism.

Influences of the Cosmic Forces on the Human Organism

So far we have been occupied with the influences of seasons on our soul life. Now we will focus our attention on more hidden seasonal influences on our physical organism. For that purpose we will start with the picture of the THREEFOLD HUMAN BEING which presents three main systems of human organism and their activities. However, we will separate the metabolic-limb system into two subsystems. In this way we arrive at four systems which have their seats in the different parts of human organism:

Now we will look at how cosmic forces active behind the various seasons influence these four systems of human organism. We will start with the description of the situation in summer. At that time "the cosmic forces of thinking appear in the cosmic surroundings, and then follow a course which brings them after six months to the other side. Then it is winter with us. But the Earth does not hinder these forces from coming to us; they penetrate right through the Earth and permeate us in winter as an ascending stream from the other side" [12] of the Earth.

Thus in summer time "we must picture the cosmic forces of thinking streaming out in the cosmos, raying into the clouds, the rain, the thunder and lightning, and raying also into the growth of plants. In winter – after the cosmic forces of thinking have made their way round the Earth – these forces stream up through the Earth and come to rest in our heads. And then these forces, which at other times are outside in nature, have the effect of making us citizens of the cosmos. For they actually cause an image of the cosmos to arise in our heads, illuminating us so that we become possessors of human wisdom. Thus the cosmic forces of thinking work in nature at midsummer, and during the winter season they work in the human head, so that in this connection the human being is truly a microcosm in relation to the macrocosm.

We understand the human being only if we place him in the world not merely as a being of nature, but as a spiritual being. And just as we can follow the cosmic forces of thinking and see how they stream into man through the course of the year, so must we do with the cosmic forces of healing which pour into the forces of nature in spring; and in autumn, when they arrive on the other side of the Earth, they engender the forces of human breathing. Thus man learns to recognise in himself the healing forces which play through the cosmos in the spring, if in autumn, when the cosmic forces of healing pass through the Earth, he is aware that these forces are active in his breathing." [13]

If we now look at the time of Christmas we will see by the help of clairvoyant vision that "the cosmic forces of nourishment are then of a cosmic nature; we have to look up above to find them. At midsummer these forces are carried into man after they have descended from their cosmic activity during the winter to their human activity in the summer, when their forces stream through the Earth. During the summer their rays penetrate through the interior of the Earth and carry into man who is on the opposite side of the Earth all that is brought about by the formative forces of nourishment.

And when at last we come to the cosmic forces of Will, we find them as the cosmic forces in autumn. They are then at their highest; they have reached their cosmic culmination. Then they begin their descent; in spring these forces penetrate through the Earth and live in all that comes to expression in man as movement and the power of Will, enabling him to walk and work and take hold of things." [14]

In this way we arrive at the following summary of the cosmic influences: [15]

Man's life depends on proper functioning of these four systems, and their activities depend on the inflow of cosmic forces of nourishing, healing, thinking, and willing. But now you must surely wonder how we can obtain, for example, the cosmic forces of healing not just in autumn but also in other seasons. This is due to the fact that man is not bound up with the cycle of the year in the same manner as it was in the past. In this stage of human evolution "man does not inwardly experience the cosmic forces of healing in his breathing system only in the autumn, but on through the winter, spring and summer. A kind of memory of it, more substantial than ordinary memory, remains. So while things are arranged in the way described above, their effects are active in human beings throughout the year. As an experience remains fixed in the memory, so the effects of cosmic forces continue all through the year; otherwise man could not be a uniformly developing being all the year round. In physical life, one person forgets more readily, or less readily, than another. But the influence which the cosmic forces of healing have implanted in our breathing system during the autumn would disappear by the following autumn if the cosmic forces of healing would not come again. From one to the next autumn this nature-memory in the breathing organ remains active, but then it has to be renewed." [16] This renewal is happening regularly each year with all cosmic forces – the cosmic forces of nourishment, healing, thinking and willing – when we move rhythmically through the seasons of the year. [17]

The cosmic forces presented above are not the only ones which influence our life on Earth. Nor are described here all the influences of seasonal changes. Although the above description covers only a very small part of the complex relationship between man as microcosm and the universe as macrocosm, the knowledge of these seasonal influences enables better knowledge of our own being, including the impacts of nutrition.

For a complementary perspective see:



The content of this nutritional principle helps to understand why we need to work on all aspects of our being if we want to be healthy and fit for work. It is not enough to care only for sound nutrition, or only for a healthy way of living, or only to have enough strength to perform our deeds – what we need is to consider by means of thinking all aspects of our life with the aim that we can establish a more healthy balance of various forces in our being. Only with the help of a more holistic approach can we work in the direction which will lead us to THE ESSENCE OF HUMAN HEALTH.

If we look at the impact of the seasons in regard to our nutrition, we can notice that in the present time the modern system of food distribution from one country or continent to another is offering many foods throughout the whole year. In food departments of the modern supermarket there exists – with rare exceptions in the department of fresh fruit and vegetables – a more or less one single 'whole-year-long season'. In comparison with this, people in the not so far distant past have eaten to a great extent seasonal food – with what was produced in their immediate surroundings. Although people have to be free to a certain extent from this dependence on natural rhythms, now each individual person has a task to find a proper relationship between consumption of seasonal food and processed foodstuffs.

If we look at the same issue from the perspective of food quality, we can find some indications which help us with the choice of suitable food. For example, grains can be stored in their natural form for several years and are therefore available in all seasons. On the other side we have highly perishable vegetables and some types of fruit which can be consumed fresh only in very limited periods of the year – of course, if they are not imported from other countries and continents. This means that there are three kinds of unprocessed foods which make a good basis for preparation of meals:

The content of this principle enables better insight on the background of the traditional methods of food storage. [18] For example, the use of an underground excavation called a silo is still regarded as the best natural method for preserving root vegetables. In this manner roots are exposed to the energies of the earth in the winter time – amongst which are the cosmic forces of thinking originating from the opposite side of the Earth. We can recognise the wisdom that has led to the development of this method of storage of root vegetables when we become familiar with spiritual-scientific insights about roots as an ideal food for supporting the activities of our nerve-sense system [19] – the perception and thinking. This is only one example that shows that we could develop – with the help of knowledge of supersensible energies active in various seasons – new 'technologies' of food storage which would be essentially different from those developed by modern science.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. While in the temperate and subpolar regions of the Earth globe we have a clear distinction of four seasons, we have also regions with two or one seasons. At the North and South Poles we have permanent winter, while we have permanent summer in the tropical rainforests in the Amazon basin (South America), in the Congo basin (Africa), and on Borneo and Sumatra. But also in many tropical areas there exists two seasons: dry and wet seasons. The hot dry season is similar to the autumn-winter situation when plant growth is subdued or stopped, and the wet season is similar to the spring-summer situation when plant growth is very abundant. Thus we arrive at conclusion that the great majority of Earth population lives in the areas with seasonal changes. [Source: Wikipedia]
  2. The scientific explanation of the origin of seasons is that they are the outcome of the 23.5% tilt of the Earth's axis and its rotation around the Sun which causes various quantities of sunrays to enter the earth's atmosphere in the northern and southern hemisphere throughout the year (see Why Do We Have Different Seasons?). We experience seasons in changes of the length of the day and position of the sun on the sky, in changes of temperatures and weather, and in changes in the plant and animal kingdoms.
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Vienna, 23.03.1910; Macrocosm and Microcosm
  4. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin 13.04.1906;
  5. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 27.10.1923; Effects of Substances in the Cosmos and In the Human Body
  6. This description presents the hidden influences working behind the seasonal changes for the places where there exists four seasons. As is explained in note 1 the majority of people live in such places. There is neither time nor enough resources to enable exploration of other situations.
  7. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 31.03.1923; The Cycle of the Year as Breathing Process of the Earth
  8. As above
  9. As above
  10. These descriptions of the Earth 'breathing' are describing occurrences in the northern hemisphere. The occurrences in the southern hemisphere are the same in the same seasons, but they are occurring in different months of the year. For example, the occurrences at the end of December (winter solstice) are evolving in the southern hemisphere at the end of June, the occurrences at the end of March (spring equinox) at the end of September, etc.
  11. See note 7
  12. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.10.1923;
  13. As above
  14. As above
  15. The summaries of cosmic influences in different seasons are valid for both hemispheres, the southern and the northern one. The only difference is in the fact that these influences are occurring in different times due to the reversal of seasons between the northern and southern hemispheres.
  16. See note 12
  17. Although there are variations in the length of seasons and even in the factual emergences of their beginnings and ends which rarely correspond to calendar, we still have the rhythmical succession of four seasons throughout the year, year after year, which are always visible in the changes in the development of plants and in behaviour of animals.
  18. The issue of food preservation is addressed in THE SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND OF FOOD STORAGE.
  19. For the description of the links between three parts of the plant with the threefold system of the human organism see BALANCING WITH THE THREEFOLD PLANT.