Local versus Global Food

The choice between local food or food produced in other parts of the world is primarily the affair of each individual, because each person needs to take into account the effect of food on his or her physical and etheric bodies. Earth is a living organism with etheric atmospheres and subterranean forces which differ in various parts of its globe. These diversified geographical influences enter people via sense impressions, air and the food they consume. In the modern human being are thus active two opposing spiritual streams: the one from the earth which makes us into what we eat; another from our ‘I’ which enables us to outgrow and thus free ourselves from these geographic influences.

Introductory Reading:


Not so long ago before the onset of the scientific-industrial revolution – that has happened in some countries earlier and in some later – it was a time when people could see from the church tower the fields and meadows from where the majority of their food was coming. Now one goes to a local supermarket and buys foods coming from all parts of the world. This is possible because nowadays we have the so-called 'global food market' as one of the results of industrial revolution. In modern history there was no other revolution which had such powerful impacts on the way we live and on our food culture.

Since the emergence of the organic movement we also have various trends and initiatives which are counteracting the mainstream process of globalisation in the field of food production. Among them is also a trend to produce and consume more local food. Now we will look at some hidden spiritual dimensions of this issue with the aim of making us capable to choose appropriately in regard to the geographical origin of food we eat.

The Nature of Geographical Influences through the Food

In NUTRITION AS A BRIDGE TO THE WORLD is presented the threefold connection of human beings with the outside world – via sense perceptions, breathing and nutrition – and the fourfold nature of food we consume on daily basis. With the help of these descriptions we can realize that we don't consume just physical substances, but also etheric, astral and spiritual 'components' contained in our food. These supersensible components are dependent on the plant or animal species from which food originate, on the way we produce and process our food, and on the way we prepare it. But beside these influences there are also other more hidden influences as well: these are so-called geographical influences. These come about because "the whole Earth is an organism, an ensouled organism, permeated by spirit. And, as an organism has its separate, distinct differentiated members, each of which has a special task – the arms have not the task of the legs, nor the heart that of the brain, and so on – each part of the Earth has its own special task. The special task of the separate human organic members is perceptible in the form of these separate members. The arms are formed differently from the legs, the heart from the brain. This difference is not so marked in regard of the Earth on the physical level. To an external materialistic geographer, who observes the separate continents or any other parts of the Earth arranged according to this or that point of view, it does not occur straight away that these different parts of the Earth have different sorts of activity; that only occurs to one who can, to a certain extent, grasp the nature of the psychic and spiritual element of the Earth. To understand this, really signifies rising concretely to the perception that the Earth is an ensouled, spiritual organism, and that man, living on Earth as physical man, is a member of this organism." [1]

This is possible only when we accept that "the whole earth which we as collective humanity inhabit, is a kind of huge living being, and that we stand within this great living being, as members of it. The life of the earth is expressed in manifold ways. Among others it is expressed in the fact that certain relations exist between the different parts of the earth and the man who lives upon the earth. As true as it is that, on the one hand, the human race is a unity, so it is also true that the separate groups of the human race distributed over the different parts of the earth differ according to these domains and are dependent on them. Not only is this the case on account of the many forces which external natural science and geography investigate, but they are also dependent on many other, more hidden forces of the separate parts of the earth's surface. There exist certain inner relations between man and the ground which he inhabits – part of the earth from which he springs. Roughly speaking, these things are what first of all draw our attention to certain connections between the great organism of the earth and the different members of this organism, the different groups of the earth's population." [2]

Here we are dealing with the very complex issue of the origin of various races (which has happened in the earlier stages of human evolution) [3] and nations (which is a more recent development) across the Earth globe. For the sake of this principle it is enough to be aware about "the influences under which the various plants and animals are standing. You can gather, for instance, that one who knows that plants and animals standing under cer­tain celestial influences flourish in a certain country, can also learn to grasp how a quite definite national character must arise. For in everything that man consumes from his environment he eats, not only the substances analyzed by chemistry, he eats at the same time definite spiritual forces, and it is these spiritual forces which enter through his mouth into the stom­ach and spread out through his being. There the perspective opens to us of how the character of a people can be known from the deeper geographical constitution of a country.

Folk-character is formed from the spiritual forces which are absorbed into man with his food. It is one of the means by which the great spiritual guidance of the earth distributes the different national characters over the earth; foods which produce one or another effect have been distributed in such a way that the character of a certain people arises from the nourishment that it obtains. That does not lead in a round­-about way to materialism: spiritual science shows how everything of a material nature is a revelation of the spirit and how in a way unknown to man spiritual influences are themselves diffused within him." [4]

It is not just food which influences people in the manner described above, because "by taking outer nature into ourselves through nourishment, breathing, and perception, one creates within oneself a sphere of action for" [5] those forces which originate from the earth and work in the way that differentiate us into groups with various folk characteristics. These geographical influences work primarily on our etheric body and then via the etheric body on our physical body. There is evident difference between the general soul character of people living near the sea and those living on high altitudes near the mountains. Everyone can also experience the different qualities of the air and the sense impressions provided by these two different landscapes. Of course, these influences cause more permanent effects on our etheric body only after a very long time, including the transmission of inherited characteristics from one generation to the next. But the influences of food on our etheric-physical organism have been recognised even by modern scientists with the conclusion – on the basis of multiple evidence – that "it is abundantly clear that the foods and food components that are consumed interacts with the human genome, either directly or indirectly." [6] Or, with other words, what we eat has an impact also on our genes!


So far we have focused on influences coming from the earth which would, if they were active alone, make man into what he eats, breathes and perceives. But man is not just the outcome of outer influences working into the structure of his physical and his etheric body, because he has inside himself the force which is capable to counteract and transform these influences. Otherwise "man would be condemned to be quite specialized and differentiated by any particular part of the Earth, and would in a sense not be able to be in any way a complete whole, but only a part of the Earth's organism." [7]

What is the nature of this force which enables man to develop independence from the Earth's organism? This force can be found in "the deep being of man to which he says 'I'. In the real sense, 'I' can only be connected indirectly with the racial and national differentiation of men over the Earth – that is, the psycho-spiritual kernel of man's being in a sense only dwells in what is in us specialized through the peculiarity of the Earth. Thus man can obtain, from this very circumstance, the knowledge that his spiritual-psychic kernel cannot subsist in what immediately confronts us in man. That with which, in a sense, man confronts us in the physical world, can only be the 'dwelling place', the dwelling place of man determined by virtue of the special circumstances of the Earth." [8] In this way human beings become, "in a sense, twofold beings. With one part of their being, with their psycho-spiritual part, they reach up into what is called the heavenly or supersensible world; and with other, with their physical-etheric part, they belong to that nature which came into being as the nature of the Earth." [9]

Thus we have in our interior an ongoing battle between higher and lower human nature. What are the main tools of our higher nature which we can use to transform the lower one? "At no other period could it have been said, with regard to the inner necessities of evolution, that clarity of thinking is as essential as eating and drinking are for the maintenance of physical life. For if human thinking lacks clarity in the present age, in times to come we will be unable to see in the right light the ripened truths which are to fall from the spiritual world. The previous epochs still enjoyed a heritage from the days when spirituality pervaded the more atavistic inner life of human beings. Now, for the first time, we must actively strive for spirituality – if we desire it." [10] This is a necessity of the present time "because it is ordained that in the future what human beings consider themselves to be, that they will become. This development is part of the wise guidance of worlds, so that human beings may attain full and free consciousness of the Self…

That is why the spread of thoughts and ideas corresponding to the realities of the times is so necessary. Thought will gradually have to be known as a concretely real power of the soul, not merely as the miserable abstraction produced so proudly by the modern age. People living in earlier times were still linked, by an ancient heritage, with the spiritual world. Although for many centuries now, atavistic clairvoyance has almost entirely ebbed away, this heritage still lives in the feeling and the will. But the time has come when everything that is conscious must become real power." [11] This is possible because we have inside us the spiritual core of our real being – the 'I', the source of our consciousness.

In the realm of nutrition there exists in the present time a conflict between supersensible influences entering unconsciously through the food we eat, and the conscious striving for understanding of the impacts of various foods on our being on the physical, etheric, astral, and spiritual levels. On the one hand we are dealing with more or less deeply ingrained eating habits which bind us to what we have become till now, and on the other hand we have food choices based on the freedom of insight with which we can regulate towards what we want to become. Only when we take the second path can we say: "What we think ourselves to be, that we are obliged to become." [12] Thus knowledge becomes the real power which has influence both on the evolution of our spiritual individuality and our physical organism. [13]

For a complementary perspective see:



Here we have an important insight about the reasons behind the origin of various food cultures. Although the choice of food of old cultures was obviously influenced by the natural environment, this cannot account for all differences in traditional food cultures. For one needs to take into account how the methods of processing and cooking contributed to the special national character of people. Then it is easier to understand why people who nowadays live in foreign countries (e.g. Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese in UK, etc.) take with them their traditional food habits and even their traditional foods which are available in specialised shops in their communities.

From the content of this principle it is also evident that a one-sided focus on food miles (i.e. the issue of how many miles food travelled before it get on the plate) cannot safeguard against wrong nutritional choices. Until one does take into consideration the development of human individuality from traditional groups of people linked to specific geographical area, one cannot avoid one-sided food choices. The main thing is the question: Does the food support or work against my aim to develop myself as a free human being?

On the other hand this does not mean that one should embrace the modern globalised food production without proper evaluation of its effects on nature, animals, and the society. The problem of long food miles and many other problems – such as low quality and great waste of food – are secondary effects of profit-motivated food production. In such cases the local or regional food production of organic food can be the right solution. But one cannot expect people who are vegetarian to adopt a meat diet just because the local environment is mainly suited for animal husbandry. [14] With such an extreme locavorian standpoint one is imposing on other people what they should consume; this obviously goes against human rights for freedom of choice.

There is even more to this: a human being's freedom of food choice is an integral part of development of his or her individuality. Each human being has an opportunity – if she or he decides so – to influence his future development by the choice of food. This means that people can 'experiment' by eating various foods from foreign places or even adopting particular eating habit(s) from another food culture. All this is possible because of the global food market we have today. This is the positive side of the present globalisation which is not usually mentioned. Of course, while experimenting people need to be aware that what is good for one person can be harmful for another. [15]

Nevertheless, there is one food culture which is harmful for all people: this is the fast food culture with its modern mass production of cheap food by the help of agrochemicals, food additives, and genetically modified organisms. It is harmful for the simple reason that it produces extremely bad quality food. [16] This is the reason why is this food eliminated from the HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID'.

For additional arguments see ORGANIC vs CONVENTIONAL FOOD

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 1.04.1918; Anthroposophical Life Gifts, www.rsarchive
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 30.03.1918; Anthroposophical Life Gifts, www.rsarchive.org
  3. I could not find in the Wikipedia any scientific explanation about the origin of races; instead there is questioning as to whether races as such at all exist. This is not so strange, if we take into account that racial characteristics are now passed via heredity and that into this play the influences of national characters (or folk-souls) and ultimately the development of individual characteristics. This means that the general racial and national characteristics will in the future slowly die out simultaneously with the progressive evolution of individuals.
  4. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 6.01.1908
  5. Rudolf Steiner, Vienna, 27.09.1923
  6. Essentials of Human Nutrition, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012
  7. See note 1
  8. See note 1
  9. See note 5
  10. Rudolf Steiner, Zürich, 13.11.1917
  11. As above
  12. As above
  13. There are, of course, additional and deeper aspects of the issue how our thinking can become real power in transformation of our lower nature. But the example given here is enough to see the importance of proper understanding and the consequences it has on our physical body.
  14. There are indeed people who argue that those who live in the British Isles (where there are predominantly lands suited for grazing animals) should start to eat meat if they want to support sustainable agriculture. This type of reasoning doesn't take into account that people have transformed throughout the centuries wild areas into arable lands and that they have managed to transform even deserts into fertile lands. In fact, we would not have agriculture at all if people did not have the skills and the power to transform natural environments.
  15. The reason for this is described in FOOD AS 'POISON'.
  16. The evidence is collected in The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler (Penguin Books, London, 2010), In Defence of Food by Michael Pollan (Penguin Books, London, 2008), and many other books.