Food as Remedy for Hunger

Although within the phenomenon of hunger activities of all four members of the human constitution are involved, the astral body has the key role. In order to ensure that our physical body can perform its functions, it needs to be renewed on a daily basis via our etheric body. There is an innate need of the astral body to be continually active with various activities in relation to the digestion of food. Among them is also the activity of disintegration of food substances which can be satisfied only with intake of food. This need is expressed in the feeling of hunger which is the beginning of an illness if it not cured by food. The astral body also conveys to us the feelings of pleasure while we are eating and when our hunger is satisfied. This is expressed in our desires and urges for food which are always to a specific extent under the control of our ego.


The Roles of Four Human Members in the Phenomenon of Hunger

When we observe the kingdoms of nature we find an extremely momentous role of phenomena of hunger and thirst in the life of animal species. [1] These work in animals in an instinctive way; in the case of human beings they belong to the lower impulses of human organism. These "are the impulses from which develop sympathy and antipathy, everything of an instinctive nature, from hunger and other allied instincts to the reproductive instinct, which as such belongs entirely to the category of lower instincts." [2] Therefore hunger is "an example of suffering that is typical on a lower (bodily) level and can result in destruction of life. Hunger is alleviated by food and the food thus becomes a source of enjoyment because it gets transformed into something that enhances life." [3] In the nutritional principle FOOD AS SOURCE OF ENERGY we have seen that food intake stimulates life processes which are the expression of the activity of the etheric body. This means that food works as stimulus for the activities of maintenance and renewal of bodily life functions.

In these activities, of course, our physical organs and systems are involved. For that reason "hunger arises when our organs can no longer continue their proper function unless new substance is given them. What the hungry person seeks first of all is to eat enough. As soon as enough food has been taken in for hunger to cease, then everything has been achieved which the drive to be fed seeks. The enjoyment connected with eating enough consists first of all in removing the pain which hunger causes" [4] and in this manner preserving our physical body from harm or even from the disintegration.

However, it is not our "physical body, with its chemical substances, that experiences hunger and thirst; these are experiences of the soul. But it is through the physical body that all such cravings are satisfied here on Earth. Hunger lives in the soul, and in earthly life hunger is satisfied through the body; through the body thirst is quenched, although thirst, too, lives in the soul." [5] Therefore we can say that "hunger and thirst are phenomena revealed very clearly in the human astral body. As known to the ordinary human being, hunger and thirst are, of course, astral phenomena. What we experience in consciousness, such as hunger or thirst, is to begin with experienced astrally. You must be perfectly clear about this. The ordinary person knows nothing about what he does not experience astrally. What he experiences only etherically lies so deep in the subconscious that he knows nothing about it" [6] directly.

Nevertheless, what is happening in the depths can come to the surface as desire for food and drink. But "to the drive merely to be fed, there comes another need. A person does not merely want, through taking in nourishment, to restore the normal functioning of his organs, or, as the case may be, to still the pain of hunger – he seeks to effect this to the accompaniment of pleasant taste sensations. When he is hungry and a meal promising rich enjoyment is a half hour away, he can even avoid spoiling his pleasure in the better food by not eating something inferior which could satisfy him sooner. He needs his hunger in order to have the full enjoyment of his meal. Through this, hunger becomes for him a cause of pleasure at the same time." [7] This is possible only in the case of human beings due to the fact that they possess an ego that can control the desires and urges of the astral body to a certain extent.

From this short description it is obvious that we need to investigate the mutual relationships between the four bodies of man – the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and ego – if we want to really grasp the causes and effects of hunger. Usually people "easily regard things like thirst or hunger as physical phenomena. But imagine that the same physical changes that are happening in your organism when you are thirsty were in a body not ensouled. The same changes could be there, but the soulless body would not suffer thirst. As a chemist you might investigate the changes in your body when you are thirsty. But if, by some means, you could produce these same changes, in the same substances and in the same complex of forces, in a body without a soul, it would not suffer thirst. Thirst is not something in the body; it lives in the soul – in the astral – through changes in the physical body. It is the same with hunger." [8]

Thus we can summarize the involvement of four members of human constitution in the phenomenon of hunger in the following way:

Food as Medicine for Hunger Disease

One of the most important activities of all human societies in the past, as in the present, is production of food that serves the needs of their own population. And one of the biggest calamities that can inflict people is such a degree of the general deprivation of food that leads to hunger and death. It is very likely that, beside wars and illnesses, famines are among the top three greatest causes of death since the onset of agriculture.

If we want to really understand why food is so important for human life on the Earth, we need to look at the role of the astral body in the inner activities of the human organism in relation to nutrition. The astral body is not only the vehicle which conveys to us unpleasant feelings of hunger and pleasure while we are eating and when we appease hunger, but it is also involved in the following activities:

Now we will focus on one activity of the astral body which is the cause for the emergence of the feeling of hunger – disintegration of food substances inside our organism. We will start with the fact that "in everyday life a man constantly becomes a bit indisposed and then must cure himself. The point is that all of us are really a bit sick when thirsty or hungry, and we cure ourselves by drinking and eating. Hunger is the beginning of an illness, and if it is allowed to continue we can die from it. After all, we can die of starvation and even sooner of thirst. So you see that even in our everyday lives we bear something like the beginning of a disease. Every act of drinking or eating is in truth an act of healing.

We must make clear to ourselves what in fact happens when we become hungry or thirsty. You see, our body is inwardly always active. Through the intake of food, the body receives nutrients. External substances are absorbed through the mouth and the intestinal passages into some part of the body. Now, you must understand that the human organization immediately rebels against these nutritional substances. It does not tolerate them in their original forms and destroys them. Food substances must actually be disintegrated. In fact, they are annihilated, and this begins in the mouth. The reason for this is that there is continuous, never-ceasing activity in our body. This activity must be observed in the same way as fingers or hands are. Ordinary science simply records how a piece of bread is eaten, dissolved in the mouth, and then distributed in the body, but we must also take into consideration that the human body is continually active. Even if nothing is put into it, if nothing goes into the body for five hours, say, still its activity does not cease. You may even be like an empty sack, but things have not quieted within. You remain in constant inward activity, and things are still bustling around. Only when this internal activity can become occupied with something is it content. That is especially the case after a meal when it can dissolve and disintegrate the food substances; then it is content. This internal activity is identi­fied in spiritual science as the astral body. It is never lazy, and if it can stay active destroying and dissolving the food substances, it is filled with inward comfort; it then has a feeling of inner well-being. But if I take in no food substances, then the astral body is not satisfied, and this dissatisfaction is expressed as hunger. Hunger is not something at rest within us; it is an activity, a soul-spiritual activity that cannot be stilled. We can truly say that this inner activity is in love with the food substances, and if it does not receive them it is just as dissatisfied as any jilted lover. This dissatisfaction is the hunger, and it is by all means something spiritual.

So the activity that is executed internally in the digestive tube consists of disintegrating food substances. What is useful is transmitted into the blood vessels, and the rest is eliminated through urine or faeces. This is the healthy, normal and regular activity of the human being in which the astral body works properly to dissolve the food substances." [9]

We can also ask: "What happens to a man who has to go hungry? A person who has not enough physical material in his body becomes more and more spiritual. But this is not the right way to become spiritual, for under these conditions spirit consumes him, burns him up." [10] The image that can help us to understand this relationship between the consumption and regeneration of our body is the herd of goats grazing in an enclosed meadow. The goats eat the grass until it gets so short that pasture ends and then they need to be moved in another enclosed meadow. This enables the grass to grow again and thus the goats can later return to the same meadow. Goats present the astral body, grass the etheric body, and food is the manure that stimulates the growth of the grass to its proper size. And the ego is the 'shepherd' who takes care that things exchange in proper rhythm.

From the above explanation we can understand that we don't satiate ourselves just with filling our stomach with food, but because our astral body becomes occupied with activities of breaking down food. This is an extremely important distinction for the proper choice of food. For example, the stomach is the place where the disintegration of proteins starts. This is not surprising if we know that in the stomach the astral body dominates above the etheric body. Because of this we feel in the case of hunger discomfort or even pain (so-called hunger pangs) in the area of the belly. [11]

Hunger has a damaging effect on the structure of the physical body. If we cannot satisfy hunger for a prolonged period of time, our physical body start to waste until this process of dissolution causes death. It is known that in a case of starvation, muscles and some other body tissues made from proteins start to disintegrate. According to the scientific explanation, the human organism starts to use proteins as the last source of calories after all fat reserves are used up. Another way of explaining it is: the astral body starts to destroy the proteins of our own body because there are no more food substances that it can disintegrate. Thus we have arrived to the most important attribute of food in relation to hunger – food is the remedy for the disease of hunger. The food heals the state of hunger which causes harm to our body if we cannot eat for a prolonged time. [12]

For complementary perspectives see:





In modern times there are two kinds of hunger in the world:

Classical hunger predominates in the industrially underdeveloped countries, while the new form of hunger predominates in industrially developed countries. If we want to find the solution for the second type of hunger we need to consider what kind of food does satisfy, not just our taste buds, but also other needs of our body. It is a sad fact of life that nowadays a lot of food no longer has the effect it should have. Much of modern food is just a worthless product of food quackery unable to heal the hunger! [14] This is the ultimate proof of the loss of the food quality due to the modern methods of food production. We can witness how obese people are, stuffing themselves with junk food, and they never really become satiated. People are eating so-called 'empty calories' which just makes them want to eat more. This is confirmed also with the emergence of the new trend of eating in USA where "sociologists who study American eating habits no longer organize their results around the increasingly quaint concept of the meal. They now measure 'eating occasions' and report that Americans have added to the traditional big three – breakfast, lunch and dinner – an as-yet-untitled fourth daily eating occasion that last all day long: the constant sipping and snacking they do while watching TV, driving, and so on." [15]

All this demonstrates that something is lacking in food produced on a large industrial scale. It is lacking natural nutrients and nourishing forces. The food is over-processed, highly refined, and almost 'pre-digested'. Such food doesn't require even much chewing. "By eliminating the need to chew, modern food processing techniques allow us to eat faster… Refined food simply melts in the mouth." [16] This is one of the basic aims of the modern food industry: to make food as digestible as possible. There is not much work left for the human body to digest and disintegrate such food, regardless of how much food one eats. The result is a constant hidden form of hunger, which cannot be ever really satisfied, because our astral body needs such food which can be processed and broken down. Food that fulfils this criterion is whole natural food processed as little as necessary.

The same kind of problem exists also in the case of organic food where we can notice the trend to produce an ever greater number of organic refined foods which contain white flour and highly refined sugars. This is contrary to the one of the fundamental goals of organic agriculture to produce high quality food because such foods are also depriving the astral body of its activities of breaking-down and are consequently not satisfying hunger as they should. That which satisfies hunger are organic wholefoods.

See HOLISTIC FOOD 'PYRAMID' for the list of foods that still have the power to heal the hunger.

WARNING: You always have to put the above practical dietary instructions inside the framework of GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to know their limits when looking for a solution of a specific nutritional problem. You also need to be familiar with THE ROLE OF NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES with the aim to avoid any one-sided conclusions.


  1. There are two similar phenomena: hunger which can be satisfied by food and thirst which can be satisfied with water or other drinks. There is also a certain overlap due to the fact that our nutrition can contain both solid foods and liquids. Although in the text the phenomenon of thirst is mentioned a few times, the explanations are nevertheless mainly referring to the phenomenon of hunger and the spiritual-scientific background that is responsible for its emergence. 
  2. Rudolf Steiner, Munich, 22.08.1911; Wonders of the World,
  3. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 8.11.1906;
  4. Rudolf Steiner, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1992   
  5. Rudolf Steiner, Penmaenmawr, 27.08.1923; The Evolution of Consciousness
  6. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 13.04.1921; Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and Medical Therapy
  7. See note 4
  8. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 10.02.1924;
  9. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 27.12.1922; Health & Illness, Volume 1, The Anthroposophic Press, 1981
  10. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 22.09.1923; Cosmic Workings in Earth and Man
  11. See Dynamic 'Formulas' of Living Substancesfor the description of the basic nature of proteins.
  12. There are documented cases of people who survived long periods without food without negative consequences for the body. In such cases the right question is: How did they manage to prevent their astral body from damaging their physical body? We can find a hint to this riddle in the fact that long fasting is part of various religious practices and modern forms of spiritual quest. This means that there must be a way to train oneself to establish such a level of control over the astral body which will prevent the excessive disintegration of protein tissues in the body.
  13. In the nutritional literature several varying expressions are used for the lack of important nutrients in the modern diet: micronutrient deficiency, micronutrient malnutrition, chronic multiple micronutrient malnutrition, 'hidden hunger', etc.
  14. Many people in modern societies experience the state of excessive hunger (called hyperphagia or polyphagia) which cannot be satisfied even by large amounts of food. It is interesting that some representatives of the scientific approach list all kind of reasons for this condition, except the bad quality food (see one example on
  15. Michael Pollan, In Defence of Food, Penguin Books, London, 2008
  16. David A. Kessler, The End of Overeating, Penguin Books, London, 2010