Materialistic versus Spiritual Scientific Explanation
of the Origin of Infectious Diseases

By Brane Žilavec, 21 June 2021
Improved version: 27 July 2021

From the beginning of the so-called ‘corona pandemic’ I have had an opportunity to read about the origins of infectious diseases and epidemics and the best methods to counteract them – from official medical to anthroposophical and some alternative viewpoints. As I have been studying about the questions of the human health and origins of illnesses from an anthroposophical perspective for more than two decades [1] – and in the past year and a half intensively also about the causes of the infectious diseases and epidemics – I could notice that none of the available descriptions were in a full accordance with the Steiner’s descriptions.

This is not such a surprise in the case of the explanations of modern medicine which is based on one-sided materialistic understanding of the world, as it is in the case of representatives of anthroposophic medicine who should use the anthroposophical principles and methods of research [2] – including the very basic one to give explanations as to how they have arrived at their conclusions.

As this demand to prove things one is writing about has not been followed, in this article I will compare basic descriptions of the causes of infectious diseases from materialistic medical perspectives versus spiritual scientific ones. By means of these you will be able to make your own judgment as to what degree the statements of anthroposophic doctors about causes and nature of the so-called ‘Covid-19’ are in accordance with Steiner’s explanations and with findings of independent scientists that are presented in this article.

However, we should keep in mind that due to the extraordinary complexity of the human being – who comprises physical, etheric, astral and spiritual bodies – it is never possible to present all existing factors which contribute to the emergence of disease or maintenance of health. The first step is to become thoroughly familiar with the descriptions of the HOLISTIC APPROACH TO HEALING. In other articles about the corona pandemic available on this website there are descriptions of some other important aspects which need to be taken into account if we want to attain a more holistic grasp of the occurrence of an epidemic. Nonetheless, all this is just a small part of what could be written about this topic from the perspective of anthroposophical spiritual science.

The Simplistic Materialistic Formula:
Infectious Agent = Infection = Disease

The approach of modern medical science in dealing with infectious diseases is contained in the simple formula: “one cause for one disease that needs one medicine.” In accordance with this is the thought that “from conception to death, humans are targets for attack by multitudes of other living organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, and worms. The air people breathe, the soil they walk on, the waters and vegetation around them, the buildings they inhabit and work in, all can be populated with forms of life that are potentially dangerous.” [3] When we deal with gut parasites such as worms etc., such an outlook seems to a certain extent justifiable. But even in such cases it is legitimate to ask how changes in the body created suitable conditions for life of these parasites.

Modern medical science defines an infectious disease as “a process caused by an agent, often a type of microorganism, that impairs a person’s health. In many cases, infectious disease can be spread from person to person, either directly (e.g., via skin contact) or indirectly (e.g., via contaminated food or water).” [4]

The problem with such a simple approach is that in the case of microorganisms we do not have adequate explanation as to why we have in our body a constant colony of numerous germs without them causing any disease. And even the attempt to overcome this hurdle by distinction between so-called ‘pathological’ and ‘symbiotic’ bacteria cannot explain those cases of infectious diseases when specific beneficial bacteria turn into the pathological ones. All this indicates that the simplified formula of germ theory, established by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch – “bacteria=infection=disease” [5] – is not capable of explaining why all people who come into contact with bacteria or who have them inside their own microbiome do not become ill.

One interesting discovery is that Wikipedia is not an independent encyclopaedia, but is under the control of those who regard the pharmaceutical paradigm as the only scientific method while all other approaches are labelled as ‘pseudo-science’ or ‘charlatanism’. Among them is, of course, also the medical school that advocates the terrain theory developed by Antoine Béchamp, based on recognition that bacteria are multiplying only in a suitable environment.

First Fallacy of Modern Virology: Viruses Are Microorganisms

Even more interesting are discoveries about the systematic fallacies of the science of virology which have become a part of popular culture and without which it would not be possible to carry out the project of ‘corona pandemic’. The first systematic fallacy of modern virology is to regard the viruses as microorganisms in spite of the fact that the smallest forms of the living organisms are single celled organisms, amongst which the smallest are bacteria. Viruses belong to the group of biological molecules, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and genomes. [6] Although these molecules are essential for the functioning of all living organisms, this is not enough to regard them as organisms! For organism is in accordance with the definition of biology “a living thing that has an organised structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and maintain homeostasis.” [7] While all single celled and simple multicellular organisms, plants, animals and humans comply with these conditions, this is not the case with viruses. For in spite of an obvious endeavour of virology to attribute them properties that belong to the cells, this doesn’t change the fact that viruses are molecules. [8]

Second Fallacy of Modern Virology: Viruses Mutate

Closely related to the first fallacy is the claim that viruses can mutate in the same manner as microorganisms do. In biology, mutation is “any heritable alteration of the genes or chromosomes of an organism.” [9] However, in the traditional and modern practices of genetic modification of plants and animals, we need to distinguish the alteration of genes from the observable changes in the characteristics of a plant or an animal. Although change in the structure of genome is linked to change of a specific characteristic of a living organism, we should not forget that the genome is still a molecule. The term ‘mutation’ should be preserved exclusively for living organisms, the smallest of which are unicellular microorganisms.

When we, for example, observe the mutation of germs in the laboratory, [10] we do not see changes in their genetic structure; what we see are changes of their attributes and behaviour, such as increased resistance to antibiotics or other poisonous chemical in their environment. In fact, the genetic changes serve only as means of transferring the new acquired characteristic to the offspring.

In the case of viruses (which are parts of the genome of cells of microorganisms, plants, animals and humans) we are still dealing with molecules which can change its chemical composition if they are exposed to “any agent, including radioactive elements, ultraviolet radiation, and certain chemicals, that causes biological mutation.” [11] To say that viruses mutate is the same as saying that proteins, carbohydrates and fats (or any other molecules) mutate when their chemical structure changes. In the case of molecules we are dealing with chemical reactions and not mutations! The claim that viruses mutate and consequently present a constant threat to human health is just another case of twisting and misuse of the meaning of the words for the purpose of spreading the psychological propaganda of fear.

Third Fallacy of Modern Virology: Viruses Are Parasites

The third systematic fallacy of modern virology is to regard the viruses as pathological parasites that are capable of inhabiting the cells and forcing them to use their own resources to multiply viruses – to cause the so-called ‘infectious cycle’. This is an obvious case of transference of that which can be seen in the relationship of parasitic animals to their hosts, to the microscopic world of cells. However, in the year 2017 this explanation was refuted in a court case in Germany when the German Federal Supreme Court decided that there is not enough scientific evidence for the claim that measles is caused by a virus. [12] Because of this the whole approach to the dealing with ‘infectious viral’ diseases should change from that year onward. However, this will not happen without strong public pressure, for we are here confronted with at least one century long history of systematic indoctrination and bribery of the medical experts by the pharmaceutical industry. [13] This has brought one of them in the above referred court case to claim that “one cannot provide evidence in the classical sense in biology as one can in mathematics or physics. In biology one can only gather clues, which then in their entirety become conclusive.” [14] This is an evident confession under oath that modern medicine is to a great extent pseudo-science and charlatanism!!

Fourth Fallacy of Modern Virology: Viruses Are Infectious Agents

The fourth systematic fallacy of modern virology is to think that specific viruses can be transferred (via air or surfaces or direct touch) from one person to another and to infect them. This is especially clear in the case of the virus SARS-CoV-2, the existence of which has never been proven in accordance with the valid scientific procedure that has been in use till the middle of the 20th century. [15] The logical consequences of this fact are: “the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known; ‘variants’ of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known; it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.” [16]

In this case we are not only confronted with an unscientific approach, but also with the systematic purposeful deception of the public about the existence of the ‘deadly virus’ SARS-CoV-2 which is in reality an artificially created virus that exists only in the computer databases that keep data about the genetic structures of viruses. The procedure used in this creation was the following:

Just due to this disclosure the use of any vaccine against Covid-19 is nonsensical. For in reality we are dealing with a ‘computer virus’ which could not exist if people were not considering the human organism as a kind of computer hardware, and the activities inside this organism as computer programmes that can be modified as is done in the world of artificial intelligence. Such mechanistic understanding of living beings enables systematic indoctrination of a population with a theory of ‘pathological germs and viruses’. Due to this fact and much else the microbes and viruses have grown into global phantoms of fear that have power to influence the behaviour of all those people who have not yet developed a proper understanding of their own being and all factors that contribute to their health. For this is not possible to develop by means of explanations of materialistic science, but only by means of anthroposophical spiritual science.

The Imbalances of Our Internal Environment
as the Primary Causes of Infectious Diseases

Now we cannot go into the presentation of the original spiritual-karmic causes for the emergence of infectious diseases due to their extreme complexity. [18] Instead we will start with Steiner’s statement that we need to search for the causes of all internal physical illnesses in the irregularities in the domain of the of soul-spiritual life. [19] This doesn’t mean the denial of physical factors, but only that no therapy based solely on physical means will be able to bring real healing to patients. For without the awareness of the spiritual influences working in the background of the occurrence of a disease, we will not be capable of removing the original causes which are of a moral-spiritual nature.

For a real understanding of infectious diseases we need to start with the FOURFOLD HUMAN BEING. First we have the physical body – that is, the outward physical form of the body – which is built up out of mineral substances and which is for that reason visible to us. Then we have the invisible etheric body which enables our life processes and functions. The next invisible body is the astral body which enables us to have feelings and perceptions. The highest supersensible body is the ‘I’ or Ego, our essential self, which enables us to be conscious of ourselves as individual beings among other beings.

In one of his lectures Steiner classified physical diseases into the following groups: [20]

This classification helps us to grasp why infectious diseases are appearing in large numbers of people in the case of epidemics; for the physical body is that part of the human being that belongs to all humanity. In comparison to this the characteristics of the etheric body differ in regard to nationality and the characteristics of the astral body in regard to family (which is a modern form of tribal communities). Only ego is that part which belongs to one single man and enables him/her the development of individual characteristics. This differentiation manifests also in the area of human health.

For a better understanding of infectious diseases we need to look first at the anthroposophical explanation about the causes for the emergence of childhood infectious diseases. The first physical body is the result of inherited characteristics of mother, father and previous generations. For that reason “the organism of the newborn child is really still the sub­stance of the mother, into which the individuality is drawn with the first breath, incarnating itself and literally being bound to the flesh. It is only in the course of the first years of childhood that the ‘received’ protein is transformed to corre­spond to the individuality. In general, this process of adaptation happens as a gradual part of development, but it can also proceed dramatically in a short time: in this case, it manifests as fever or childhood disease in which the fever is the instrument of the ego in dissolv­ing the ‘old’ corporeality. For this reason, each fever is both a kind of rejuvenation and a new connection of ego and body.” [22]

It seems that people are not aware enough that within them there is a continually evolving process of dying of the specific number of cells which are replaced with newborn cells. This means that on average in a period of seven years we get a new body. And as the parts of our physical body are continually dying, it might attract – if there are present other necessary conditions – the various microorganisms whose task in nature is the recycling of organic matter. [23]

Hence it should be clear why Steiner again and again stresses that bacteria are not the primary cause for the emergence of infectious diseases, but are only the consequence of more hidden happenings in the human organism which are the result of the cumulative effects of karmic causes and the spiritual, astral and etheric radiations that constantly stream down on the Earth from cosmic constellations. To this we need to add the spiritual-psychological influences of materialism, selfishness, fear, hatred, social isolation, etc. – all of which have such power to take possession of large groups of people to such a degree that this triggers in them biochemical reactions that enable ‘infection’ and consequently the spread of epidemic. [24]

For that reason it is necessary to study “those diseases which can appear as epidemics according to their primary causes. To take an example: in all persons with a disposition to disturbance and damage of the head and breast rhythms, which find their crudest expression in the respiratory rhythm, there is a tendency to be much affected by a certain atmospheric and extra-telluric conditions. Others again, in whom the respiratory system is congenitally sound, are able to resist such influences. Of course we must make allowances for additional influences, and other factors of a complicated kind, but this brief and bare outline may make the principle understood.

Let us suppose a winter season, in which there is a powerful influence on the solar activity – and note please, not the operation of light, but the solar action – through the outer planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A constellation of that description in the winter operates quite differently from the unimpeded action of the Sun, when Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are at a greater distance. In such a winter the atmospheric conditions will differ from the norm; and there will be a remarkable influence (on persons constitutionally so disposed) upon the rhythmical activity between chest and head, of which the most obvious is the act of breathing itself.

We may state, however, that such cosmic conditions considerably strengthen the inclination to make this rhythm regular in people who have been born from sound conditions, and who are inwardly robust – though their external appearance may be very slight and delicate. In the case of such persons the respiratory rhythm is very well regulated and so also is the whole rhythm between chest and head. Such a stabilised inner rhythm is not easily disturbed from outside; serious injuries are required to affect it. But on persons with an irregularity of this rhythm, the external influences referred to work very strongly to disturb still more the already disturbed rhythm. Thus everyone with this disposition and resident in those parts of the earth under the special influence of the constellation in question, become liable to the complaints grouped as influenza or flu. These conditions and factors must be in operation, in order to create favourable soil for such ailments as influenza.” [25]

Therefore it should be acknowledged that “it is one of the most superficial views to regard the flora of the human intestines – and also the microscopic fauna found there and elsewhere in the human organism – as anything to be called the cause of sickness. It is really quite appalling, in the course of examining the literature on pathology today, to find in every chapter the refrain: In cases of this disease we have discovered such and such a bacillus, in cases of that disease, another bacillus and so forth. Such facts are of great interest to the study of the botany and zoology of the human organisms, but as regards the condition of disease they have at best only the significance of indicators, indicators enabling one to conclude that if this or that form of disease is present, the human organism thus affected offers appropriate soil for the growth of this or that interesting vegetable or animal microorganism. They mean this and nothing more.” [26]

The logic of thinking behind such explanations of modern medicine is the following: “Suppose for example you discover a landscape, in which you find numerous extremely well fed and healthy looking cattle. Would it occur to you to say: All that you behold in this countryside is as it is, because the cattle have somehow descended from the air and have infected the district? Such an idea would hardly occur to you; rather will you be obliged to inquire, why there are industrious people in this district, why the soil is specially favourable for this or that form of pasturage, and so on. You will probably exhaust all the possible reasons for well-fed livestock, in your mental review; but you would never dream of putting forward the theory that the countryside has been infected by an immigration of well fed cows! This however is exactly the train of reasoning displayed by medical science today, in respect of microbes” and other microorganisms which are found in the internal human ‘ecosystem’. However, “these remarkable creatures simply prove, by their presence, that there in the body is a certain type of medium or substratum favourable to them, and attention should accordingly be directed to the study of this substratum.” [27]

Among numerous primary reasons that can bring about the occurrence of suitable conditions for the multiplying of microorganisms “the really decisive factor is a certain unbalanced interaction of the upper and lower spheres in man, which may disturb or destroy their correct and normal relationship.” [28]

Let’s take for example diphtheria; medical science is regarding it as “an infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae.” [29] In opposition to this is Steiner’s explanation which is much more complex. It starts with revelation that “the human being himself produces slight animal poisons all the time. The faculties possessed by animals are due to the fact that they produce these poisons in themselves; if they did not, they would have no intelligence at all. The human being produces poisons very similar to the animal poisons, especially in organs situated near the head – but again in tiny quantities of which the body can make use. If the poisons are produced too vigorously there may, of course, be an excess of such animal poisons in the organism. This is what happens, for example, in diphtheria. Diphtheria is caused by animal poisons which have been produced by the human being himself.” [30] In comparison to this modern medicine thinks that “the symptoms of diphtheria are due to a toxin produced by the bacterium.” [31] This means that it is not able to distinguish between causes and consequences.

Such reversal of the order of precedence is evident also in the case of viruses. In the time of the ‘corona pandemic’ even anthroposophic doctors started to adopt the official explanations of the virus being the cause of the new infectious disease – in an obvious contradiction to Steiner’s statement that microorganisms are not primary agents of infectious diseases. Besides, if we study his explanations about the causes of infectious diseases we will find that they are radically different from the simplified formulas of modern medicine. With help of these explanations we can also comprehend why in the case of epidemics it is so easy to manipulate that part of public which has neither interest nor wish to invest any effort into the grasping of their own being and many factors that influence human health or contribute to the occurrence of diseases. [32]

On the Dangers of Over-Medicalisation
from a Spiritual Scientific Perspective

After we attain a spiritual scientific understanding of the origin of infectious diseases, we certainly may wonder if the vaccination of the whole population makes any sense. For among the population there are many people without any imbalance that enables the occurrence of an infectious disease. The logic of preventive vaccination of all people is the same as would be if we tried to prevent an ‘epidemic’ of high blood pressure with the preventive distribution of medicines that lower the blood pressure. In such a case it is obvious that all those who have normal blood pressure – and even more those with low pressure – would experience worsening of their health.

Unnecessary use of vaccines due to the fallacy of viral ‘asymptomatic infection’

Materialistic and anthroposophic medicine have both discovered that in the case of many diseases there exists a subclinical phase of disease which can be detected by means of detailed medical investigation although the person in question does not have any symptoms of a disease. “For example, a person can have high blood pressure for years without knowing, and some cancers have no symptoms until the later, more aggressive stages. These are known as asymptomatic conditions” [33] of a disease that can be identified on the basis of specific signs of concealed irregularities or imbalances in the human organism. [34]

All this is an expression of the subconscious happenings on the physiological level where all our supersensible bodies participate in the maintenance of a homeostatic balance. Homeostasis is the ability of the human organism to regulate its internal conditions, the dynamic, ever-changing state of various factors which need to be kept within narrow limits with the aim to maintain the healthy functions of the body. It includes body temperature, acidity/alkalinity of body fluids, levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, heartbeat, etc. When any of these factors oversteps the limits of a healthy balance there is a serious risk to the health of an individual.

The transfer of the concept of asymptomatic/subclinical condition to the infectious diseases would mean confirmation of Steiner’s explanation that these diseases occur due to pre-existing conditions of internal imbalances that create a favourable environment for excessive multiplication of specific germs. However, official medicine has made a U-turn in the case of infectious diseases and claims that the conditions of internal environment has nothing to do with the occurrence of an infectious disease, for all one needs is to get infected by germs or viruses!?

This has turned the concept of ‘asymptomatic infection’ into a powerful tool to coerce people to accept medication for the conditions which they do not possess, thus significantly contributing to over-medicalisation. This is an evident misuse of the findings of medical science of the existence of the subclinical or asymptomatic state of diseases. While in the cases of many non-communicable diseases it would be hard to convince people that they need a preventive medical intervention because they are already carrying inside them the preconditions for developing a disease, we are witnessing the wide use of this propaganda tool in the cases of modern fabricated epidemics.

If we take into consideration that from a spiritual scientific perspective people can get infected only on the soul-spiritual level, then we recognise the further level of manipulation of the public for the sake of increased ‘voluntary’ vaccine intake which contributes considerably to over-medicalisation in the present period of the evolution of humanity.

In fact, when we include psychological and mental symptoms we have more than enough evidence that in the case of the ‘corona pandemic’ (and similar ‘pandemics’ in the last decades) we cannot speak of asymptomatic infection. For among numerous very evident symptoms exhibited by those who were ‘infected’ by the onslaught of media propaganda we can list:

And often the combination of these two symptoms has lead into borderline mental disorders, manifesting among others:

Additional reason for the fallacy of ‘asymptomatic infection’ in the case of the ‘corona pandemic’ is the counting of everyone who had a ‘positive’ PCR test as ‘infected’. [35] And as the great majority of them did not exhibit any symptoms of a disease they were simply labeled as ‘asymptomatic cases’ who carry inside them the dangerous ‘virus’. This is really a completely unsubstantiated claim when we bear in mind that our body constantly generates so-called ‘viral debris’ (which is a product of normal dying of cells that are continually renewed) and that there are no scientific means to distinguish viral particles that come from outside from those produced inside us.

Things become even more absurd when we know that inventor of PCR test said: “With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. Because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body.” [36] And in the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus the PCR test did not even search for the whole molecule, but only for short sequences which were thought to be typical of this virus[37]

Therefore we can conclude that the use of the concept of ‘asymptomatic infection’ in the case of the ‘corona pandemic’ (or any other modern ‘viral epidemic’) is a gross misuse of the medical fact of the existence of the subclinical state of diseases – in combination with the fraudulent testing method – with the aim to literally create the ‘pandemic’ by counting million of ‘cases of infection’ on the basis of a ‘positive’ PCR test alone. The negative outcomes of this psychological-media-political operation are not just all the deaths and other adverse effects which are directly linked to vaccination. Besides this we need pay heed to more hidden negative health impacts due to unnecessary over-vaccination which will manifest only years or decades later with the increase of sclerotic diseases. [38]

The negative health consequences also for those who can be helped by vaccination

When people who have preconditions for development of a specific infectious disease are vaccinated by suitable vaccine (without any unnecessary toxic substance) one would justifiably expect that this will not have any negative consequences. However, as is evident from Steiner’s description of diphtheria, this is not the case. According to his explanation diphtheria is triggered by an imbalance between two life streams – one that comes from outside through the skin and another that moves from the kidneys upward and outward from the body. “The heart occupies a position in between and is highly sensitive to too much activity from outside or inside. The heart can sense when the kidneys begin to be overly active, and it also senses when the skin’s activity begins to be too strong or too weak.” Diphtheria occurs when “the skin suddenly becomes weak and subdued. The activity of the skin is too weak, so a person with diphtheria suffers from too little exchange of air through the skin.” In such a case “the heart can no longer restrain the activity of the kidneys, which shoots upward.” And “because the skin activity is no longer working effectively from outside, superfluous [unneeded] skin forms on the inside” [39] in the throat – as one of the typical symptoms of diphtheria.

And what is Steiner’s recommendation for a therapy? In spite of saying that “treatment with modified virus vaccine is effective in the case of diphtheria, because the body is thus given a strong impulse to become active,” he at the same time warns that it has also unfavourable after-effects. “Particularly if a child is treated with vaccine, it will later suffer a hardening of its organization,” it will suffer from the long-term sclerotic impact of vaccination. “One therefore must strive actually to replace treatment with vaccine with that of bathing” – such as a rosemary bath [40] – which has a stimulating effect on activity of the skin and thus establishes a healthy balance in the human organism. What is essential in such treatment is that “the forces of healing must be summoned everywhere within the body itself.” [41]

Among the basic principles of anthroposophic medicine in dealing with physical illnesses is a distinction between inflammatory diseases and sclerotic diseases. As one of the typical attributes of infectious diseases is the occurrence of fever, it is obvious that they belong to the ‘hot’ illnesses which have opposite tendencies in comparison to ‘cold’ sclerotic illnesses. [42]

This principle helps us to comprehend why in the cases of infectious diseases there are effective vaccines which are the polar method of the medical intervention. [43] But this is valid only in the case of real infectious diseases and if there is a proper vaccine – what is not always the case. For in our times we have many cases of invented ‘viral’ epidemics. [44] And even in cases of real epidemics it is necessary to add proper ‘spiritual vaccine’ – that is the knowledge of the spiritual aspects which have contributed to the emergence of a disease with the aim that we overcome our weaknesses and past errors. [45]

Awareness of the above polarity of the physical illnesses helps us to understand why modern humanity is confronted with the large increase of sclerotic diseases. “Every febrile illness brings about a radical change in the constitution of the human organism. The fundamental polarity of inflammation (fever) and sclerosis (abnormal deposits) is influenced by every process in the warmth organism. This means that any suppression of a fever or inflammation pushes the balance in favour of a disease lying on the sclerotic side.” [46] And because there exists in the case of infectious diseases an almost pathological state of fear of these diseases, we are witnessing in modern times their systematic suppression without any consideration of negative consequences in the form of increase of sclerotic illnesses. 

The prevalent use of mineral medicines and vaccines is not the only influence that contributes to an increase of sclerotic illnesses. To this are contributing all impulses of materialistic science in the area of education, medicine and food production. These are the Three Main Culprits for the Present Worldwide Health Crisis. And the healing impulses of spiritual science have the power to counteract these negative influences on human health.

Only through a much more holistic approach to the questions of human health and disease can we avoid the dangers of a continuous increase of the use of mineral medicines and vaccines which is leading towards the continuous increase of sclerotic illnesses which are nowadays the real global ‘epidemic’. That which distinguishes this ‘epidemic’ of sclerotic diseases with the epidemics of inflammatory diseases, is their more hidden harmful effect which is not so strong and dramatic as with inflammatory diseases. In spite of this sclerotic diseases are by far the main causes of death on the global level.

For that reason it does not make sense to contribute to their increase with the systematic spreading of the fear of infectious diseases and with the consequent campaigns of vaccination. This is good only for the profit-driven investors in the pharmaceutical companies and all the rest who are getting a substantial income from the advertising of medicines and vaccines, from patents on inventions, from production of new technological devices, and so on.

Therefore what we really need is a better understanding of the nature of human health and all methods that contribute to its maintenance without serious adverse effects. We urgently need true implementation of the principle of the free market where – instead of state regulatory institutions under the control of Big Pharma – findings of independent science, preferences of the users of medical services and the success of therapies themselves will be the decisive factors in the choice of medical therapies. 

For additional perspectives see:

Are Viruses and Microbes the Real Culprits in the Emergence of Deadly Epidemics?

A Spiritual Scientific Perspective on the Origin of Viruses and the Nature of Viral Diseases


  1. One of the outcomes of my two decades long intensive study of Steiner’s works is the compilation of Rudolf Steiner’s Extracts on Disease and Health.
  2. See brief description of Main Characteristics of Spiritual-Scientific Research.
  3. Britannica Online Encyclopedia/Infectious disease, April 2021
  4. As above
  5. See Review of the book Virus Mania.
  6. The classification of viruses as microorganisms is even more questionable if we compare them with genomes of human cells which are extremely large organic molecules, containing whole genetic transcription, while viruses contain rather short chains of DNA or RNA. For example, the human genome is 300.000 times larger than the AIDS virus; in spite of this it is not regarded as a microorganism as is done in the case of this and all other viruses.
  7. Source of definition: Internet
  8. In the chapter Was Steiner Really Not Able to Differentiate between Bacteria and Viruses? there is a short summary of the changing comprehension of the nature of viruses.
  9. Reader’s Digest Universal Dictionary, London, 1987
  10. One very illustrative example of mutations of microorganisms is available in a 2 minute long video of advancing E. Coli: The Evolution of Bacteria on a ‘Mega-Plate’ Petri Dish by Harvard Medical School
  11. See note 9
  12. See the chapter There Is No Scientific Evidence That the Foreign Viruses Are Causing ‘Viral Diseases’ where there is a description of the scientific procedure which is supposedly proving the ‘infectious’ nature of viruses.
  13. For those who wish to become familiar with the state of corruption in medical science I recommend the article by Dr. Pascal Sacré, Politics and Corruption at the World Health Organization. And those who wish to know more see the books: David L. Lewis PhD, Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits, 2014; Judy Mikovits, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, 2020
  14. Dr Stefan Lanka, The Misconception Called Virus - Measles as an Example, Wissenschafftplus Magazin, January 2020
  15. For a better understanding of the modern procedures of demonstration see selection of articles of other authors About Virus Isolation and PCR Test.
  16. Sally Fallon Morell, MA, Dr. Tom Cowan, MD, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD, Statement on Virus Isolation, 7.04.2021
  17. The quote of dr. Andrew Kaufman from the article by Makia Freeman, SARS-CoV-2: The Stitched Together, Frankenstein Virus, 25.09.2020
  18. For those who would like to know about Steiner’s descriptions of the spiritual and karmic causes for the emergence of epidemics I recommend Two Collections of Steiner’s Extracts on Infectious Diseases and Epidemics.
  19. See introductory text PHYSICAL vs MENTAL ILLNESSES.
  20. Rudolf Steiner, Berlin, 10.11.1908; The Being of Man and His Future Evolution,
  21. As above
  22. Friedrich Husemann, Otto Wolff, and others, The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine, Vol. I, Anthroposophic Press, 1982
  23. See the chapter Parasitic Forms of Microscopic Life as the Great Benefactors of Natural Ecosystems.
  24. In the chapter In Reality We Can Get Infected Only on the Soul-Spiritual Level there is a description of the conditions for it and the nature of infection.
  25. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 07.04.1920; Spiritual Science and Medicine,
  26. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 24.03.1920; Spiritual Science and Medicine,
  27. Both quotes in the paragraph: Same source as above
  28. See note 26
  29. Wikipedia/Diphtheria, May 2021
  30. Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 19.01.1924; Cosmic Workings in Earth and Man,
  31. See note 29
  32. For an additional description see the chapter The Imbalances of Our Internal Environment as the Primary Causes of Infectious Diseases.
  33. Adam Felman, Why do signs and symptoms matter?, Medical News Today, 22.02.2018
  34. Although many people use the terms ‘sign’ and ‘symptom’ interchangeably, there are important differences that affect their use in medicine. A sign is the effect of a health problem that can be observed by someone else. A symptom is an effect that can be noticed and experienced only by the person who has health problems (same source as above).
  35. In the Serbian Sputnik news (in July 2021) one could read about the “drastic difference” of the “symptoms of having delta variant of coronavirus: dry and painful throat; secretion from the nose in old people; no temperature, no loss of taste and smell.” This means that more dangerous variant of Covid-flu has less signs and symptoms. With such an approach we will have at the end only a ‘positive’ PCR test as a single symptom of “the most lethal” omega variant!
  36. Nobel laureate Dr. Kary Mullis, quoted in A Critical Assessment of the COVID-19 Crisis, for Anthroposophists by Tim Nadelle, 2021.
  37. This issue is presented in great detail in the selection of articles About PCR Tests and Protection. In the article PCR Tests Detect Fragments of Microbes and Human RNA are given even the exact sequences which are considered typical for virus SARS-CoV-2 in spite of the fact that these same sequences are present in dozens of sequences of the human genome itself and in those of about a hundred microbes.
  38. All those who think that vaccines will not have any negative health impact on them need to be cognisant of the cumulative effect of many factors of modern life that contribute to the increase of sclerotic types of diseases. If person lives in a health supporting manner and if all other factors are consciously balanced without frequent use of mineral medications, then is a small chance that a few vaccines will contribute to the onset of a sclerotic disease. However, as we get older (which in itself makes our body more sclerotic in comparison to a young age) the pressures are increasing and for that reason we need to take control more and more actively of all aspects of own health. However, this is possible only if we attain a real understanding of own being and all factors that contribute to health. And that is not at all as easy a challenge as many people (including anthroposophists) are imagining!
  39. All quotes in the paragraph: Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 20.01.1923; Health and Illness, Vol. II,
  40. We need to clarify that the most suitable therapy for an infectious disease depends on the diagnosis of causes of an internal imbalance. As the nature of this imbalance is different in various diseases it should be obvious that Steiner is not saying that herbal baths are always the most suitable therapy for an infectious disease. We need to clarify that the most suitable therapy for an infectious disease depends on the diagnosis of causes of an internal imbalance. As the nature of this imbalance is different in various diseases it should be obvious that Steiner is not saying that herbal baths are always the most suitable therapy for an infectious disease. Nevertheless, it is obviously evident that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t have any financial incentive to replace diphtheria vaccines with herbal baths!
  41. All quotes in the paragraph: Same source as in the note 39
  42. See introductory text 'HOT' vs 'COLD' ILLNESSES.
  43. This statement refers to the polarity of therapies which makes sense only when we give consideration to the esoteric explanation of the origin of illnesses indicated in the main image. As there exists a polarity of ‘hot’ versus ‘cold’ illnesses, so there are ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ therapies. All mineral drugs and vaccines belong to the group of ‘cold’ therapies which stimulate the processes of contraction of physical forms which are necessary for the functioning of our organism. This means that the use of these medical drugs can be useful if they are used in the cases of ‘hot’ diseases where there exists the danger of excessive dissolution of organic forms. But in a case of over-medicalisation it will stimulate occurrences of various sclerotic diseases.
  44. See Review of the book Virus Mania.
  45. For a more detailed description see The Spiritual Impacts of Vaccines and Drugs on the Future Development of Humanity.
  46. Friedrich Husemann, Otto Wolff, and others, The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine, Vol. I, Anthroposophic Press, 1982