Refined vs wholefood

This glossary is accompanying the report "Is Refined Food Really Organic?" It contains ‘definitions’ (i.e. characterisations) of the key words used in this report.

The term (Organic) Refined Food(s) in this text refers only to different forms of refined carbohydrate foods, such as:

Whenever I use Refined Foods in small caps it has the above meaning. Whenever I use ‘refined food(s)’ in lower case, it means all kinds of refined food, including refined oils and refined salt

There is a great deal of confusion in regard to the various types of sugar: one cannot rely either on names of sugars or their colours. Even information on the percentage of sucrose for various sugars is contradictory. To avoid confusion due to this problem I decided to use the expression:

The term (Organic) Wholefood(s) refers to whole, unrefined carbohydrate foods, such as:

Whenever I use Wholefoods in small caps it has the above meaning. Whenever I use ‘whole food(s)’ in lower case, the term includes also vegetables and other kinds of wholefood.

The main question of the research "Is Refined Food Really Organic?" is addressed from various perspectives, all focusing exclusively on the comparison of advantages or disadvantages of attitudes and practices related to Wholefoods versus Refined Foods. When I wish to emphasise, or just to remind the reader about this, I will use the expression Wholefood vs Refined in small caps.