“As human beings, we eat. In this process, we bring substances from the outside world into our own organism. Just as we take matter in, we are also continuously losing matter to the outside. The human being loses matter all the time, and in fact is completely rebuilt in the span of about seven years. But what has renewed you over the past seven or eight years never lived in the potato or cabbage fields. It lives out in the universe, in the Sun, Moon, and stars. It came down from there. You made yourself anew out of the universe.”

Rudolf Steiner

Earthly Nutritional Stream

The Brain as an Instrument of Thinking

Cosmic Forces as Forces of Thinking

Earthly Substances In Our Food

Earthly Substances In Our Nervous System

Cosmic Nutritional Stream

Cosmic Ethers as Cosmic Substances

Nourishing Through the Sense Organs and Breathing

Endocrine Glands as an Entrance of Cosmic Ethers

The Human Body Renewed out of the Universal Ether

Food as Source of Energy

The Nature of Life Energy in Our Food

Seven Life Processes of the Human Organism

Food's Vitality Stimulates Life Processes