The advanced level demands that we take into account the existence of etheric, astral and spiritual forces and substances. We can also call it the Anthroposophic Level.
This level contains fifty-two Fundamental Principles of Nutrition.

“May the light in this food
Lighten our darkness
That in our darkness
We may know the Light of this World.”

Anonymous Author

Nutrition as a Bridge to the World

Three Bridges between Man and the Outside World

Creation of an Inner Space for Activities of Nutrition

Fourfold Nature of Real Foods

Nutrition for Body and Soul

Nourishment for Our Enjoyment and Bodily Needs

Subjective versus Objective Facts of Nutrition

Nutrition – Healing – Education

The Main Physiological Functions of Three Systems

Nerve-Sense System: Learning through Perceiving and Thinking

Rhythmic System: Healing through Soul-Balancing

Metabolic-Limb System: Will in Nutrition and Action

Nutrition as a Supersensible Activity

Physiological Processes as Supersensible Processes

The Aim of Supersensible ‘Digestion’ of Food Substances