english website

© BRANE ŽILAVEC (except for quotations), 2012

Brane Žilavec asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work, except for quotations.

Quotations from Rudolf Steiner and other authors are under copyright of the publishers of the books (listed in the notes).


slovenska spletna stran


Brane Žilavec ima avtorske pravice do vsebine te spletne strani, vključno z delnimi pravicami do prevoda.

Robert Križnar ima delne avtorske pravice do prevoda v slovenščino.


















There are many people to whom I thank for diverse ways of help in my journey which enabled me to gain experiences, skills and knowledge that were necessary for creating this website. The list would be too long to mention all. But I will mention those who contributed on a voluntary basis to the creation of this website. I especially need to thank:

Their help came at the right times to enable me to implement an idea that has been accompanying me since 1998. Without their help it would take me much longer!

I would like also to thank the following people and organisations: